Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

My Nurse Feedback for Devs

First of all I think she needed a change especially to her addons like Omegablink and 5-Blink.

You stated the the changes to the nurse happened not because she is overperforming but because general problems with her. This is "nice" BUT me and I am sure every killermain out there would love to see changes based on performens! Its ok that you nerf strong killer and buff weak one! The changes you made with Freedy are your best work! And please dont forget one thing: you based your game on a horror factor so the killer MUST be a scary force of nature (!!!) but to many killers are bullied into the ground.

Actual Feedback:

The nerfs (and there is no argument about it, it a NERF!) to her basekit are not unwarranted BUT we have TWO(!!!) cooldowns now and even two types of offerings that are lowering the cooldowns individually. In my opinion (and I am not the only one if you read the forums) its not only an overkill but also disgusting to play. The thing I hate the most is that before she had her fatigue and looked on the ground and one tried to spot the survivor and NOW: she still has it + I have to stare now on the left bottom corner of my screen to wait for both blinks! This is not an enjoible gameplay at all! There are 3 options you should consider ASAP:

1) BEST OPTION: Let the blinks recharge while she is charging her blink and remove the cooldown addons! Its a quality of life change and still a nerf to her basekit. This would make her much enjoible to play and one would not be so sweaty.

2) Remove her fatigue and the antifatigue addons. She has a cooldown that prevens her from blinking already and noone will blink anyway if not both blinks are ready + its a very annoying mechanic in the first place.

3) Give her the basespeed of 4.2m/sec if you want to keep TWO cooldowns on her. She is a skill based character and one need to outplay her also by skill! but with this changes people can just run a line and you will never be able to catch up especially on maps like memorial institute with no visual contact at all.


-Bloodpoints Addons: useless + a lie! in a normal game you can get 8k in Deviousness, this addons (also on other killers) dont increase the cap but let you get it sooner. I dont know about other people but Deviousness is literally the first thing I max out in a match on any killer. Can you add every killer an addon that has no effect but doubles the amount of deviousness you can get and similar things for survivor too! SO you can give up 1 addon slot for a boost in bp! would also be nice if those addons could be reused infinite amount of times. Power in exchange for BP.

-Addons that make her move faster: ... I dont know what you were thinking on this one! With effect like this those addons should triple or quadruple the bp gained for EVER... jokes aside they are horrible if you want to use addons to augment yourself but "fun" if you want to joke and meme around. if you want to make them trully usable: make them cancelable by charging the blink. if not then noone will use them aside of kill your friends or twitch challanges.

-Addons that lower blink cooldown: Why changing her kit just to give it back if form of addons? Pick option 1 above and everything will be SUPER!

If you are still here I want to talk about something else. I have two options on keys and moris that would make the game less frustrating:

-Mori: Make them activate only on third hook! Yes! I mean on third hook!!! so you need to pick a person up, bring him to the hook and instead of hooking animation the mori will play. Add an extra BP bonus of 2000bp per kill to compensate the length and make them more common in the web. Moris do look very cool its a shame that they are so toxic to use now but with this changes we could see them more often and not feel bad anymore.

-Keys: make the keys only usable on a closed hatch!!! Thats the only balanced way! Survivors should NOT be able to escape before the trial is over NOR should they leave their teammates behind!

this writen as objective as possible by a true fan of yours. thanks for reading and i would love to read a reply and your thoughts to see that you also care.


  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    They shoulda gotten rid of the cooldown like everyone said during testing.

    Exactly zero feedback was taken into account for her changes. None of the many garbage addons were changed or improved, the only changes addons got were nerfs. That awful pinging noise that we were told was "placeholder" just got ######### removed with no replacement so its impossible to know if your power is up unless you look off your screen to check, unlike every other ######### killer with a cooldown. Absolutely terrible changes, but when your looking to legion a killer I guess it makes sense to completely ignore everyone so the killer is as garbage as possible.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    The issue was:

    Nurse was able to get back to the chase after a hit way too fast.

    That was changed with a introduction of 3 sec blink recharge, but that is way too punishing. Imo if it was 1,5 or 2 it would be good.

  • Krilkal
    Krilkal Member Posts: 68

    BEST OPTION: Let the blinks recharge while she is charging her blink and remove the cooldown addons! Its a quality of life change and still a nerf to her basekit. This would make her much enjoible to play and one would not be so sweaty.

    Absolutely agree with this one. Her cooldown and the reset after her fatique feels so punishing and is totally unnecessary.