

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Idk about adrenaline, but bt and ds have been necessary with how many killers lately camp and tunnel off the hook.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    Mostly they have 3 toolboxes.. As I said, Recently while playing killer, there are more survivors now using toolboxes.. In fact 2 of the 3 Toolboxes has even Brand New Parts with it.. That's the reason why Gens pops up so fast... And its probably the worst when you've been sent on big ass map like cornfields, because before you even find your first survivor.. 2-3 Gens are already done.. It's insane..

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Most survivors immediately dc out of matches with killer hidden offerings then sen "lol noob trash" messages

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    I am actually posting a topic which does not address the real reason why Gen Pops left and right in a minute. I'm posting this topic so the Devs will give equal treatment of nerfing(of course if they'll listen). Since they based their nerf on the usage of the perk, then why won't they nerf survivor's perk then, Since 95% of the Survivors who are on the Red Ranks uses DH, Adrenaline and DS? Because even If i point out the real problem of the situation, The Devs have no any idea what I'm talking about..

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Mmm yes equal treatment. Survivors never get nerfed. Keep living in your echo chamber.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    True.. But I rarely get survivor dc because i don't use mori... unless of course its a potato survivor who joins their red rank buddies and rage quit after getting downed 1st. Lol..

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Just use A normal brown toolbox with socket swivels and have 3 separate people working on 3 separate gens then bam

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    edited January 2020

    How do gens and DH, DS or Adrenaline have any correlation?

    Hint There is no correlation.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    Have you read my post? I posted this topic to point out the unfair nerfing of Ruin.. Since devs based their nerf on the total usage of ruin on the red ranks.. Since they based it on how many players use it on the red ranks, Then it's proper to address them that 95% of the Survivors on the red ranks uses these meta perk as well, therefore should be nerf.. And even If pointed out the real reason, The Devs will have no idea what I'm talking about because they themselves don't play on the Red Ranks..

  • Goat_Worship
    Goat_Worship Member Posts: 73

    Yeah, being basically invincible with DS for 1 minute of the game when 3+ gens can theoretically pop in that time period has no correlation whatsoever. You must be smoking that good shiiii

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    I’ve never experience 3 gens popping off in a minute, that’s why I find it unusual, usually it’s either 1 or 2 but never 3 in my eyes.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    There was more to the nerf than just "hur dur most killers were using it in red ranks"

    I don't have much faith in the devs but cmon bruh. They aren't that surface level.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    Well as of lately I heard there's a lot of tunneling and camping on higher rank killers. But on the Purple and Red Ranks, I haven't seen one..

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    Probably they don't play too match red rank matches.. But this problem only occurred after Ruin nerf.. Killers who uses Ruin in Red Ranks before its nerf doesn't get 2-3 Popping gen in a minute, Now, It's very common lately especially with a squad of 2-3 Toolboxes(4 is the worst).

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I mean if you played in red ranks you'd know most red ranks work through ruin in the same amount of time anyways.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited January 2020


    "Increases Repair speed for all repairing Survivors by 10 % for each other Survivor within a range of 4 metres."

    That means everyone repairs 10% faster for each survivor, including yourself. You also can see this if you use this perk an a survivor is standing near to your in 4 meters, your repair bar goes to yellow and yellow means you do the action faster.

  • zzee19
    zzee19 Member Posts: 48

    Its take 80 second for 1 surv without toolbox. With toolbox +-1min , so when u chase one guys it can be easy 3 gens pop. Why you think it is not possible for 3 gens? I had a game with 4 toolboxes and sneaky survs and got 4gens +- 1.5min.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    No actually.. Because it gave time for survivors to find the hex totem.. That itself gave M1 killers to go from one generator to the next and hit or down survivor before the 1st gen is even done.. Now, especially on Big ass Maps, 2-3 Gens are done within a minute even before you find your 1st Survivor, Which is ridiculous and Insane at the same time..

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    These guys probably haven't played killers on red ranks since ruin nerf, so they have no idea what I'm talking about. Lol.. 🤣

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I never looked for the hex totem. EZ Hex skillchecks all day long baybeeee.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    Isn't that the reason why ruin was nerf in the first place? Because baby survivors can't adapt to skill checks? Why should always be the Killer who should adapt on situations while survivors gets it ez? Yeah I'm a balance player who plays both Survivor and Killer, But I'm posting this topic on my Killer Perspective.. Its ridiculous and insane...

