Just wanted to share the Tome 4 challenges.
Even if you could it won't be enough to complete the rift. Gathering XP is the only way.
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Is the 4th tome even out? I thought it was locked behind a time wall until later. If that's the case, why are we jumping on the ship of "they didn't do anything to fix this" when we don't know yet? I'm open to being proven wrong though!
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This has to be changed
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You can see the tome 4 when you click archives after you finish all challenges in tome 1, idk if it's a bug or something
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So am I.
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Put me against a team of rank 20 survivors and it would still take multiple attempts AND be luck based to get some of these. I've watched my girlfriend playing she just started so her whole team is between 15-20 most games and at least one DCs every time for seemingly unknown reasons.
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Devs you must change this.
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As a solo survivor myself,I'm gonna save my sanity and not attempt these
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The endgame one doesn't seem THAT difficult if you ran a full endgame build (NOED, Remember Me, Bitter Murmur, Blood Warden.) as I just got a 4K running one. Still think it's obnoxious though and survivors will see an influx of NOED.
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It'd still require you to not win too fast or too hard, plus having to rely that survivors won't just slam the DC because they got downed once.
Also, you'd not wanna run Remember Me since the EGC needs to be ACTIVE. Aka, a gate opened.
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You know you can open the door as the killer right?
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I hope they change this, because these challenges are too hard and no way a casual player who plays 1 hour a day could complete them, since the devs said the challenges were based on the idea a person with 1 hour to play, each day, could do them. Not even people with much more free time. Very disappointing.
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I've noticed that. Hell of a grind but I'm enjoying it so far.
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They are from the live version. You can see them for yourself when you have completed the tome.
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Saw in another thread that you'd need roughly 150 hours of pure match-time (aka not including queues and time spent in menus) to get all Fragments left if you 100% all the Archive's challenges.
That's pretty BS. Didn't the developers say that it'd only take about 70-80 hours in total, including the Archive's challenges?
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Some of these challenges are ridiculous: they remember me when I did my first exam of game design at the college. The game we made had some very hard and frustrating side objectives to achieve. Then I proposed to my team to change them to be still difficult but less stressful, because 1 of the metric was to keep the players happily and healthy interested in reaching their goals (even if challenging). Even with that change we failed that metric because they were still negative for the players behavior.
Now ... this was the "first" exam, the abc of game design ... who the hell even thought at BHVR these archives challenges, should be put elsewhere to work, maybe in doing some game design courses. Even in bathroom you shouldn't think something like this, and if you do, you should be ashamed after! Really, just can't understand how it is possible these challenges went troughs all the BHVR devs and QA, and came in live production to be seen by the rest of the world.
Challenging yes, but frustrating, toxic, rng, and time consuming side objectives it's a big nono. To BHVR: with all the respect of your staff, despite I'm no one to tell you this, I still like a lot this game, so plz check better the work of your employees, these things shouldn't even reach the internal testing environment ... #########!
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This made me lol
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I also dislike how most challenges have nothing to do with Claudette or the Trapper. There is potential for some cool challenges:
- after picking up a survivor, hook the same survivor within X seconds (can be made easier with Agitation but Agitation not required), survivor must not have been hooked in the last minute (to avoid camping/tunneling)
- consume X med-kit charges (made easier with Botany Knowledge but not required)
- be healed X amount of times
- while hiding in grass, be not be found by the killer for X minutes (Evader emblem already tracks being near the killer without being in a chase, this would track the same but only while in grass)
- cause survivors to fail X skill checks (any failed skill checks count, made easier with Unnerving Presence but it is not required)
Instead of random challenges that don't really have a strong connection to either character.
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There is a way to do this, farm and SWF - easy peasy. But alone....well ZOINKS!!!
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It’s definitive to hard. Especially in high ranks. you’ll never got the chance to hook 5 times in the basement or kill all 4 in the basement in one trail. Even when you got the chance to do it, the survivor goin to disconnect. I hope the Devs are goin to change it a little bit, I really want to unlock that lore stuff, but at tome 4 I don’t think most people get it 😕
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Sadly, in the modern gaming industry, frustrating players into spending (in this case buying Rift tiers because grinding for Rift Fragments ain't realistic) is a monetization strategy.
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Tempting players, not frustrating them.
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Same. The "rewards" aren't rewarding enough.
