What is "toxic"?

So,according to you,what is the definition of the word; toxic?

It could be something simple like, someone camps/sluggs/tunnels

It could be teabagging/flashlight clicking and endlessly looping.

In my case,toxic is the killer that chooses to camp with ebony Mori.

Just had a game,a trapper had Ebony and he was doing a basement build. It was on the Lery's, where your blood could be seen everywhere, so my iron will jukes didn't work out and got hooked in the basement. Then he trapped everything and stayed just barely outside of the basement,so nobody could hear his terror radius on the basement. I got saved, and then the trapper just downed me before I was able to leave the basement,and hooked the unhooker and another survivor he found. Then he slugged me and tried to find the other survivors. Someone kobbied,and proceeded to unhooked and revive me,after the trapper proceeds to kill us all and ebony mori us. Frustrating.

In survivor case,they use their emotes on me and teabag. Again tOxIc

How about you? What is your definition of toxicity? Let me know below.



  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2020

    I mostly play killer and toxic for me is anyone who acts like a doosh in the endgame chat or teabagging and staying in the game when u could all leave.

    All of these types of people are put on a mori list because if your go to be a jerk to me then ill be a jerk to u.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    It's kinda funny, because as a killer main, I find more things they do as toxic than I do survivors.

    Like really the only annoying things survivors do to me are camp and drop pallets, just makes for a boring chase and Blinding me as I vault a window or break pallets.

    I don't find the camping pallets toxic, just annoying, I do find the pallet/window blinds as toxic and will play toxic in return.

    As for killer, 1 hook mori if there are more than 2 gens remaining, Camping, Tunneling the survivor, and running more than 1 slowdown perk. These are the somethings killers do that I find annoying or toxic, T

    hey are all annoying, but really only camping/tunneling are the things I would consider toxic. Maybe a 1 hook mori, but I don't see them often enough to care. Maybe because my time split on DBD 80% Killer and 20% Survivor...

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Deliberately trying to ruin the experience of other players through the use of in-game mechanics and bugs.

    Flashlight teams, head on teams, deliberate slugging, blocking, teabagging, and other antics players use that are outside of the normal gameplay loop.

    The intention behind those antics are what dictate toxicity. Normal use of those tactics aren't themselves toxic.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Plague, Clown and Nurse when she wears her biohazard cosmetic. Toxic af.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    Hate messages, kinda pathetic tbh but its just not needed in a game, whether you died, get camped, or all 4 people escape its not needed.

    un-needed t-bagging and clicking flashlights at every pallet thinking youre gods gift then when you die you resort to my first comment..

    Honestly just being a dick or taking the piss, its a game, people wanna have fun, whether youre good at looping or good at killer you shouldnt try rubbing it in their face when they just want fun too... toxic people know who they are, and they may think its fun but it just shows the kinda person they are and should probably grow up alittle, anyone that deals with it just try ignore it, dont go to their level just move on and enjoy your day/time

  • FeBLeSs
    FeBLeSs Member Posts: 15

    How is tunneling, camping, and mori even considered toxic?

    If survivors use med-kits with "Styptic Agent" or "Syringe", or purple/pink key, do they consider as toxic too then? What about swf? There's a reason why there's no in-game chat, you know.

    Tunneling and camping are tactics killers just chose to do it that game. If killer camps then run gens and get out. Campers usually get 1-2 kills anyways. And they don't improve on looping and searching survs and late game tactics. Because of those whiners, devs made you guys DS and borrowed time. Why not use it instead of whining more?

    Tunneling is actually crucial as playing killers. In order to kill all survs, you have to effectively hook survivors, not just a random dude each time. Killers don't have to play "for" survivors. They have their own goals, which is to kill survs. If survivors call it "toxic" because killers are trying to kill you, well then, might as well just go play Minecraft or something. This game isn't for you.

    There are so many fresh new survivors, which is good. But they start playing it recommended by their friends (which ends up SWF). And those old players teach them the wrong way, such as camping is bad because "I can't save my friends", instead of saying, "it's whatever that killer decides to do." And they pass on the BM to another new players, and so on. This is just a bad cycle of new players.

    Blame survivors who won't run gens, and searching chests when they have to save survivors, and get so scared and do nothing, instead of blaming killers who are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

    I'm so sad about how low mindset na server survivor users have.

