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What exactly is the balance the devs strive for?

Mercury Member Posts: 326
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

They mentioned they want to reach a point of two sacrifices and two escapes. This would be the kind of balance which is acceptable to them.

I always wondered from that point. How does that translate into hooks?

Are we talking full on one-hook never saved and they die.
Is it along the lines of three hooks for them, so two survivors have been hooked three times?
Is every survivor supposed to be hooked two times and two escape at the brink of death?

What kind of balance are we trying to achieve here?

Any insight, fellow fog travelers?

Post edited by Mercury on


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    At the moment it looks like the 2 kill average is reached via hardcore camping the first guy and then killing the 2nd one with NOED :wink:

    If you look at the official tournament, then we are really far away from a 2 kill average balance for all killers

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    @Master said:
    At the moment it looks like the 2 kill average is reached via hardcore camping the first guy and then killing the 2nd one with NOED :wink:

    If you look at the official tournament, then we are really far away from a 2 kill average balance for all killers

    That's exactly what I'm fearing here. The sad truth.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    the 'balance' they're 'trying to achieve' is keeping 4 ppl happy as hell and dropping shitloads of cash on outrageously priced outfits and hyping the game.... while simultaneously trying to keep one struggling and salty bastard calm enough to continue hosting tbag parties for them.... its a very delicate formula....

    sad but true
    Its a "balance" act, literally. One mistake and they lose their cashcows or the clown playing with the cashcows :wink:

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    I still think we'll get AI killers at one point. He only needs to know how to run in circles anyway.

    There's simply not enough time to do 12 hooks during a match. Unless survivors are rank 20.
    But the devs don't want to introduce additional objectives. So they give killers a reason to leave the hook (BBQ) but slowly nerf it until no one uses it anymore. Since survivors hate it more than camping.
  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    @Tsulan said:
    I still think we'll get AI killers at one point. He only needs to know how to run in circles anyway.

    There's simply not enough time to do 12 hooks during a match. Unless survivors are rank 20.
    But the devs don't want to introduce additional objectives. So they give killers a reason to leave the hook (BBQ) but slowly nerf it until no one uses it anymore. Since survivors hate it more than camping.

    Well it's not supposed to be 12 hooks each and every time. But it should be a bare minimum of a flat six hooks- for BaLaNcE. I still would like to know what their 2-2 equals in hooks.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    80% of the population is playing survivor.  make sense now?
  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    80% of the population is playing survivor.  make sense now?

    No just even more confused. That- what? This doesn't have to do with the population.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    it is balanced in favor of the survivors.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Mercury said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I still think we'll get AI killers at one point. He only needs to know how to run in circles anyway.

    There's simply not enough time to do 12 hooks during a match. Unless survivors are rank 20.
    But the devs don't want to introduce additional objectives. So they give killers a reason to leave the hook (BBQ) but slowly nerf it until no one uses it anymore. Since survivors hate it more than camping.

    Well it's not supposed to be 12 hooks each and every time. But it should be a bare minimum of a flat six hooks- for BaLaNcE. I still would like to know what their 2-2 equals in hooks.

    Well, they are forcing a certain play style with the emblems. Killing to fast results in black pip or single pip. While killing to slow grants the same. (All gens get done)

    The balance they strive for is to give survivors an exciting match with lots of scary moments but no real danger. Something to make a funny compilation for YouTube.
  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    I'd like balance to revolve around 8 hooks. A fun game is one where I get to even out pressure without camping and tunneling. Getting 3 hooks on two people is unfun for the two that didn't see the killer all game, unfun for the people that got tunneled and camped and unfun for the killer that feels like they have to tunnel and camp to get a kill. Because if a two kill average is being met currently it's quite obviously due to camping and tunneling all game or the survivors being rank 21s

  • Will
    Will Member Posts: 20

    2 dead 2 escaped is prime balance

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    Well it's not Balanced Match Making I'll tell you that right now.

    Why would a survivor even need to Downrank at Rank 5 you apparently get matched against the Mighty Rank 20 Day 1 Nubs.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    I get to camp two snotty survs, on average. This is balance :)

    But most times it is more sicne they cant resist coming for the unhook. If they ever stopped being greedy and got out i would still get two as that is balance.

    I got one snotty surv on the hook.
    One snotty surv.
    Smack one down, treat him like a clown
    And wait for the next to come around.
    I got two snotty survs on the hook.
    two snotty survs
    smack one down, treat him like a clown
    And wait for the next to come around
    I got three snotty survs on the hook

    you get the idea......

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    The balance they are aiming for? The game needs to be 4x more frustrating for the killer so that players are more likely to play survivor to keep the queues balanced.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    Hard to say in what type of balance aim devs right now.But if devs aim in 2KILLS 2escape like somone write here got 1 surv on hook camp.Got 2 with luck or noed and camp.