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By looking at this, I will do the killer part first. So much easier.
I would need to farm 2 of these because I'm a bad Trapper, but the basement challenges are not that hard. Basement Trapper incoming. The only one I would need to be lucky with is the NOED thingy. Maybe I will combine it with bloodwarden.
But the survivor ones are just......
I'm not the flashlight guy, and how am I supposed to do 4 gens alone in a normal game when I'm solo? I can't be at 4 places at once! And of cause save 3 people during the EGC.... That's so luck based......
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I don't think they had the casual gamer in mind when they created the archives. Hopefully they'll adjust some of the nodes in the future.
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Bump for consumer awareness. If these are not adjusted, refrain from giving BHVR your money.
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This is for sure. At first I was thinking in spending some $$ in archives (usually I'm not in this kind of systems in games) ... but after I saw the slow progression without the tome, and the quests in the 4th tome, I said bye bye, at least if they don't make the 4th tome interesting and not frustrating as the 1st one is.
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I expect more farming to occur.
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Yeah... So this ######### is only achievable through a swf, one person at a time wasting 10 minutes sitting on a gens holding m1 while the rest of the players have to actually afk for it to be physicaly possible. Makes ######### sense man
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I've done 4 gens before, but never with Dark Sense :/ did it with Streetwise and a commodious.
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From start to finish, 0% → 100%?
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Some of these are extremely easy, a few are luck based like the bear trap ones.
the only ones i have a problem with personally are the endgame collapse ones.
edit: whoops and that dark sense one is ridicolous
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it doesnt seem to hard even soloing them.
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yup with minimal team effort, but it was at rank 14 after a reset on xbox1.
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Ah. RIP.
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If any devs read this, when designing the 'harder' tomes - please just keep in mind that many of us have full-time jobs and children.
Looking at some of these... I'm just saying.
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Heck even if I was an unemployed bum I would not waste the amount of time it will take trying to do most of these.
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Perfect! Having an employment means you can just buy the tiers instead!
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You’d have to cooperate with the killer and the other 3 survivors to successfully do a few of these like. Jeez!
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You don’t do it from 0-100 you just have to be on it when it finishes
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my game keeps glitching and taking me to part 4 of the challenges, these are what it’s saying, so I doubt they’re going to change them now 🤷♀️
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most of these challenges are impossible for both survivors and killers. there is no way i'm buying the premium pack now!!!
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this is insane! can you please show me what tomb 3 looks like please.
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Peanits did say that all the unreleased ones are still subject to change
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Those challenges are complete BS. First i am a solo and non flashlight user.
4 gens in one trial. Impossible.
3 sacrifices on the end game. Very hard. Especially for not good killers.
Trap all 4 survivors. You have to be very lucky and good trapper. (Farm time)
2 flash light saves. For me it's super hard. (I'm not using a flashlight)
Sacrifice all 4 survivors in the basement. Devs are you promote toxicity and DC'S?
Unhook 3 survivors SAFELY on the end game. Killer has to go for sleep i suppose. Impossible.
Damage the same gen 4 times. You have to lose the game pretty much for this one.
Τhey have to change those ''challenges''
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The bug that shows the challenges of tome 4 (since it isn't available yet) only seem to show tome 4. We have no idea how bad Tome 2-3 will be yet.
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I don’t even kind “damage the same gen 4 times,” I mean you’re right is does probably mean you’re sacrificing optimal play to do it but it is easily done if you’re willing to lose one game
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Have fun.
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Well, some of the achievements are not impossible, still very hard. And the reward is just lore, wich is great due that I love lore, but what I mean is the reward may not be worst the risk.
Besides, it's not about your personal skill. It's not like the dailys "be chased X seconds as Feng Min", wich is relying in your skill to evade and/or loop the killer.
Last minute hero: We are relying that a killer has the chance to hook survivors three times in the EGC. It may not be impossible but as I said we rely to much on the killer skill and that another survivors are not intelligent to escape.
Fight back: Stunning the killer may be difficult and you can say "hey it's a good achievement because it recquires skill as a survivor", but What happens if another survivor starts droping pallets like a madman? We are talking that you should stun a killer 4 times IN a single match.
I think a lot of people will loss their rank on purpose in order to do it. Making unpleasant game experiences for new players.