    Learn to improve your own skill sets (hitting great skill checks, looping, pallet stuns, flashlight saving, etc), rather than typing BM to killers.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096
    edited January 2020

    ^ This. Or it is for me personally. (However Tbagging doesnt do anything to me)

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2020

    Things in the game (actual features, this doesn't count exploits) are not toxic. Perks are not toxic. Using the crouch button is not toxic. Using a flashlight is not toxic. DS is not toxic. Camping is not toxic. Slugging is not toxic. Entire teams with flashlights/toolboxes/instaheals are not toxic. Nothing in the game outside of exploits (hook tech, etc) is toxic. Period. You can not like some of those things. That does not make them toxic. It simply makes you toxic for calling other people toxic because of a play style provided by the game.

    Toxic is an attitude. Toxic is used to describe how a person behaves. Not something people don't like.

    If you are that offended by being tea bagged, blinded by a flashlight, the noise of a flashlight click, or being hit on the hook (I could go on), I think the problem is you, and not everyone else. You're playing a game about the brutal murder of innocent people by psycotic and supernatural killers - you need to grow thicker skin.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Trying to annoy the other side. Tbagging, nodding, hitting on hook...anything that serves no purpose in the game basically but is only done to wind up the other side and ruin the game for them.

    Also Object of obsession on voice comms. That's peak toxicity.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Does this count?

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    A person who's wish is to upset another. They get on the other's nerves, and really bother said person.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    You can't say that a person getting on someones nerves/bothering them is toxic. That's too wide of a spectrum to go by. Way too many are offended and bothered on different levels by different, and often inconsequential things. Offence is taken, not given.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    My dud (Dead Ooo tuber), this may go against the no arguing rule of the thread, but, don't you realize that tunneling off hook and camping restrict gameplay for that survivor? Plus, you're at looking the other people not being camped, not the others who will take advantage of that? You can get Decisively Strucken at, you're stunned for 5 seconds, so what. Instaheals were nerfed for a reason, but perks and items cannot be abused like a PLAYSTYLE. Getting cucked by a perk will never ever stop you from getting kills unless you're in the rare situation where you tunneled at hatch or the exit gates, which at that point, you were BOUND to lose.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I'm sorry for expressing my opinion on a forum in which someone asked of it. But you know what you say "offense is taken not given."

    Also, double post.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    I don't recall saying I was offended; but okay. Put words in my mouth, lol

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I don't recall putting words in your mouth, as I directly quoted you. But that's avoiding the topic, it seems you were confused. I took offense at the fact you scolded me for my opinion.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    To scold is to remonstrate with or rebuke (someone) angrily. I rebuked your original statement, but did so civilly. There was nothing angry or egregious about it. Please, don't accuse me of things I haven't done. Thanks, bud.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Nevermind ab the no arguing part, that was a recent thread I viewed

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I have 3 min long games (I can upload an example). NOED, Rancor, Blood Warden and mories are the only way to turn the tables for me. Im doing whatever it takes to kill survivors.

    Survivors dont care about killers, so why should killers care? -They shouldnt.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838
    edited January 2020

    It really do be kind of hard to convey emotions from behind the ScrEEns. (Pun intended) I just read everyone's comments with a seven-year-old voice. The point is, you can't convey emotions through the internet, unless you use really specific vocabulary. But starting out a paragraph stating "you can't" really isn't gonna help your specific vocabulary, telling my mind to read yours in the "FEMALE PARENTAL FIGURE AND/OR GUARDIAN" voice.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    That's just beyond inhumane to say to someone, sounds like the person has issues lol

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    That is what is toxic. What happens in game, tunneling, camping, hitting someone on the hook, flashlight spamming. None of that is really toxic. Annoying yes, but not toxic. Trying to strip away someone's humanity because you lost in a video game, that is beyond toxic. That is what needs to be removed from this game, scum like that.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185


    Proxy camping - staying in the vicinity of the hooked, terror radius can barely be heard by the hooked. Annoying but necessarily toxic. There are situations that call for this.

    Basic camping - finding another survivor, maybe hitting them once, but stopping the chase to stay near the hook. Toxic

    Face Camping - standing in front of the hooked facing them, like a psychopath would. Extremely toxic.

