WRussoW Member Posts: 715
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Both perks require totems. Both of them don't require killers to do anything.

Why everyone is fine about Ruin but so hateful towards NOED? Like, I know people say NOED is the crutch perk but noone says the same thing about Ruin.


  • Wooferson
    Wooferson Member Posts: 22

    I mean, Noed is insurance but that doesn't mean its a crutch. Yes, itll give a chance for more kills but survivors have a ton of second chance perks (adrenaline, ds, delieverence, dh)

    Plus not getting rid of totems is the survivors fault and if they do get rid of it, the killer is down a perk slot. You can go against a killer with only 3 perks by simply completing totems which delay the game by maybe 2 minutes since you wont be on a gen.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    For me, Noed can be

    • Not a Hex, its a normal perk
    • Has 3 tokens, a hit on Healthy Survivor takes 1 token.
  • SL33PY
    SL33PY Member Posts: 71

    dont worry I’m sure noed will get the ruin treatment soon survivors don’t want the possibility of someone not escaping

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    I assure you, I'd be better suited to do it than you.

    Not saying you're bad, mind you. I'm just saying I'm better.

  • bj75181
    bj75181 Member Posts: 1

    This is so true. Atleast with NOED, you still have chances of winning. Use smart counterperks, get better, loop killers for time and avoid hooks. Survivors are already OP in their own right, so what's wrong with a NOED that spawns at the End?

    You can 1: Escape but with only a few players.

    2. Play smart and use perks that can counter it like Detectives Hunch.

    3. Be bad and complain

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    NOED doesn't take out skill from the killer. If survivors choose to gen rush and not cleanse totems that's on them. It's ironic most people ask for more objectives to slow the game down when totems are an objective. That's why NOED works best without other hex totems, it puts survivors in a false sense of security forgetting about totems altogether leaving some for NOED to appear.

    Sad thing is, I notice my NOED totem usually activates close to an exit making it easier to find on the way out. I can't count how many times I start cleansing the last totem as a friend is finishing the last gen. I start cleansing a dull and it finishes as a hex. So fulfilling imagining the killer thinking they are about to get one hours only to be let down when they hear the notification.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,238

    NOED requires you to lose 90% of the game to maybe have the perk activate. Pretty steep price for something can be found and cleansed right away. I've had dull totems light up into NOED as I was cleansing them.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    They hate noed with a passion because they feel entitled to a free escape. They have this weird idea the game is over and the killer has lost once the last gen is done. You still gotta get out.

  • Hex_Raider
    Hex_Raider Member Posts: 37


  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    noed is a punishement for survivors not doing bones and hugging gens

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    I honestly think the noed should be built in after the doors are powered on. Shouldn't the game get more dangerous, not less? Every killer should be fast and be able to one-shot. Similar to Jason's rage mode. Survivors should never feel safe. Something just feels very lacking during this time. I'm also saying this as a survivor and killer main.

  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    NOED is not that fun....but I can see why killers use it.

    It's really only not fun when you are the one downed by it. It triggers that "of course" feeling.

    But it is a totem, if they are cleansed before it triggers it's a wasted perk slot, and let's not pretend the lit totems are exactly hard to see. I just finished a map where the totem was right in front of the exit gate.

    And if I'm in the exit gate waiting for other teammates, I just nope out of there in fear that it MIGHT be active if the killers coming at me.

    Actually the more I think about it the more I've just ran into the fog because I'm worried it might be active but dont know for sure.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    I have an idea, if NOED is too strong even if it can be able to be broken. Why dont we put survivor perks on like, papers the killer can take down, can you imagine the salt storm when "HEY THATS NOT FAIR THE KILLER BROKE MY DS!?!110"

  • BoomBoom420
    BoomBoom420 Member Posts: 10

    With how bad the ranking system is(having purple ranks while u r rank 17 etc.) noed is completely fair game, I'm a former killer main, but I quit for the reason that even with noed, it's hard to get a single kill without camping or tunneling the hook. Cleanse totems if noed becomes a problem, it stops noed, and kinda stops genrushing.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I'd disagree. I will switch to NOED sometimes if I see 4 tool boxes and I want to make sure it isn't just memes for the survivors to plow through the gens. It is insurance, sure, but it isn't a bad perk. If some people use it as a crutch that is their loss, but not all killers that run NOED are unskilled or unable to improve. Same with not all survivors that run adrenaline or DS are bad survivors. I'd say it's on a case by case basis.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    That was why it felt so weird to hear it was getting changed. Mixing protective hexes like TOTH and HG made people panic and for get the other totems, which gave NOED some nice protection/distraction. Besides, if you always expect they have it, it won't ever really take you by surprise.