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I mean do you deny that ruin in general was an unhealthy perk for the game?

    Now that ruin (which only really affected the bad survivors, making getting into the game even more frustrating, while barely even mattering to good survs) is out of the way, devs can see how fast games can actually go and adjust the game accordingly.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    The question is, when will they adjust it? It took freddy nearly 2 years before he even got what he deserve.. If the problem comes from the survivors side, expect a fixed immediately.. A week is even considered too long.. But if there's a problem on the Killer it took months and even years(Just look at freddy) unless of course its a nerf, Just look how they nerfed Oni twice after PTB and a week later.. Ruin is not an unhealthy perk.. In fact it even teaches you how to hit Great Skill Check, and probably defines your skill to the rest of the team.. But now Ruin is gone, do you even think survivors will even have a challenge since all they do now is Gen Rushing on Red Ranks? While killers especially M1 Killers are having a hard time going from one gen to the other especially on Big ass Maps..

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I meant unhealthy in terms of it just was a game ender for bad players and not even a problem for good players. That's not a healthy perk for the game.

    You can't outskill your way from suffering from the effects of sloppy butcher, etc. Everyone gets affected the same when hit. The new ruin is now in line with that type of gameplay (which is healthier for the game).

    The next move the devs make will make or break this situation though. Hopefully maps change or something. But as someone who plays both sides, I think it was a good idea to change ruin for the game's health as a whole. There shouldn't be a perk that affects people differently depending on how many hours they have in the game.

  • namjuunn
    namjuunn Member Posts: 43

    Id played twice as a killer ever since this new update and mostly had 2 gens popping already 2 minutes in a match and thats bc there were two dudes at a time working on a gen

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    What you're not understanding is now that ruin is out of the picture, the developers will see how fast games go without it with their data. With the examples you're providing, you're talking about a complete killer rework, and other buffs. This ruin change will provide them with more accurate data to analyze whether gen speeds need to get adjusted, map sizes need to be reduced, etc. In red ranks, it's a completely different ball game in terms of balance. Now that games are going a lot faster, queue times for survivors increasing, they will hopefully make needed adjustments to this game to make it more fair in red ranks since ruin will not be an issue anymore for new players.

    I get it, it's frustrating when the games at red ranks take little time especially for me, a solo survivor, waiting more time for a match than actually IN a match.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    Riiiight... but that's what they're addressing next is it not

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    You're lucky having two gens in 2 minutes.. While I got 2-3 Gens in just a Minute..

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    What data are you talking about? The devs even don't have any idea why killers run Ruin on the red ranks in the first place, so what data are you talking about? All they care are baby survivors frustrations not hitting a Great Skill Check when Ruin is around.. But they didn't check why Killers on the Red Ranks run Ruin in the first place.. So what data are you talking about?

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    I dislike Gen times like most of the active forum community but the way this post is written is beyond pathetic.

  • namjuunn
    namjuunn Member Posts: 43

    I mean it is annoying and not only that but also having another two gens being done while chasing one damn survivor...

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,398
    edited January 2020

    Also if you take 30 seconds getting to the other side of the map and about 30 seconds for a chase and say hooking takes about 10 seconds. And the other 3 survivors have been working on gens. Congrats thats 3 gens popped if you dont stop one within 10 seconds. (Poor clown on big maps).

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    Because you have no idea how m1 Killers now play on the red ranks... especially with a 3-4 Toolbox Squad and yeah with Big Ass Maps..

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    Nerf dead hard how do you propose that happens ? Dead hard barely works if I could paste in how many games when I’m exhausted on floor or exhasusted and no movement and so on, DS is bugged can click it dead center and it won’t trigger. Honestly if your struggling in red ranks then you shouldn’t be there.... so many killers are red ranks because they got carried by ruin low low ranks and potatoes survivors now there babies coz they can’t deal with actualy decent players... every killer wants surviours nerfed.. how about you just adapt we as survivors adapt on every change they do you killers have had nothing.. lol of a ruin nerf and enduring don’t count for ds ....... please can the killer community stop being Baby’s Lol, surviours can have no perks and killers still be complaing surviours are Op, nerf there ability to run... XD no maybe you just need to get good?

