Spirit has been shadow nerfed

I don't know if this is bug or not, but whenever spirit starts phasing I can hear the whoosing sound, even though I'm in her terror radious. I tested it multiple times to confirm it.
If you remember her PTB performance, this nerf removes a great part of her mindgames and it seems to me that they have already started nerfing her
Pretty good job so far
I hope it's a bug.
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It's probably just a bug though. Calm down.
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Bruh stop yelling at Terry, I have always been able to hear her wooshing as TR just reduces how loud it is pretty much
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I didn't notice this on pc. Could be a ps4 bug or I didn't pay attention.
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Don't you know holding your power button or standing still is a mind game? Big mind games.
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Haven't run into a spirit at all today so I'll keep this in mind when I run into one.
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Running around a near infinite loops, if time “being good at chases.”
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Lol. The fact you equate this with mindgames makes me think you have no idea what they even really are further. Being good at looping isn't super hard. It's the way to stop the loops that takes skill or have the loop in your favor rather.
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I didnt understand what has changed?
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I have noticed this on Xbox. If this stops further nerfs, I'll take it.
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and very few killers can put these loops in their favor. Saying the spirit isn’t a kind game is the cheap way of saying “if I can’t just loop the killer is OP.”
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No, saying Spirit isn't a mindgame. That's saying she's isn't a mindgame.
She's a handholder that requires you not learn a single mindgame or skill that it would take any other killer than Nurse to counter at a loop.
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Sorry, it’s a mind game. You and other people can call it a guessing game if that makes you feel better about losing or DCing when you play her. I enjoy the challenge of mixing up running, walking, slow vault, etc to lose spirits if possible and even when I don’t I can see afterwards how I could have lasted ljnger.
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Sorry but standing still is a Mind Game for Spirit. That's how her power and design works.
It's like how Doctor can find you just by standing still doing nothing but twiddling his thumbs.
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Standing still is ONLY a mind game for her because her kit for revealing when she's in a power is so busted because of phassive phasing.
So no. It's really not. It's more again a handheld thing where she gives you an easy and totally not skillful way to win a chase.
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Glad they didn‘t listen to biased Killer mains like you.
Now „Mindgame“ those survivors while you still can.
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Maybe it's a bug from the new patch. I heard that Hag was shadow nerfed too and apparently she can't move for a few seconds after she teleported to a trap ( pretty much like the old Hag ).
Post edited by Marcus on0 -
Honestly, it would be an ok change. The mind game is still there, it’s just a few seconds instead of forever now, like it was before. As long as it’s still an omnidirectional whoosh, it’s fine.
Though I feel it’s probably a bug, considering the troubles this patch has had.
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This isn’t helping or constructive.
This is why dbd has a great divide because of the killer vs survivor mind set.
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Saying git gud baby survivor every time spirit is brought up isn't constructive either.
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Lmao, why y'all are so mad when someone says that Spirit has mindgames? What's the skill of a Myers player who stalk survivors to get instadowns? This game isn't about skills at all lol only Huntress and Nurse are hard to learn but that's how they're work
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I wasn't saying that to you :) Everyone just keeps making the other side angry with these sorts of messages.
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My bad sorry lol
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To be fair, most of the former discussions revolving around the gameplay balance of spirit were not constructive either. Now we've got concrete proof from one of the devs that she's indeed not as balanced as a lot of people in this forum claim, otherwise she wouldn't be a "statistical outlier".
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oh no I can't do literally nothing and profit anymore!!!!
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Good. Be ready for more changes, they're coming.
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Highly doubt it’s a legitimate shadow nerf. Probably just a bug.
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Sorry but, and I'm saying this as a killer main and someone who plays a good bit of spirit, this is a healthy change.
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They could never do nothing and profit, unless you vaulted into them. After the first week I never bought the fake phase, just run and force them to do the phase and chase at least then you have a shot.
Stand still and profit is right up there with, “if you have ears you can play spirit.”
Ill tell you survivor mains this, if it’s literally THAT EASY, let’s see you play games at rank 1 and get those easy 4 kills.
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- "Spirit has been shadow nerfed"
- "Idk if this is a bug"
Nice clickbait. I hear BuzzFeed is hiring.
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I haven’t noticed this yet, I’ll look out for it.👍🏻
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Yeah it's quite odd I got spirit a week ago and have a headset but many of my games aren't ending in 3 kills nevermind 4...
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If you don't know if it is a bug why are you presenting it as a shadow nerf smh
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It was quite easy against solos (it was rank 3 but whatever, I got lots of rank 1 survivors anyways). Literally 1 survivor escaped in like 6 or 7 matches in a row. The only challenge was swf because they do gens insanely fast even if I end chases super quickly. I also didn't have BBQ and PGTW on my spirit at that time.