  • Mr_X
    Mr_X Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2020

    I've been playing this since long before ruin, and it's basically ruined the game for me. I only started playing again because I heard it was going away. Basically kills every game if you aren't active and derank.

    I don't have a problem with noed though tbo. Cleanse more totems of you're worried about that... Or don't get hit.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    You think killers don't get better when playing the majority of the game with 3 perks?

    It's funny that this "takes no skill or action to activate" comes out that quick on this topic. Does it take skill to drop down somewhere or vault something to get the rush from Lithe/BL? Or is that actually enough action to verify a second chance? Or that 'well timed' sprintburst that simply allows you to sit on the gen for the very last second, or even sit on dead area gens and escape to the next loop. Very high skill cap and difficult action necessary.

    And I would even say, the action the killer takes to get this 'reward' is: playing with 3 perks until EGC. Totally worth it. Still counterable by cleansing totems. So it is actually in the survivors hands if it happens or not. NOED punishes survivors to not go for totems. If they do, the killer at least gets the reward of slightly slower gen progression. I totally see no problem with NOED. It even is not a huge problem most of the times when it still activates, unless 2 survivors are already dead. And if the killer achieves that with 3 perks, I'd say "deserved".

    (of course there are edge cases, I'm not protecting super boring insidious campers with NOED. Just saying the perk itself is fine. But as many other things you can abuse it, like DS)

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    Personally I enjoy the detective hunch buff. Green maps don't track totems without it. No totems slip by on my watch so I never worry about NOED.

    Besides NOED is only good for the haste boost like BBQ is only good for the BPS boost <insert troll face here>

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    I work on totems regardless if I'm in swf or solo. Free bold points...

    You can see where totems were if they were already cleanse so no it's not impossible.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Here's some idea for the crutch perks you talk so lowly of.

    DS- slug, or even better, don't tunnel.

    BT- go for the unhooker, tunneler.

    ADR- is a reward for getting the gens done. Y'know, there's a perk that counters it that seems to be what this thread is all about.

    Or maybe you think hen times suck. Here's some strategies for that.

    Disengage with the chase- self-explanatory

    Swap killer - try Pig, Billy, Huntress, Spirit, Nurse (3 of the 5 are free.)

    Oh and the only way 5 hens can get popped is; 5 four-man generators, Prove Thyself (Preferably 3), 4 Engineer's toolboxes (with the best add-ons.), Bad killer who doesn't know what map pressure is, and, oh, I almost forgot, the ability to teleport. Clown Face Emoji

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    When someone calls Ruin a crutch perk it's like Goliath calling David's slingshot a crutch weapon.

  • ToxicClaud
    ToxicClaud Member Posts: 13

    NOED is completely fair, if people are complaining about just do any dull totem you see-_-

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    NOED is fair and honestly a pretty terrible perk. If the killer gets to use NOED they've pretty much already lost. And survivors have themselves to blame if they didn't keep track of totem spots (maps and detective's hunch are good ways to do this). You might get one kill off NOED at the end of the match, essentially pity points for the killer.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Trying to read that hurt my head lol I never called those crutch perks. I said if we're gonna talk about removing things like NOED or ruin, then we should also talk about the things that make survivors overpowered. I've also explained how gens can get popped easily in another post. In red ranks you're usually going against SWFG, and usually very good ones at that. Optimal survivors with perks and toolboxes can have 3 people on a gen at the beginning of a match and finish that gen in less than 20 seconds. This has been proven in many matches and videos. On a large map, a base movement killer takes 40 seconds to reach the opposite end of the map where the survivors usually spawn. It's simple math and easy to see why survivors can get 2-3 gens done before a killer even reaches them. There's also very little to no counter play to it. Doesn't mean it's impossible. But you really sound like a baby survivor who still thinks killers are overpowered despite them having most of their perks, powers, and add one nerfed lol.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    You're telling me people wasted time finding the totem before the update? Sips tea in No Mither and This Is Not Happening

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    But you played a game and completed 5 gens against a killer who only had 3 perks. Getting to where you are was 25% easier. Tac on cleansing and potential non-activation. It's only fair to make that last part harder.

