Did Stranger Things really happen?

Does anyone see Nancy or Steve around?

Anyone use their perks?

Anyone bumping into demogorgons? Or playing Hawkins lab much at all? I feel like i never ever see it.



  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Rarely. But usually when I see a steve I let them die or target them, as every one I've seen teabags and lets me die on hook.

    But no, thankfully the wave of ST fanboys has subsided. Now its Ninjas time.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I use nancy's perks a lot. Regulary face demopuppies and from time to time go to hawkin's

    That being said my queue is a bit weird

    I constantly face hags and i rarrely see Billy's

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    inner strength is one of my favorite perks. I see nancy and steve all the time. Demo not so much though.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I see Steve more often than either Nancy or Demogorgon. I see surge and inner strength sometimes.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    I use Nancy's perks

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I bought the game and dlc for my girlfriend to get her into the game. We play Steve and Nancy together.

    My best map in the game for Killer and Survivor is Hawkin's Laboratory.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,585

    I use Inner Strength a lot - and I see a lot of Steve's in my matches...even a few Demo's the last couple of days. Would love to see more Demo's in game!

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    Every 3/5 matches there’s always a Steve, I never get the map as survivor but a lot as killer which sucks. I’ll see a demogorgon every now and then, I still tunnel Nancy for what she did to Steve, I use and see inner strength in a lot of matches. Pretty alive for me (PS4) but idk about other platforms.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    I main Nancy, use Inner Strength a lot. I also see a couple Steve's, he's got amazing cosmetics, but I'm just sad the devs forgot to give him perks :/

    I don't see many Demo's, but I think he's my third most played killer behind Pig and Huntress since his release.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I see alot of Steve's and Nancy's. As for Demo, maybe 1 in 20 games I see it.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    If I get Hawkins, I am happy, at this point I know where the stupidly strong loop rooms are. As for the perks; Inner Strength, Head On, Quick and Quiet are fun together. Steve doesn't really have that many useful perks for MY play style. Nancy though, Fixated is a good perk, especially for knowing where and how I can skew my scratch marks through Coldwind corn, and the gen one (don't know the name off the top of my head) is useful when other people are running it, I just never run it myself.

    I like Surge for as underrated as it is. Combine it with new Ruin, Surveillance, and Thrilling Tremors and you have yourself the most solid detection of gens being worked on.

    As for playing any of them, Demogorgon gets played when I do random killer and dailies. But I am a Meg main and will continue to be for some time now.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Dlc brought extremely meh perks only game changing one was inner strength

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    I see Steve and Hawkins all the time

    I wish I faced more demos tbh, but I do see them here and there

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I’ve seen Steve and Nancy on a regular basis and Demogorgon is one of my favorite Killers.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Yes I see them all the time, and Demogorgon is not one of the most played killer but many use him. I used him myself in around 15 games this week.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited January 2020


    Inner Strenght>Self Care In both BP of the progress and healing speed

    Fixated>Urban Evasion In both speed and combos with exhaustion perks

    Yeah... Steve was just cosmetic, no perks for me there...

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 628

    Inner Strength is meta, and Fixated/SB is a decent combo and Steves are very common, plenty of Hawkins.

    Hardly any Demos though, personally didn't touch him after I got his perks, feels too easily countered/dodged.

  • Smichaels82
    Smichaels82 Member Posts: 56

    I see Steve's and Nancy's all the time on PS4.

    Demo: only really sometimes but it's not never.

    As a solo queue survivor, I like to play with 'Better Together'. Sometimes I run 'Inner Strength' if I'm not bringing a medkit or Self-Care.

    Lastly, I'm pretty happy I don't land in Hawkins Lab all that often. That map is beautiful but I hardly ever escape as survivor.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    If you play xbox, you will see a demo in the purple ranks

    I am a demogorgon/ghostface main

  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227

    Sounds like you don't play much, they are everywhere.

  • Lanterns
    Lanterns Member Posts: 83

    I never see Demo.

  • Mr_Squiggles
    Mr_Squiggles Member Posts: 20

    I’m one of the few that mains the Demogorgon, he’s not the best killer, but he is really fun to play with

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I play Steve but survivors are skins anyways, don’t see much Demo though

  • Henn_The_Human
    Henn_The_Human Member Posts: 1

    I have a prestige 3 level 50 Steve and run Second Wind and Camaraderie.

