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Perk Changes | Second Wind, Mettle of Man, and Dying Light


Hello, I'm going to be changing some under used perks to spice up the meta a bit. However, with that said, my goal isn't to make these perk a must use β€” just enough to be an option for players to use. 😁

Second Wind

After healing the equivalent of a health state, Second Wind will activate.

While injured, after being in a chase for 15 seconds, this perk will start a 60 second timer.

Once the timer expires, if you didn't change health states, you will heal a health state and the perk will deactivate.

The perk can be reactivated multiple times, but everytime the perk is actived, receive a stackable 30%/25%/20% heal speed penalty.

Mettle of Man

After taking damage and healing to the healthy state without entering the dying state, Mettle of Man will activate.

After getting injured by the killer, gain the Endurance status effect.

Taking damage while affected by the Endurance status effect from Mettle of Man will start a 10/15/20 second timer, and you will lose the Endurance status effect from Mettle of Man.

Once the timer expires, you will enter the dying state and the perk can be reactivated.

Increases your chances of becoming the killer's Obsession.

The killer can only be Obsessed with one survivor at a time.

Dying Light

The Obsession and all survivors within 8 meters to the Obsession will be immune to the effects of Dying Light.

Once the survivor is out of range, they remain immune to Dying Light for 60/45/30 seconds.

Everytime you hook a survivor, all survivors suffer a stackable 3%/4%/5% penalty towards repairing, healing, sabotaging, searching, cleansing, and opening speeds.

If the Obsession is killed or sacrificed, lose all tokens (disconnecting will cause the killer to be Obsessed with a different survivor).

The killer can only be Obsessed with one survivor at a time.


Feedback is appreciated, as always and remember that numbers are placeholders! 😁


  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Second Wind: The perk is honestly fine as is in game already. This iteration of it is like Adrenaline but can be activated in the middle of the chase. Not a good idea. All you'd need to do once you get it activated in chase is go to one of the massive loops where the killer basically can't get you, and it's a free heal in the middle of the chase.

    Mettle of Man: Okay this is even better than its release iteration. Way too easy to activate. Getting hit and then healing up is not a difficult thing to do. There's no way to balance this perk to be a free hit and be balanced. It needs to stay in this unviable state.

    Dying Light: This seems worse than the current Dying Light. As it stands, Dying Light isn't powerful at all. The obsession isn't affected by it, and you only get stacks from hooking survivors that aren't them. So you hook a survivor for a stack, and get in a chase with a survivor that isn't the obsession for another stack. What does that leave? A survivor that is affected by the small amount of slowdown the perk offers and the obsession that isn't affected at all. With this iteration, you don't even have that one person being affected by Dying Light because they stay immune to it for so long. Not a good idea either

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2020

    Edit: Accidentally hit the post comment button, will @ you when this comment is finished! 😁

    The perk is honestly fine as is in game already. This iteration of it is like Adrenaline but can be activated in the middle of the chase. Not a good idea. All you'd need to do once you get it activated in chase is go to one of the massive loops where the killer basically can't get you, and it's a free heal in the middle of the chase.

    It's not a free heal, you must heal someone else the equivalent of a health state to get this perk to activate, and you won't always have a chase longer than 75 seconds β€” you will have to leave the semi-infinite eventually or get caught in a weak tile. The killer can just Bloodlust you in 75 seconds if they really wanted to, so overall, 75 second chase isn't always doable.

    If you get it to work, you'll suffer a healing penalty towards other survivors and yourself.

    Besides, why run Second Wind over Decisive Strike?

    Okay this is even better than its release iteration. Way too easy to activate. Getting hit and then healing up is not a difficult thing to do. There's no way to balance this perk to be a free hit and be balanced. It needs to stay in this unviable state

    It's not supposed to be too difficult to activate the perk because it only extends the chase by 20 seconds β€” the perk will down the survivor after using their free health state in 20 seconds. This perk should be used to trade hooks or tank hits for other survivors (hopefully the killer won't switch to you).

    Besides, the current Mettle of Man is extremely buggy and the protection hits often don't help your team. Therefore, having to take damage and escape the killer to heal seems more plausible, and the reward is smaller to compensate.

