New Doc cancels DS

Why is it that I hit the skill check on doc but don't stun him instead I just get hooked? It has happened every match against him but not against other killers
like the title said Decisive Strike is not working with that addon of the Doc.
Re-Edit: sometimes is not working too with others killers.
did this happen to someone too?
Post edited by Kernelzilla on1 -
Yes, it also didn't work for me too. Not sure if its the addon because I've played with a friend and my DS didn't work but for her it worked.
I don't think its an addon specific issue, its a general issue. Not sure what it triggers tho.
Here's a video:
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Yes, it also didn't work for me and my friend too in separate matches against the Doctor.
Probably isn't addon related because killers had different addons in those game.
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Yeah just happened to me against the doc. He did have the reverse skil check add on, but it worked for me the 2nd time he tunneled me. No idea why.
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This literally just happened to me against the doc. I hit it and it just ignored it. I’m getting major PTSD flashbacks to the old bug.
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Not just the reverse skill checks. I have seen it 2x today with regular skillchecks.
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I played 2 matches and I hit my skill check but nothing happened... what is going on???
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Was told to report the bug on the Discord, so here I am. I have a clip of it. Was against the doctor.
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Same issue here. They nod no and pick me as if they know it's not gonna work.
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Its a bug.
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You shouldn't rely on that crutch perk anyway.
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Alright, now I understand, why I wasn't hit by DS a couple of times. A fun addition to instant flashlights.
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He doesn’t get stunned when hit
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I experienced the same. I hit the skillcheck perfectly in the middle against Doc and nothing happened.
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i've noticed it only happening on doctor, might have something to do with the update?
maybe it's intended while you're on tier 3 of madness?
i don't know and either way it's really stupid and i've lost multiple matches because of it
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I run Nemesis and I dont generate counterclockwise checks. I had a Jake complain their DS didnt land. My build is Surveillance, BBQ, Nemesis, Nurses; Restraint/Calm
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Finally survivors know what it is like to have gamebreaking bugs. Killer have to get used to that for a long time now.
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Adding to the report. DS failed against the doctor for me as well
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Had the same issue against the doctor hit it twice in the same round but nothing happened
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Now Survivors know what it's like to be affected by loads of game breaking bugs.
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Watch how quickly this bug gets fixed. Because you know, it affects survivors.
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He’s actually very unfun to play against. I don’t care for the rework at all and as one of the most annoying killers in game, he’s now everywhere. I wish they reworked someone else.
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Its not like they didn't have a breaking one 2 months ago. When was the last time a killer got one, may I ask you?
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Survivors just got done dealing with the basement bug. Twice. That bug was truly game breaking.
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This train of thought is so toxic and one sided, bugs aren't good on either side. Survivors also frequently encounter bugs, were you even there for the basement bug a month ago ?
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Yes and one sided of course because devs does. Basement bug was fixed a day or two after being reported. Nurse can't blinks at various spots like shack on swamp and various spot on yamaoka.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Nurse to blink in the area around the base of the shrine in the Sanctum of Wrath map.
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult for The Nurse to blink in or around the gazebo tile in the Yamaoka Estate maps.
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult for The Nurse to blink in or around the shrine tile in the Yamaoka Estate maps.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Nurse to blink around the shack tile in the Backwater Swamp maps.
Those were only fixed with 3.5.0. DS is bugged in a few days they will fix it.
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Okay. The Wake Up bug speeding up all actions for survivors which made games more unbearable, as well as the "getting stuck in pallets" bug that still hasn't been fixed. Bugged sound occlusion that still hasn't been fixed. Trapper getting stuck in his own traps when setting them. Hag can't lunge after teleporting. The various Nurse blink dead zones on every map. The old nurse double stun after a lethal blink that took ages to fix. Survivors being able to blind you from behind. Wraith post uncloak speed boost and the spirit's post phase speed that literally just got fixed. Wraith's infinite light burn bug which STILL hasn't been fixed. Stop acting cute.
Anyways, since this bug only affects survivors ir should be fixed before the month is out. Unlike killers who had to wait three months to get proper sound back.
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Lets get Hags bugs pinned at top aswell.
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Fortunately its just a perk bug instead of a survivor bug as a whole. Can always just swap it out until it gets fixed.
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What is with this dismissive attitude you feel the need to carry? I said they weren't good on either side, I didn't need an example of something they've yet to fix for a killer. It's one sided to view this as something positive like the comment I was referring toward. The severity of the bug and how easy of a possible fix determines when a bug is looked into and resolved. The developers aren't withholding fixes to benefit survivors. Reworking many structures for Nurse blinks could be more complicated and time consuming than you think.
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I do understand that some issues need more time to fix but it was still gamebreaking bugs for her. You think it's good waiting a month and a half for a fix. Meanwhile nurse can't blinks and can't catch because she move at 96,25%.
There is nothing dismissive it's facts.
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Wraith not uncloaking when stunned/burned isn't map related btw. But it's just one killer, right? Only one out of 18, unlike survivors. That's why he's STILL not fixed, I guess.
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Dead Hard hasn't worked since dedicated servers were added, can that be looked into too?
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What does that have to do with anything? Things need fixed, they're not exclusive to any role or killer. If the developers had a solution for this, it'd be resolved.
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If the developers had a solution for this, it'd be resolved.
I would rather think that they just neglect low priority bugs than that they have no competence of fixing something that WORKED BEFORE. Not sure your point is any better.
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Yeah because I should just allow myself to be tunnelled. I mean old ruin was the same almost every killer had it. I have been playing killer more and the perks I use are BBQ, Thanatophobia, Bitter Murmur, and the 4th depends on the killer but never ruin or NOED. So saying that DS is a crutch perk is a load of crap killer mains say, because every perk is a crutch perk because it's meant to help you win. I run DS because I got tired of killers literally hooking me and then waiting for me to get pulled off just to farm me.
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Tunneling is a good strategy. I don't blame Survivors who genrush, they are only doing their objective. I also don't blame Killers who tunnel, a 4v1 is massively against them, but a 3v1 is way more even.
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Tunnelling is a strategy for noobs. It isn't right, I think about everyone's fun. I mean how fun can it be to get in a match just to be camped and tunnelled out. I understand that gen rushing is a problem but if you just focus on 1 person you aren't protecting the gens, all your accomplishing is ruining that players fun.
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No, I'm winning. Getting rid of one person is strategically the best move I can make. A 3v1 is massively in my favor, but I will lose a 4v1. With how fast gens go right now, I have no problem with it. I don't want to do it, but if I see three gens pop in my first chase, I will do what I must.