Time to throw ideas at the devs again ..topic: your dream killer

Personally for the longest time I've wanted a killer associated with magic..I wanna completely sow terror with sorcery..it at least throw fire at unholy blendettes
I'd have a spider, that would sort out looping
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Lol yes XDDD
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After seeing last years spider that does sound like fun
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I want a vampire that suck your blood as the mori and the power would be faster movement speed as a swarm of bats 😎
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I still badly want the Warden from Cod Zombies (Mob of the Dead)
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Sounds fun
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I want a Grim Reaper Killer with a HUGE scythe. His powers should be about the theme with sartanic dark magic. Maybe summoning dead bodies or whatever. But as a main power he should be able to do a massive swing with his scythe as a kinda big AOE hit like leatherface but way bigger and it should not onehit because he should be able to use it often.
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I would love a killer with the reaper aesthetic or at least a grim reaper nurse
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EXACTLY! His power could be locking things like gens, pallets, and windows and forcing the survivors to do something to remove it. Kind of like a RBT but on the object instead of their head :P
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Interesting idea though itd likely be very limited via cooldown..plus he needs a chase enhancer if he wants to compete
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yeah it would be limited but it could force some gen regression and prevent survivors from powering thru the last gen when you’re nearby. As for chase competition, being able to lock pallets and windows solves that (similar to bamboozle but doesn’t require crossing the window but can be undone by a few skillchecks)
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Hmm..interesting thought