    Unintentional tunneling - haven't found anyone before unhook happens, come back in search of 2 known survivors location, finding the unhooked survivor cause the unhooker is not injured and quite. Not toxic

    Intentionally tunneling - in the middle of a Chase, stop to double back across the map where unhook happen (not using make your choice) just to chase the unhooked. Toxic

    Intentionally tunneling with ebony Mori - extremely toxic


    Making it to the pallet in time and stunning the killer. Not toxic

    Having a good lead but choosing to wait at a pallet around a corner just to stun. Slightly toxic

    Teabagging after a stun - toxic

    Waiting for killer to recover from a stun just to blind them - toxic

    Following killer clicking flashlight to get the killers attention. Not toxic, just stupid wastes battery and your not contributing to your team.

    Messaging killer after match to say your opinion on how or why the killer is bad. Extremely toxic

    I'm technically a survivor main, but I've played both. All characters, all adept achievements. In my experience, survivors are the most toxic players, and more likely to be toxic. I hate when killers face camp but lack of skill really can't be blamed or hated on. Survivors will message regardless if killer wins, loses, or even hid in the basement whole match doing nothing and it is just unexcusable and absurd. I am guilty of this last one, but I only do it with campers.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Me seeing "what is toxic?"

    Also me:

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    The term often gets misused by people referring simply to something they don't like.

    Toxic is something that is done specifically to irritate someone. More importantly, I think, is that it is something that is done repeatedly, rather than just a one off. The reason it's "toxic" is that if you succeed in irritating that person often enough, they become toxic themselves, and deliberately try to irritate others, who then become toxic...and so on. Toxicity spreads, and even the best of people can become infected if exposed to enough of it.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I only farm my teammates when I play 2 man SWF with my wife and she is the person I am farming. Yes, we have a toxic relationship.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    These days the only thing I find toxic is survivors sandbagging their teammates.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I mean....................it just makes the game super boring...and if I'm the person they camp/tunnel I am sad cuz there is little to no counterplay since I'm a new survivor with little techables. As a killer,I play "fair" because I follow the rules the community has like "not camping/tunneling" and it makes the game more interesting and fun!

    As the others said,trying to ruin someone's fun is considered toxic. And since these kinda things (hex) ruin people's fun,I consider them toxic :3

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    No. None of those things are toxic. Just because someone is ruining your fun, does not mean they are TRYING to ruin your fun. Tunneling, camping and mori's are all in game playstyles and mechanics, and are in no way or circumstance toxic. Ever.

    You may not like them, but that does not translate to toxicity.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Rofl,I asked this question cuz I really wanted an answer. I agree,tho since "toxic" for me means "ruining people's fun" then these things I mentioned,which they do ruin people's fun,I consider them toxic!

    Honestly tho,since I don't use chat at all and just leave the game after writing ggs, for me it's the perfect way to counter "toxic behavior"

    Thanks for answering btw. Appreciate it.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    The thing you don't get is, toxic in terms of people and attitudes, already has a definition. It's not something open for interpretation or your own definition. That's like saying "everyone thinks bicycle means this, but to me, it means something else". That's not how it works.

    As I said, it's fine to not like any of these things. That's cool, and that's your perogative; but if you're going to call someone toxic for simply doing things that annoy you, despite the fact that they are things built into the game as in game mechanics, then you are exhibiting a toxic attitude.

    One of the biggest issues with toxicity in the DBD community is people who call everything that bothers them toxic.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    It does,imo,if they do it in ORDER to ruin someone's fun. If I play leatherface,for example, and get looped to Oblivion and then camp the survivor who did all this work,is this.......good in your book?

    For me,punishing survivors for playing well because I (the killer) made a bad choise to commit to the chase,is toxic.

    Tho,I agree with your definition of toxicity,I stand by my reason I believe that this things just intentionally hurt people's fun. In order to "counter" toxic messages I just leave immediately after writing ggs at the chat. Actually,if the survivors are toxic,I just laugh it off,since these things mean that I played successfully :3

    Not here to make an argument since, philosophically speaking, people give their own definition of a word. That means that toxicity has different definition between you and me :3

    Thanks for answering!

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I didn't say I don't agree with your statements!

    I just said that everything that ruins the average player's fun,is considered a form of toxicity!!

