Hard to PIP with Ruin nerf... as survivor

So anyone else experiencing basically all Black PIPs so far? Games are over so quick maybe 1-2 hooks so it's tough to get enough Altruism and Chase to actually PIP up at red ranks.
Not really for me, just try to get in chases more often and go for unhooks.
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No lol. Two Doctor 4ks in a row so far in red ranks. Me as survivor.
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You kidding? I've been pipping faster than ever it's crazy easy to win as survivor now.
I've never escaped this much before. I am getting out even solo in a majority of my matches because the ones with new ruin are easier than old matches where there was no ruin.
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But there lies the problem. A survivor shouldn't have to go hunting for the killer or hoping someone is hooked just to earn a pip. If this isn't showing a Gen time issue, then nothing is
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That's the issue.
You have to farm in order to rank up.
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Stupid double post.
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How many matches have you played? The update released barely over an hour ago including the time it takes to update and you're acting like you've had time to play 10-15 matches. Even IF that were the case, it's gonna take a lot more than one hour of data to figure out what needs to change.
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No? You have to play according to the emblem system. If you don't get in chases or unhook you won't rank up. It's how the system works. It was put in place specifically so you do various things to get points and not just 1 thing.
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'Guys we did all the gens in 3 mins, lets ######### around a bit to rank up.'
It's a terrible system.
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About 50 on the PTB, and like 5 or 6 maybe so far on Live, but it feels about the same. Escaped and pipped every single game on live, and most on PTB- and every one of them someone had new ruin on live today so far.
So far across the board it's been easier, if that changes I'll come back and admit it, but so far I've been finding things way easier especially in solos. Hey after I've played 20 matches, I'll come right back here probably saying the same thing, but I have no problem reporting back after that.
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No it's pretty much the same. Hiding and doing gens got you a black pip before ruin got changed I'm pretty sure.
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Well yeah new ruin isn't going to feel like old ruin, they serve 2 different purposes. Old ruin stalled the early game while new ruin is a "win more" perk it feels like.
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Oh, I agree ESCAPING is way easier, but escaping doesn't always mean pipping.
Yes, you should be able to do gens, chases and safe unhooks if given the chance. But if my teammate leads the killer on their first chase literally while we get all the gens done then what? We are expected to go looking for the killer to actually win?
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As a rank 1 killer and rank 1 survivor, im gonna derank my killer on purpose to have maybe alittle better games. Survivor is queue simulator, and killer is just 4-5 min games on most maps, where everyone depip/black pip.
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That has always been the case, it's not a balanced system and very flawed. This isn't a new issue. If you were relegated to being a gen worker while your team did all the chasing and saving, you were always at the bottom of the scoreboard.
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Not like I'm hiding, it literally took the killer that long to get the first person. I'm sure he didn't pip either and he was hardly hiding, but he would have done no rescues and zero gen work except the residual you get while being chased.
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This guy literally complains, that he escapes the games too fast.
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Low quality bait
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Yes I literally am, because escaping isn't a win to me... PIPPING is, not to mention how unfun a 5 minute win with zero challenge is. Although maybe that's what you are looking for it's not what I am.
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Feel free to get chased by the killer for a good amount of time and you will get your pip. But for that you must be good at looping lol.
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that's a major problem lol
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Gee i never saw that one coming......
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Maybe, thing is there are less of these killer curbstomps from ruin matches now. So the game still feels healthier as a whole.
I think if they nerf gen speeds the matches will be a lot more well rounded than they ever were before. Right now though there is definitely a survivor side power tilt, you can feel it in your matches.
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I pipped 8 ranks in my first game - I didn't even do that great.
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I do enjoy chases and being looped, but being forced to go look for the killer and be chases AFTER all gens are powered just seems silly. It's like manufacturing a triple double by missing and getting your own rebound in basketball.
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Write a complain letter to the devs and maybe, they fix it in 6 months.
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This is my first time actually reaching rank 1 survivor genuinely.
I've never pipped so many games in a row in my entire time playing this game haha. I only died twice so far and it was endgame because I was overly altruistic.
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No issues so far.
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I have to do that all the time as killer. If the survivors die too fast I don't pip.
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Who would have thought that reworking a fundamental perk and bandaid fix for a balance problem without addressing this problem would cause more issues?
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Yeah, especially with certain killers like the one shot downers... Billy and Plague are the two I have hardest time pipping with.
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Leave 1 gen and bully the killer for a few minutes.
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Farm? No. Play the game. You shouldn't Gen Jockey the entire game, get chased the entire game, or just go for altruism the entire game. Switch Gen Roles, switch on unhooks, etc. If you're in a solo match, then don't be afraid to get into a chase for a little while. If you're playing against dookie killers than I'm sorry. But so far I've played a few good killers where getting 5 gens done isn't the easiest thing in the world. Pipping isn't supposed to happen every game, depending on which Rank you're at. If I made a new account and played, I would pip or double pip every game until I got to mid Purple ranks. It's just how the game goes, but for me. If games go too fast for you or the original discussion poster, than look to change variables in the game that make pipping easier. Play with a coordinated SWF, run certain perks, etc.
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I'm rank 2 right now and haven't managed to pip yet. Games are over in 3-4 minutes. Killers relied too much on Ruin.They have no idea how to play without it. I am a purple rank killer right now (I'm playing more survivor at the moment, was rank 1 before) and I got 4Ks with Clown against red rank survivors. Sure, It's more stressful now, but it can still be done.
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3-4 minutes? That's nearly impossible. Each gen is a minute and a half, and that's if you don't stop for one second to do any other task. 6-7 minutes is more realistic if you have a good team against a booty killer.
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We usually have toolboxes with addons and we pair up to do gens. Perks can also help. I didn't time the games I played, but it felt close to that. I could be wrong, though. 😋
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I don't think killers relied too much on ruin sinceraly.. most of the time it was a placebo effect againts gen tapping and survivors with mouse buttons skillchecks. It never was a real challenge or overpowered like some people thought.
That most killers equip it doesn't mean it was powerful, it talk about how quick the gens are done and the struggle of killers at stopping them.
And the mayor weakness of ruin is and was being an hex wich most of the times gets nuked in 10-30 sec. The nerf they did was pointless, its like covering with more trash an already useless perk.
I think the devs should try to balance the game around game core mechanic and not around perks so much.
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Actually, absolutely possible. Generic scenario:
Killer takes about 20s to find one survivor, chases and downs in about 40s which is a pretty quick down, another 10-15s to pick them up, carry them to hook and hook them. 10s later 3 generators are done.
And that's assuming a fairly quick down. A decent looper can keep the killer in chase for 1m. Of course, you can break the chase but that only works if you know where another survivor is. 80s is really not a lot of time, and that's 3 people doing 3 separate gens at the same time.
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A gen is 80 seconds for one survivor. In theory 3 survivors could finish one each in 1:20 right as the first player gets hooked. Then one runs for the unhook, he chases the third and the fourth does another gen at the 4:00 mark and that accounts for travel time. Four gens done in four minutes is what most games SHOULD BE except immortal players have this phobia about doing anything except hiding.