    I specifically run those two since I usually get hooked since I make my priority to help other survivors.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 375

    people use Steve and Nancy, but not most of their perks except Inner Strength sometimes. Demogorgon is mostly a pay to lose character, so he's not too common. especially since he requires more setup than any of the other trap-based killers, yet gets no speed increase or anything to compensate.

    and the death of Ruin will worsen this.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,655

    The Majority of Perks of this Chapter was bad, in fact, at least 4 Survivor Perks are wasted (I would say that all 6 are not worth taking) and at least 2, but more likely all of the Killer Perks are not worth a Perk Slot.

    Demogorgon is not that powerful.

    And well, I see Nancy and Steve from time to time, but most likely I see a Steve. However, there is one thing that needs to be considered with every new DLC: People already have their mains. They have their mains where they have all Perks unlocked. There need to be some really good reasons to change your Main, to actually grind a new Character completely.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I see Inner Strength about every 4/10 games, but that's it.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Inner strength and Second wind are both pretty good and fixated is an ok option for jukes and sneakier builds. I still see plenty of nancys and steves personally.

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  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Nancy and steve are everywhere, but Demogorgon is sorta bad tho

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    Just using innner stregth

  • rickyray101
    rickyray101 Member Posts: 141

    I like to mash up Barrowed Time with Babysitter. That makes it extremely difficult for camping and tunneling killers. Had a toxic doctor looking through lockers because he didn't realize that I used babysitter since he camped! 🤣

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Inner Strength was the only good thing to come out of the patch.

    Especially on the killer side, damn Demogorgon is just so underwhelming and unfun to play, and his perks are flat out overtuned garbage.

  • Sixnno
    Sixnno Member Posts: 53

    I had an addiction to urban. Now I have an addition to fixated.

    Gotta move fast.

  • Nobody95
    Nobody95 Member Posts: 93

    Now with the ruin nerf go play with the demogorgon

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Inner Strength is Hot asf been using it since release

    II_KURO_II Member Posts: 44

    I play steve alot, but I almost never get hawkins or go against demogorgon

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    I'm a steve main and do see them alot

    (Although Steve is going to be way more common then nancy) and run into the occasional Nancy using her perks and the steve I rarely see demo tho even tho I main demo

  • Hex_Raider
    Hex_Raider Member Posts: 37

    Inner Strenf all day!

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I see Steve and Nancy all the time. The demo not so much though.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I see them both a lot nowadays.

    Inner Strength is a really great perk. Encourages you to do totems and heals you quickly (good counter to anti-heal tactics).

    I like Fixated for the walking speed boost. I have a evader/juker build with Fixated, Sprint Burst, Urban Evasion, and Windows Of Opportunity that is a lot of fun to play because you move faster all around. Though for the record I HATE Urban with a passion, but mostly because the people that use it refuse to do anything but crouch walk everywhere. If you use it sparingly though, for times when you need it, I can accept you.

    I haven't really messed with Steve's perks yet, but I wanna try to find a good use for Second Wind. It seems... good... but Inner Strength is better sadly.

  • darthvader501
    darthvader501 Member Posts: 14

    Steve and the demogorgon are actually 2 of my mains

  • xxphoenix
    xxphoenix Member Posts: 3

    I don’t see anyone play Steve or Nancy but I do see the map being used and Killer being used a lot

  • Unironicalygoth
    Unironicalygoth Member Posts: 175

    I am a Steve main and have been in many random lobbies with at least one other Steve and a surprising amount of times everyone will be Steve for the meme and I see a lot of demodogs on Xbox

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    I use inner Strength but neither of the characters which is because I have more cosmetics on others. Survivors are just skins afterall.

    I do see a few of both around but rarely in the default skins.

    Demogorgon I dont see as many at all like one in every 30 matches and I have only played them a handful of times. I just prefer other killers like Huntress, Hag or Trapper as they suit my playstyle more.

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    Inner strength and fixated are the perks I see most often, and occasionally better together. I never see Steve's perks used anymore though.

    I see Steve and Nancy used just about as often as I see Jane and Ace used, which is quite a bit but not as often as say... Claudette or Nea.

    Hawkins Lab comes up for me as often as other maps. Demo I rarely see anymore, but I get really excited when I see one. BHVR did a fantastic job with the Stranger Things dlc overall, IMO.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Also this is pretty much normal where reaching the mid chapter patch for cursed legacy the hype for ST has all but died out