No fun ranking and camping isn't my problem

BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

Let's face it, no one plays DBD for fun anymore, when it comes down to it people play for ranks and making the score board.

Killers struggle to win, and resort to camping which is honestly looked down upon, tunnling is annoying but killer's atleast lets you get saved. (I perfer tunneling, its challenging)

Survivors run the same old boring builds that they know is a almost garenty victory with skill. they get mad after being tunnled and DC. (dumb excuse for DC-ing) or for other reasons

I play for fun, weather I'm maining survivor or playing killer for free points and to just mess with people and give them free points. (or to improove and understand how both sides work)
I also play for the cool cosmetics, one person role play, and a challenge.

I'll admit I get mad and frustrated, and I do DC, but I only disconnect if I have to do work else where, or (survivor reason only) if I can't get saved while being camped.
(Hey I'm not wasting my time on a match were the killer is just going to sit there and watch me die) I know I'm not going to escape every time and I understand that, but I'm not wasting a match where its not fun.

Besides what's wrong with me DC when I get camped? Killer gets the full points if he had actually killed me, rank isn't important to me, items I'll just get back later in the blood web. So go ahead and camp, I don't care, I'll just leave and play a different match.


So yeah I'm just playing for fun. You don't need to tell me why killers camp, I under stand that they are unplayable, and ultimately rage inducing. So really play how ever you want. Camping is just a flaw with the game and we survivors have to accept that. I have, too bad only the few like me probably play for fun.

(This is what I'm doing, no arguing on camping because neither side wins, and we have our own ways of ticking off killers we aren't all innocent)


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    You ask whats wrong when you DC? You actually commit a bannable offense, oh and the killer doesnt get the full bloodpoints. In fact, if all survivors DC instantly, then the killer gets 2500 BP, just to put it into relation.
    DCing supports the killer in his behaviour and punishes your team, but thats a different story

    Not really understanding the thread anyway, do you want to get killers buffed such taht they dont have to camp or what is the intention?

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Master said:
    You ask whats wrong when you DC? You actually commit a bannable offense, oh and the killer doesnt get the full bloodpoints. In fact, if all survivors DC instantly, then the killer gets 2500 BP, just to put it into relation.
    DCing supports the killer in his behaviour and punishes your team, but thats a different story

    Not really understanding the thread anyway, do you want to get killers buffed such taht they dont have to camp or what is the intention?

    This is my feeling towards DBD, And an explination as to why I will.

    I feel like no one can have fun anymore unless they are playing a private match with friends. Buffing killers so the don't have to camp? sure if thats possible, I'd love it to be fair both ways. I have played the kid friendlier version of DBD on my phone, and thats way more ballenced DBD itself. it even has what DS should be.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    i dc'd as killer last night.  not dashboarded as is common on ps4.  i had my fill of swf antics game after unfun game, so i sought the fast track to derank.  i felt better but dude got all crazy up in my message box, then asked if i was mad.  "nah, i'm good."  then he "reported me".  i hope if they ban for disconnects, they at least look at what was going on prior to the dc.
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    This post really confused me and I am usually able to understand gibberish, I do live in the southern US afterall.

    From what I understand, no one plays for fun anymore, but you play for fun. You DC if you have to work (why are you in a lobby in the first place then) or because you are getting camped. Intentional DCs are bannable, just a heads up there. Then you go on to again say you play for fun and play how you want. Then you say camping is part of the game and accept it. That confused me, dont you DC when you get camped? How is that accepting camping as part of the game.

    BTW, I actually do only play for fun, I dont care about ranks anymore. I also never DC. Not if I get hooked or if something comes up. Hell, I played a game a few days ago when I had to take care of the baby and ended up being flashlight clicked to death while standing still. I still did not DC on the toxic survivors.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    edited July 2018
    @lasombra- let me know when you have proof of banning for dc'ing.
    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @BLUE_APE said:
    Let's face it, no one plays DBD for fun anymore, when it comes down to it people play for ranks and making the score board.

    Killers struggle to win, and resort to camping which is honestly looked down upon, tunnling is annoying but killer's atleast lets you get saved. (I perfer tunneling, its challenging)

    Survivors run the same old boring builds that they know is a almost garenty victory with skill. they get mad after being tunnled and DC. (dumb excuse for DC-ing) or for other reasons

    I play for fun, weather I'm maining survivor or playing killer for free points and to just mess with people and give them free points. (or to improove and understand how both sides work)
    I also play for the cool cosmetics, one person role play, and a challenge.

    I'll admit I get mad and frustrated, and I do DC, but I only disconnect if I have to do work else where, or (survivor reason only) if I can't get saved while being camped.
    (Hey I'm not wasting my time on a match were the killer is just going to sit there and watch me die) I know I'm not going to escape every time and I understand that, but I'm not wasting a match where its not fun.

    Besides what's wrong with me DC when I get camped? Killer gets the full points if he had actually killed me, rank isn't important to me, items I'll just get back later in the blood web. So go ahead and camp, I don't care, I'll just leave and play a different match.


    So yeah I'm just playing for fun. You don't need to tell me why killers camp, I under stand that they are unplayable, and ultimately rage inducing. So really play how ever you want. Camping is just a flaw with the game and we survivors have to accept that. I have, too bad only the few like me probably play for fun.