    This seems worse than the current Dying Light. As it stands, Dying Light isn't powerful at all. The obsession isn't affected by it, and you only get stacks from hooking survivors that aren't them. So you hook a survivor for a stack, and get in a chase with a survivor that isn't the obsession for another stack. What does that leave? A survivor that is affected by the small amount of slowdown the perk offers and the obsession that isn't affected at all. With this iteration, you don't even have that one person being affected by Dying Light because they stay immune to it for so long. Not a good idea either

    With this version, with 6 hooks, all survivors that's not near the Obsession will suffer a 30% penalty, unlike before it was 18% penalty.

    The Obsession making themselves and all survivors immune to Dying Light can work in your favor because survivors are more efficient when they are separated from each other. They repair slower, give you the ability to distract multiple survivors, and gain a lot of pressure β€” definitely would make this perk more viable if used correctly!

    Post edited by NMCKE on
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Done @DexyIV! 😊

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm not a fan of MoM or Dying Light.

    MoM seems like it would make it good at doing the thing I found most miserable about the original MoM, which is guaranteeing escapes during the end game.

    Dying Light seems way too easy to play around. Just buddy up with the Obsession, and now only two people are affected by it.

    I'm not sure how to feel about Second Wind.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Why nerfing second wind??? It is good as it is now, if ppl don't use them its their business. Ill give you best example: Kindred, since release it was literally the best perk in entire game. If all survivors had it, it was 4 minute game most of the time. Devs buffed it twice and its now ridiculously strong, you don't need others to have it now. People still don't give a crap. Their business.

    I agree that mettle of man is ######### now. But what you proposed is even stronger than it was on realease and it didn't take long to nerf this bullshit for a reason. Your version is ridiculous and would create avalanche of iridescent hatchet huntresses and mori Billies. Since its obsession perk it should work best on obsession so i would suggest: it takes 3 hits for the obsession to active the perk, it take 3 distraction hits for non obsessions.

    Your version of Dying Light is ever worse than it is now. Just no, it already is a ######### perk.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Why nerfing second wind??? It is good as it is now, if ppl don't use them its their business. Ill give you best example: Kindred, since release it was literally the best perk in entire game. If all survivors had it, it was 4 minute game most of the time. Devs buffed it twice and its now ridiculously strong, you don't need others to have it now. People still don't give a crap. Their business.

    Second Wind got a huge buff in my opinion if you're skilled at mind games and run killers extremely well. Another thing is you can activate the perk an infinite number of times while before its activation was limited by how many hook states you have.

    Yes, lasting longer than 75 seconds in a chase is hard, but you have to consider that you're going to be getting a heal during a chase.

    Besides, if you can convince me why I should run Second Wind over Decisive Strike, then I'll happily change my mind about how weak Second Wind is. 😁

    I agree that mettle of man is [BAD WORD] now. But what you proposed is even stronger than it was on realease and it didn't take long to nerf this bullshit for a reason. Your version is ridiculous and would create avalanche of iridescent hatchet huntresses and mori Billies. Since its obsession perk it should work best on obsession so i would suggest: it takes 3 hits for the obsession to active the perk, it take 3 distraction hits for non obsessions.

    Not really, the perk requires you to take damage from the killer and heal up to full without entering the dying state in the process. That might be easy if the killer is trying to damage everyone such as Legion or Plague, but most killers benefit from you healing because you're wasting a lot of time by not doing generators and giving them pressure.

    Worst case scenario, chase is extended by 20 seconds and that could hurt you. Maybe if you're very unlucky, they can use those 20 seconds to escape, but I don't expect that to happen very often. The counterplay is to make sure you win the chase as the killer, don't let the survivor escape and heal up β€” the perk is controlled by the killer. 😁

    Your version of Dying Light is ever worse than it is now. Just no, it already is a [BAD WORD] perk.

    Can you tell me why? It would be more helpful than just saying, "It's terrible, no please". 😊

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited January 2020

    Second Wind: this would mean you can use it more times than before, it would make it op in chases, but the STACKABLE healing speed penalty what cannot be stopped in any way would make this perk useless.

    Mettle of Man: so basically, you get free Endurance EVERY time you win a chase and get healed... Its too strong while it also punishes killer for changing targets, encouraging tunneling.

    Dying Light: this one is crazy. Its 5% penalty for every hook, meaning 40-50% in the endgame! This means that they cant do ANYTHING without being close to the obsession. So it could be incredibly strong, but at the same time completly unreliable because it can be nullified so easily. Depending on how people would exploit it, it would be either OP or useless but either way completly unpredictable.