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2020

    Simply put: "No".

    They are mechanics in the game. They are not under any circumstances toxic, and it's not up for opinion. When those things are removed from the game and people find a way to do them, then they will be toxic. Until then, you simply doing like them, and that's as far as it goes. Period.

    By that logic, let me throw this at you. Your average DBD survivor hates losing in general. This is a fact. In fact, even killers don't like to lose. It's not fun to lose the majority of the time. If a survivor escapes, it must be toxic, right? Cause it bothered the killer and wasn't fun for them? You see how silly that sounds?

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    First of all,you said doing instead of don't! Not important but still :3

    So,if I understood correctly tho, everything that makes the average player's experience worse and worse,is NOT considered toxic. Rather the communication is "toxic".

    I said "average player's" for a reason. This doesn't have to do about me m8 :3

    As you can see,I'm, well, writing I guess, calmly,making puns, rewarding your time and effort writing these! But I do not understand why you act like someone who is better than me.....

    I know it's off topic but,it's kinda rude to say "simply put" "period" and stuff.

    Not to say I'm offended,I'm not since this is YOUR OPINION but since the forum said "in your opinion" I would recommend to have started with "in my opinion" that would make things more civil and completely destroy all the argument that you guys created.

    Don't try to make people change their beliefs m8. Try to be a little more nice,not that you are not obviously,but doing such little things will improve the quality of the conversation!

    Thanks for reading! Hope to see you in the fog!

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2020

    It's not my opinion. it's the actual definition. I'm sorry if you consider that rude, or are offended by it. That's not the intent. It doesn't matter who it is, any mechanic provided by the game when used as intended (which includes camping, and tunneling, as the devs officially call it a legit strategy), can never be toxic. No matter who is bothered by it. No matter who's fun it ruined. In multiplayer games, you make your own fun. It's not up to the opposing team/side to be your jester and provide said fun for you.

    It's not a belief. It's a fact.

    I'll repeat this:

    By that logic, let me throw this at you. Your average DBD survivor hates losing in general. This is a fact. In fact, even killers don't like to lose. It's not fun to lose the majority of the time. If a survivor escapes, it must be toxic, right? Cause it bothered the killer and wasn't fun for them? Because it bothered the killer that they escaped? You see how silly that sounds?

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Well,if the average survivor thinks that "losing is toxic) then I agree it is not! Although,if they lost because of their own fault then it isn't toxic!

    If the killer does something completely unfair with the survivor having little to nothing he can do,then it is toxic in my book because it literally destroy their experience!

    I mean,I'll agree with everything that you say! If you find another word for "destroying people's experience". If not,then for me and for some other people, toxicity will involve these. :3

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    There is no "your book" though; and that's what I'm trying to explain to you. There is no room for interpretation here. It's not something that is a matter of opinion, and you don't get to make up your own definition.

    Toxic in terms of attitudes and people has a specific definition. It's how one behaves. The only things toxic in game are things said in the in game chat (bad things, obviously), and exploits/cheats. NOTHING that is built in as an in game mechanic is toxic, under any circumstances. No matter how unfair. No matter how much you or survivors don't like it. Regardless of it being in your "book" or not. Labeling things simply because you don't like them as toxic is toxic.

    By your logic - Blendette's, something you're literally named after more or less, are toxic.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210
    ELECTRIK_VISION Member Posts: 42

    As killer: if someone is teabagging at pallets or flash light clicking to annoy you

    as survivor: if the killer hits you on hook and face camps without provocation. The rest is fair game even if it’s a bit “unfun” at times I don’t mind ebony mori much you just have to play differently and a bit more safe, slugging is fine and tunnelling can be avoided most of the time with DS and borrowed, and if they really want you just waste time so your team can get the gens done, as a killer I do hate toxic survivors and it very often turns me from playing the game to I don’t care any more I’m going to get this one person teabagging at every pallet and just face camp them until they die, don’t be toxic and I won’t either 😂

  • HauntedMandalorian
    HauntedMandalorian Member Posts: 99

    Tunneling and camping is, legitimately, toxic. It breaks the game for the person playing as a Survivor.

    For the record, though, running back to the hook if not already in a chase is not toxic. Obviously there's going to be another Survivor in the area to go after. In which case, I make it a point to not go after the person that was just unhooked... if I can help it.