    (This is what I'm doing, no arguing on camping because neither side wins, and we have our own ways of ticking off killers we aren't all innocent)

    I play for fun, and trust me it's a lot more enjoyable. Testing out random builds and seeing how far your powers can go is much more enjoyable than some number that means nothing.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    tombstone checking his crazy at the door?  what's next?
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316

    "constantly" dc'ing.  also this is for pc.  consoles yet?
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    lasombra1979 said:

    @EpicFailTryHard Ask and you shall recieve.

    "constantly" dc'ing.  also this is for pc.  consoles yet?

    One time DC will not get you a ban, but DCing as the OP suggest would. And yes, those rules do apply to consoles. How much are they being enforced, that is a different discussion.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    true dat.  i keep such events to a minimun myself.  that teabagging though....
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
    DC in my game and u automatically get reported mate

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
    I don't care for excuses
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @BLUE_APE said:
    Let's face it, no one plays DBD for fun anymore, when it comes down to it people play for ranks and making the score board.

    Killers struggle to win, and resort to camping which is honestly looked down upon, tunnling is annoying but killer's atleast lets you get saved. (I perfer tunneling, its challenging)

    Survivors run the same old boring builds that they know is a almost garenty victory with skill. they get mad after being tunnled and DC. (dumb excuse for DC-ing) or for other reasons

    I play for fun, weather I'm maining survivor or playing killer for free points and to just mess with people and give them free points. (or to improove and understand how both sides work)
    I also play for the cool cosmetics, one person role play, and a challenge.

    I'll admit I get mad and frustrated, and I do DC, but I only disconnect if I have to do work else where, or (survivor reason only) if I can't get saved while being camped.
    (Hey I'm not wasting my time on a match were the killer is just going to sit there and watch me die) I know I'm not going to escape every time and I understand that, but I'm not wasting a match where its not fun.

    Besides what's wrong with me DC when I get camped? Killer gets the full points if he had actually killed me, rank isn't important to me, items I'll just get back later in the blood web. So go ahead and camp, I don't care, I'll just leave and play a different match.


    So yeah I'm just playing for fun. You don't need to tell me why killers camp, I under stand that they are unplayable, and ultimately rage inducing. So really play how ever you want. Camping is just a flaw with the game and we survivors have to accept that. I have, too bad only the few like me probably play for fun.

    (This is what I'm doing, no arguing on camping because neither side wins, and we have our own ways of ticking off killers we aren't all innocent)

    A lot of these are just assumptions and not everyone runs into this every single game. Every game is different cause you will always be playing against different players/killers or with other survivors. That goes for being the killer you will run into different survivors. So many variables contribute to the outcome of a match. The fact that you DC is just a waste of your time cause you don't get anything out of it. You lose your points if you really cared about points and it acts like you did nothing for the allotted time you clicked join lobby or create lobby. If you don't mind wasting your own time than DC. Also killers can be good if played correctly. Not every killer plays optimally.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Tombstone218 said:

    I play for fun, and trust me it's a lot more enjoyable. Testing out random builds and seeing how far your powers can go is much more enjoyable than some number that means nothing.

    At least you get it

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @douggie123 said:
    I don't care for excuses

    @douggie123 said:
    DC in my game and u automatically get reported mate

    I told you I don't care, besides I can record a videos to show why I DC'd.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @douggie123 said:
    I don't care for excuses

    @douggie123 said:
    DC in my game and u automatically get reported mate

    I told you I don't care, besides I can record a videos to show why I DC'd.

    DCing over camping is considered rage quitting and that is ban-able. Please, record and post videos of you DCing.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @lasombra1979 said:

    DCing over camping is considered rage quitting and that is ban-able. Please, record and post videos of you DCing.

    Who said I'm posting them? I'm keeping them in my computer. Also if killers are so weak, how come there are higher rank killers who don't camp?

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    DC in my game and u automatically get reported mate

    eek.  another interwebz toughy.
  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    lasombra1979 said:

    @EpicFailTryHard Ask and you shall recieve.

    "constantly" dc'ing.  also this is for pc.  consoles yet?

    One time DC will not get you a ban, but DCing as the OP suggest would. And yes, those rules do apply to consoles. How much are they being enforced, that is a different discussion.

    There are no bans on console. NotQueen said they want to add them but have "no eta". So probably never. It took them like a year to add soft bans to pc even.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    :: dc'ing like a boss ::
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
    Mods see videos of posted of rage quitting you may have pretty much earned yourself a one way ticket to ban city.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    Mods see videos of posted of rage quitting you may have pretty much earned yourself a one way ticket to ban city.

    ok, fruity.  keep massaging that report button.
  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    I did play for fun but got bored with all them tryhard survivors and sweaty camping killers.
    Had stopped playing ~3 weeks ago and after seeing the patch notes decided to uninstall the game. I already can see where the devs want to take the game and I don't support it.
    In time they will let the killers permanently lock hatch without activating gates. Just lock it and rip last survivor.
    Then probably remove more pallets and make most of the pallets not safe so that looping wouldn't last more than 5 seconds cuz you need to be "stealthy" , right? Especially with all the new aura reading perk buffs...
    Then maybe make survivors run slower cuz it's too tough to chase them, who knows.

    I love playing killer too and played almost equally both sides recently (before stopping playing) but it's just pathetic how they are licking killer "main" crybaby butts.

    Anyway , whoever stays here , have fun.
    I'll continue playing games I enjoy .

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    On behalf of all serious players, I'd just like to take a moment to thank you for uninstalling.  It was the right thing to do.
  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    Admits to tunneling and also DC's as a survivor when he gets camped LMAO