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    Another ignorant post i presume.. I don't have any problem playing Killer on the Red Ranks as long they are not M1 Killers.. But I am having problems with M1 Killers who doesn't have gen pressure skills which consist of the majority of the Killers.. I've been on the red rank even before you started playing this game, son.. And it has nothing to do with Get Gud which you ignorant survivor main throws at killer. It's about How a M1 Killer can go from one gen to another without gens popping so Fast.. especially on Big Maps.. Seriously a survivor main like you shouldn't even post a comment here because you have no idea how to play a killer in the first place.. 



  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    "and adrenaline" is not 'screaming'

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite

    When kill rates reach 100%

  • yncomrade
    yncomrade Member Posts: 13
  • Sir_WAFFLZ
    Sir_WAFFLZ Member Posts: 45

    I'm just going to play Surv until this stuff gets fixed. I'm a red rank surv and we pop 2 or 3 gens before the killer gets their first hook.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    I even bet majority of players who leave such comments have even played M1 Killers on the Red Ranks since the patch released.

    Post edited by DragonOfPain on
  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    @DragonOfPain but I can get rank 1 killer with no ruin And I have been many times and I don’t even play killer so that point is not valid,

    your a typical killer main a I’m asking you how you would propose in changing dead hard and you can’t even string a sentence into why.... you’ve been playing be4 me ? Well you should have learnt to adapt instead of cry by now , like the rest of us 😂

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020
    Post edited by DragonOfPain on
  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    Killer Main? Lol.. I started this game as a Survivor back in 2016, When you only got 3 Killers.. After reaching Rank 1 as a Survivor, I tried playing Killer next to learn and adapt to such situation. And the only way to understand such mechanic is to play both sides so you'll learn how to counter play when you take their role.. So what are you talking about I'm a killer main? I posted this topic in my Killer Perspective and not my Survivor Perspective.. And yeah, all your claims are BS.. Because True Red Rank Killers know how important Ruin is, especially on M1 Killers.. So your claims are incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial.. I rest my case.. 😛

    Edit: So How do you nerf DH? Simple, Give a longer exhaustion time for it.. It should have the same time like Deliverance.. It will make it fair... and yeah DS too should be nerf.. Instead of 60 seconds, it should be 30 seconds at least and finally Adrenaline should be nerf with its 5 second ultra boost.. or that it does not work when the Survivor is in a dying state. That's how you balance the game. You ignorant survivor main. 😛

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    true Red rank killers just laugh at this change and carry on dominating games like they have been.....

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    Dominating? You mean Billy, Spirit, Nurse and Freddy on the red ranks? Because those are the only Killers who can rekt on the red ranks without ruin. But with m1 Killers? Nah.. You really don't have any idea how M1 killers works now especially on big ass map.. This is coming from a survivor main who reached Rank 1 Killer without Ruin. Yeah right, you and your BS Fairy tale.. Hahaha..



  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
    edited January 2020

    @DragonOfPain & thank you for saying how you wish to change dead hard it that’s all I wanted to read lol, I’m not trying to argue with you I want to know what you think so you can calm down with the name calling and insults, just because I don’t share the same views as you means im ignorant and incompetent, so back to what you think should be changed now currently for me that don’t make sence , eg. I can use it once a chase and have to be not running in order for it to replenish.. so me using it once in a chase is op ? And it needs to Be longer when I can’t use it again? The only time that is bypassed is when I’m hooked, so if you was to add your change of extended the timer how would it help?

    & no I have not played killer since the change but if you read what I said I’ve been and was rank 1 and I don’t run ruin so the change means nothing to me because I never used it in the firstborn place....

    but since the change I’m a red rank surviours and every game I’m in the killer is 3-k 4king.... I feel it depends on what platform your on on ps4 I just ain’t seeing a problem, maybe pc there is a issues as I feel it’s full of sweaty wanna be mlg 😂

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    Because that's how you nerf Dead Hard.. By giving a longer exhaustion time.. Well i can't blame you.. Because you're not using your brain to come up with a good solution.. sorry for my language. Much Love and Peace ✌️🤣

  • Larisa
    Larisa Member Posts: 176

    Yeah, I have the same. I'm red rank killer and 2 gens pop while I only down first person. Then 3rd gen pops before they even unhook first person. After this moment I can apply some pressure and if all chases go smoothly get other 2-3 people hooked. However, 4th gen happens on 3rd hook, and if they did not triangle themselves, there isn't much to control. Before my killer games took between 10 to 20 mins. Now they are 5-7 mins.

    I feel like now I have to rely on perks such as bloodwarden, remember me, noed ..

    Or to play with Mori, since hooking everyone 3 times not gonna happen in 5-7mins.