    Idea: What if ALL dull totems lit up and were like tokens. Cleansing during the game takes away tokens (unknowingly). One returns to dull for each 1hit down. 1 or 2 downs is plenty to get some endgame momentum. Plus extra incentive to cleanse dulls.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    But that would extend the game up to a 4th minute. Also totems don’t have skillchecks and are not effected by toolboxes so survivors aren’t into it.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2020

    Because Ruin is independent of the killer. Whereas NOED is not since in order for NOED to work the killer has to hit someone down. What makes NOED more frustrating is that a survivor or survivors can be running circles around the killer the whole game and the killer can be total trash but get lucky at the end of the game due to circumstances that may not even be in the survivors control and down a survivor or all the remaining survivors.

    It seriously sucks when you know you've outplayed someone and they (the killer) get lucky at the end because they saw you last second or you just happened to run into them or your aura is revealed or the gates were super close or any other countless possibilities. Usually the gates are super close which is frustrating beyond all belief.

    Now before you say "survivors should just destroy totems" realize that most the smart survivors do BUT sometimes the totems are hard as hell to find. In fact, I've even come across an invisible totem once and only knew it was there because of the prompt message at the bottom of the screen saying to cleanse it.

    It's unreasonable to think that every totem will be easily found every single time. In teams that aren't SWF survivors can't communicate and can't say "Hey, I got two totems" or however many. So, it's a guessing game and it's very likely that a totem or several will remain in play.

    You can be insanely more skilled than the killer and yet the killer can one hit down you or everyone because of a perk, leaving you no chance to even outrun them or mind-game game or anything.

    That in short is why NOED is so frustrating.

    Edit: And then the chances of other survivors sticking around to help you, look for the totem, and save is next to none and equally as frustrating, especially if it's your first hook.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    NOED is unfair against solo players. Add a totem counter and the fairness angle is taken care of, imho.

    Old Ruin was unhealthy toward beginners, that's the only part I agree with the devs, but it could have been reworked in a much better way. I think it should have been a hex that made gen repair 100-ish seconds flat. Also make it that as long as the totem is active, repair speed debuffs/bonuses from other perks/add-ons/items do not apply. It would have been truly an early game perk and the gens would still progress, with the option of cleansing the totem. It would have also greatly reduced stallmates via forever builds. I believe there would've been little complaints on both sides. To those who'd say holding m1 longer is boring, with old ruin gens made survivors holding m1 longer anyway. Hitting even one good check meant 7 additional seconds. Missing a skill check meant 11. That happened even to the best.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I agree, that is really frustrating. But so is playing a killer and dominating an entire team for the whole match only for them to pull a key and escape. Or downing a bad survivor on their last hook just for the one team member who is decent to pop the last gen, then that survivor you just downed pops up with adrenaline and runs to the gate just to teabag you as they escape. Or having 4 survivors who use an Ormunds offering, all with DS, adrenaline, DH, and sprint burst. That's all very annoying for killers to deal with. My point remains the same, you can't address one side without addressing the others.

    The most frustrating thing about playing killer, and this had been said by a lot of people, is that even if you've learned all there is to know about playing killer, and even if you make no mistakes and play perfectly in a match, you will lose if the survivors don't make mistakes. It's extremely frustrating to play an entire match perfectly and still lose. That's the difference between playing killer and survivor. If I play optimally as a survivor, I'm probably gonna escape. But even if I play optimally as a killer, doesn't mean I'm probably gonna win.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I do it in a lot of games. Its easy 5k bps, in the boltness too, which i dont like too much and rarely max out (but it happens from time to time). There are just so many totem spawns, and once you get them, you can find totems easy and quick.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    A). No one cares ab your other post we are talking about this one

    B). You took 2 days to respond. I haven't looked at this post in 48+ hours

    C). To me Overpowered and crutch are synonymous to me.

    D). How can you tell what rank in at based on how I comment. I am allowed to retaliate at something I take offense at.

    E). Why did I use letters to express myself

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    You haven't told me anything though. You talked about yourself a lot though lol said nothing about playing the game