Will I get banned for bad WiFi?

So I was playing Michael and my WiFi sucks living in a house with two Xbox’s and 6 phones not even including pc’s and I had survivors message me on Xbox saying they reported me for lag switching. Will I get banned for a lack of decent WiFi? Please help me out. I’m too addicted to this game to never play it again.
Best Answers
No, you cannot be banned for having bad WIFI. Though, I would advise that you be courteous to other players and not play when you know your WIFI is bad.
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Of course! Remember, if you play Killer, everyone else is playing with bad WiFi as well, since you host the game.
As Survivor, the lag will only affect you, therefore, play extremely safe.
Hope this helps!
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I can associate with that, I too had bad Wifi for years, my best was 3MBS on DSL internet. The issue was that for awhile we couldn't get cable internet or fibre optic internet because of where we lived, but now after a long time we finally have 400MBS+ internet.
So, I can understand how it feels to play with bad internet that constantly causes crashing, lag, etc, and yes I'm a Killer main so it was horrible in-game to be the Killer and cause the lag. It got so bad that some people would think I was lag switching in-game, but it was just my internet constantly stuttering or lagging at random points.
Sometimes it would do this mid-chase, so people automatically assumed it was lag switching, but it was just a coincidence.
The point is, I can understand why you'd think it's bannable, but as Pulsar said it's not. You'll be fine, don't worry about it.
Thankyou Pulsar. It’s simply too hard to play any other game so for the time being, I switched to survivor until my WiFi gets better.
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You won't be banned for this, for consoles where killer is host it's the survivor's fault for staying in your lobby after they saw your ping, and for dedicated servers it's hard for survivors and they're gonna get mad at you for it, but no, no bans man.
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I think he's a PC player.
I wasn't aware that console players can see your ping, is this still in console even though they're on dedicated servers now (or were on them in a test).
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they can see your ping while in a lobby. To be honest, I don’t if we are on dedicated servers or not on console.
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Do you really think you can get banned for having bad wifi? If you lag switch on purpose, then obviously I guess it is bannable.
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It's not a bad question to ask, I used to think I would get in trouble for constantly crashing on my old Wifi.
I didn't think I would be banned, but I thought I would eventually hit a DC threshold for a ban or something, since it did get that bad at some points... but not all the time. Now though, I don't have these issues anymore with my new internet, as said above.
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On Xbox we can see your ping. Ill Dodge if ping is over 250. I get suspicious when I have green ping and mid Chase lag across map
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Ping is unreliable tbh, especially the old ping that PC had where it says it's green in-game but spikes to Yellow and Red in-game.
Tbh, I never based how bad the connection was or how good it was off ping alone, but it's indeed the base-line.
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That's fair, I was just commenting because the person said "it's the survivors fault for staying in your lobby" when some of the worst lag I've experienced was green ping
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Understandable, that's why I think its misleading is all.
And since it's misleading in some cases I firmly believe it's unreliable as a result. But yes, I understand what you mean as I've also had similar cases from ping displaying as green and than in-game going to red, I can't see it being red but the lag helps with that conclusion.