    The goal of the Survivors is to escape, so there really isn't anything they'd do that I would consider toxic. Unless they were putting their on teammates in danger.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    All this talk about tunneling and camping being "toxic" is ridiculous. Several have already said as much, but what you call 'camping' is generally referred to as ambushing. This means hiding or lying in wait after baiting someone into a behavior such as rescuing survivors on hooks and taking advantage of it. Tunneling is literally chasing the weakest link, which is the smartest way to eliminate a weak target. Some killers will drag things out, but doing so risks the four players that can achieve their goal of escaping simultaneously, while you can only effectively hunt them one at a time, unless you set traps, such as camping gens/hexes/hooks/etc and attacking anyone that comes close. It's literally the smartest way to hunt. And that's what the Killers are doing. They're hunting. Now face camping after a survivor has run you around and/or hitting them on the hook are just unnecessary, and the type of behavior that some people find toxic. Especially if it's clear that they're gloating, such as the more expressive killers that can easily be seen to move their heads and shake them 'no' after downing you. If you've been losing or having a rough time, that's not something that will help your mood.

    Likewise, survivors are absolutely the most toxic, especially with the teabagging after stuns, flicking the flashlight from the exit gates, and that sort of thing. Gloating is toxic, no two ways about it.

  • Malik1178
    Malik1178 Member Posts: 34

    My definition of toxic is being a complete douchebag to the survivors or to the killer(face camping,tunneling, tbaging

  • FaceCamper420
    FaceCamper420 Member Posts: 7

    I've never been called "toxic" in a videogame, until I played DBD. It seems like an over used word this community uses exclusively, when you lose as survivor by being camped. Is it supposed to make me mad? It doesn't. It makes me happy and confirms my job was done.

    Yes, I am a face camper. I do it every match. Why? BECAUSE I CAN. I'm not breaking any dev rules and they're on record saying they won't do anything about it. I can play however I choose. I don't give a F about the community's "unwritten rules" saying no camping, tunneling, slugging, etc. Who came up with these stupid words anyway? Guess they had to label normal parts of the game, so they could cry about it. Cry to the devs and have them patch it, or shut up. I don't cry when you loop for days, tbag, body block, clicky clicky, etc. Why? Because THIS IS A VIDEOGAME.

    Also, not my fault you were dumb enough to run right up to me for the easy kill. How about doing gens, without interruption? Very few do this, so I stay in business as a camper.

    Ahhh hatemail, I love it. It's the icing on the cake. Three types of survivors when camped. First type just takes the loss and moves on(very rare). Second type, they try to talk calmly and reason with you. Explaining how I'm making the game not fun, I'll never rank up etc. Lol, I only play to get kills and piss people off. Idc about BP or rank, nor do I care if you're having fun. Third, the majority, flip the F out, lol. This is where I'm called the dreaded word.....TOXIC.(gasp). Of course I get called many other words and get into very long "discussions" with these crybabies. I'm not asking you to stop, please keep doing it. Oh yea, and spamming party invites. That's another move that I love. You realize when you get killed or disconnect, from me camping, the spamming of invites just confirms how mad you are. Which in turn makes me happy. Plus I can just turn notifications off, smh.

    I also find it hilarious when you send hatemail saying I was reported LMAO! OH NO! Is that supposed to scare me, get me to change my ways? I guess that makes you feel better about your loss because I've been hearing that same threat for YEARS, nothing has happened. Who threatens to snitch and tattle tail on a videogame? So mad and salty over losing.

    So in closing, if survivors were to just take the loss and move on, or just do gens when I'm camping, this would probably stop. But your hate mail, spamming invites, coming up to the hook when I'm camping it for a free easy kill continues, then I'll continue to camp.

    If what I said offended you, good. I won't be back on here to see what you say, or reply to you. I'll be too busy camping.

    Guess I'm toxic.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I mean.....thanks for answering.

    I was only curious about the answers and gave some examples that's all

    Please don't be toxic xd

  • Ultama160
    Ultama160 Member Posts: 11

    Toxic is wearing a legacy skin then spending all match trying to force me to chase you

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Anyone that play's Quinton. I always ensure to bring a Mori for that trash goblin.