Everyone says Billy is most balanced character BUT



  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 258

    Hillbilly is not balanced, he has a spammable one hit down map traversal power. Some people like to think Hillbilly is balanced because he has everything he needs to win the game, and he does but no other killer does at that level, so no, he isnt balanced at all.

    Just look at the Oni compared to Hillbilly. The Oni is how the Hillbilly would have been designed had he been released recently, there is no way he would be as powerful as he is now and he is long overdue a rework.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2020
  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Not a hag god just better than you if you seriously think she can get destroyed easily lol I mean sorry you cant play her I guess

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Ha that's quite funny, if you think hag requires any remote level of skill your having a laugh. I mean most killers are pretty easy (excluding nurse) but hag takes the cake with how easy she was and it's not like I was playing her at a low rank...

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I disagree. I think she's good and certainly in a better spot than a lot of other killers, but she is JUST shy of being top tier. The range limit on her traps really limits her play potential especially on large maps.

    Also couple the fact she is another killer with a way for survivors to disable her power and she's not top tier, just shy of it.

  • Kreatya
    Kreatya Member Posts: 35

    If he revs the chainsaw right behind you he 100% can hit you. Don’t take rank 20 Bubba as an example.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Who do you consider top tier? In my own personal tier list I consider Nurse, Spirit, Hag, and Billy top tier in that order.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    The way that I look at it is that it's a good thing if a killer is constantly able to use their power because it means their power has purpose, infact I think it's a sign that other killers (mostly Leatherface out of the instadowning killers) could use some help if they aren't able to use their power to good use as often.

    The reason why I say this is because a power is what sets a killer apart from all the others and keeps the game interesting. If a killer had to use their M1 attack most or even around half the time then the gameplay becomes bland because every killer would just be using their M1 attack. I enjoy facing a good Hillbilly, Huntress or even Oni because it's a nice break from Legion, Clown, Leatherface and all the other killers who either have boring powers or simply just have to M1, thus producing basically the same if not lower quality gameplay.

    While I understand your point (especially with the larger hitboxes), I've found it way more frustrating to just constantly get new people on my team despite being at a rank where I shouldn't be paired with them at all which is where I believe the whole annoyance of him being able to down person after person comes from.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Top tier for me would be very similar. Nurse (even though I detest the changes they did to her and sank what fun she was into a stress filled nightmare of a chore to play the game), Spirit, and Billy.

    Hag, Huntress, and Freddy would be just shy of top tier for some reason or another.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2020

    It's almost like Billy becomes a boring M1 killer when you have survivors that play safe with pallets and also can properly loop. He also encourages you to play smart. I suppose someone would think he's busted if you're incapable of either of those two things and play like a lot of survivors do - just run into a dead zone and wonder why your 360 didn't work, or sit on a gen against a highly mobile killer as he runs up on you.

    Hag is not top tier, she's definitely A, though.

    Here's the thing, you can play Hag in three ways.

    1 - You can setup a 3 gen. The downside to this is if the survivors are smart they will run around all over your setup map and pop your traps, especially if you're in a chase/down someone and such. This will completely eliminate all of your ability to catch survivors. This means you will either stomp or be stomped.

    2 - You can play a more active playstyle, placing traps along as you walk forward, place traps in some appropriate areas, then enter chases. You can place traps in the chase and use it to get hits. This is less effective and gives you less ability to snowball because this style can both be difficult to get hits against a good survivor or if you place your trap even remotely off. Or the reality is while you can get a hit in a loop relatively well, it doesn't change the fact that it's going to take a decent amount of time to do it.

    3 - You can down one person and set up all of your traps around the general area of traps and loops and use them as bait, which if the survivors group up will allow you to snowball.

    Again, Hag if played well can do ridiculously well, however against SWF or really good survivors they will abuse your weaknesses and you will find yourself with people like me, telling you exactly how she is abused and not top tier.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I believe he'll be fine once Ruin is nerfed. I can see how that perk made him a bit too good though. But he still can be looped, he has a lot of counterplay in chases.

    And by the love of god why do people want the powerful killers to be nerfed? Ruin has just been nerfed and it seems like this already increased the survivor queue times, because some people have stopped playing killer. Do you want 15+ minute queue times as survivor?