Keys and the hatch

Keys are unbalanced but this discussion isn't about that

So as it is right now, if someone opens the hatch with a key and the killer closes the hatch, the EGC will start no matter how many survivors are left or how many generators are left. The other day I was playing a match as killer and a survivor opened the hatch and escaped with 2 others, and I closed it and the EGC started. They screwed their teammate and left her (nea) to die. Bad move on their part, but whatever.

I think that if someone opens the hatch with a key and the killer closes it, it should NOT start the EGC if there is more than 1 survivor left in the match or if there are any generators left to be repaired.

I apologize if this isnt written well, I can't seem to get my thoughts in order today. I hope you understand what i mean.
