

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    If the survivor being chase by the killer lasts more than 80 seconds, 3 generators will end if these survivors are repairing different generators.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    That wasn't the original post. The original post said that 3 gens popped in the first minute.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Dude I wasn't even responding to you or the OP someone else said it was impossible for a solo gen to get done in under a min and wanted to see the math.

    So I did show him that its both possible while also showing math behind it.

    I said nothing on likely it is to happen just that it is possible.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Ah, then yes. Totally possible for a gen to get done in under a minute solo. Assuming perfect conditions of course.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    edited January 2020

    Not even perfect conditions:

    1. at the beginning of the game most killers can only pressure 1 survivor. So the others are left uncontested for however long the chase lasts for.
    2. This WASN'T counting the 2% bonus progression on great skill checks PER CHECK.
    3. This isn't even on maxed out speed or toolbox efficiency just the simplest example math wise.
    4. In reality with the other unshown factors this can easily be down to ~42-5 seconds in a normal game.
  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    That’s not how math works. 80 seconds / 1.5 = 54 seconds.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Look what y’all have done. The math guys have invaded the thread.

  • Snitz
    Snitz Member Posts: 97
  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227

    Well, in the Q&A today they stayed they are changing 7 survivor perks and they names a bunch that are rarely used so probably all buffs. They also said they don't want slow down perks to stack. So survivors get more buffs, killers get more nerfs

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    What do you expect from the Devs? I mean even their community managers are not playing killers.. So how do they know the current state of the game? If you watched these devs playing against m0nt0 or tru3ta1ent, you can see how they run the most useless perks which is not even used by 100% of the Survivors in any rank(Example is Calming Spirit, Really? Someone uses that perk? Even potato survivors doesn't run that unless its their first perk unlocked in low levels).. So expect more buff on Survivors Perks.. While the Killers will have more frustrations especially m1 killers.. Forget the Top 4 Killers, They can rekt in any map.. I just feel pity of Killer Mains especially if their Main is an M1 Killer.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    I feel your pain man.. Probably you need to use the OP Killers now who have high mobility.. Its the only way you could win with a 3-4 Toolbox/SWF squad on red ranks. And I bet if they'll look at their stupid stats again and wonder why there are more Spirits, Freddy, Billy and Nurse on the Red Rank, They'll definitely nerf them again.. The more nerf, The better, because it will kill their game eventually and die like their epic fail deathgarden.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    Probably these guys who post thread that its impossible to have 2-3 Gens popping out in a minute haven't played against a 3-4 Toolbox squad where at least 2 has BNP on it.. I always mentioned earlier, the toolboxes now are the favorite items of Survivors since the ruin nerf.. In all my games since Ruin Nerf, There is only 2 teams i faced in a match where they took a health kit or flashlight, Now its more on the Toolboxes.. Its terrible to play M1 Killers right now.. especially Trapper..

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    Its still adaptable, but have you thought about high rank killers who are still getting a hold of the game and trying to learn the mechanics of the killers? With a stupid matchmaking currently where potato killers facing red god loopers, and no perk to help them to stall the game longer, do you even think these killers have a chance? I mean Yes, We as Red Killers can adopt.. But how about those Potato Killers then? You do know if they can't win the match, they'll just quit eventually, and that will make a new problem.. With a Stupid matchmaking, We Red Rank experienced Killers will face more potato survivors because the potato killers have either switch side or just quit the game all along because they have no chance against red rank god loopers.. Just think about that.. Ruin was the Perfect balance for the game.. And these devs ruined it..

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    You better read my post, so you'll understand that my topic has no correlation to gen speed but for balance perk, since the devs nerf ruin, its about time they also nerf survivors perk.. Because even If I address the obvious reason, The devs would never understand it, because all of them are potato players, whether killer or survivor..

  • Hex_Raider
    Hex_Raider Member Posts: 37

    I don't think that's possible unless you're a Nurse, Billy, maybe Spirit, and the new tracking Doctor.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    So I saw the Stream of the Devs, And Guess what? They have no idea what they are talking about.. It only shows they only favor baby survivors since they said they want to bring more players while they ignore majority of the loyal player who still play their stupid unbalance game all these years... Seems OG Ruin will never return.. I hope a lot of New Killers will quit eventually, so all that will be left are Red Rank Killers destroying potato survivors because of the stupid matchmaking we have recently.. While red rank survivors will be having a longer queue time just for a match that ends in 5 minutes or less.. These devs are delusional on what is happening on their stupid game right now.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    As a survivor, I never make it to the gates getting powered for Adrenaline, and people really still whine about Dead Hard of all things?

    How did any killer get to rank 1 before the Exhaustion (+Vigil), DS, BNP, and pallet vacuum nerfs?

  • AStupidDavid
    AStupidDavid Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2020

    DH is already a trash perk and it's bugged though🤣

    Also, if you don't tunnel why does DS affect you so much you want it to get nerfed? Lol

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    DH can be used for two different things, to bait a killer hit or use it for distance.

    DH used for baiting a killer can be easily countered as you can just bait it out.

    But DH used for distance is essentially uncounterable, except if you led to a survivor to a deadzone.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    That's true.. DH gaining for Distance is the problem and it has no counter at all.. Especially on jungle gyms and those pallets who are like 24 meters close to each other. It's insane.. The only big map where M1 killers has a chance is probably shelter woods, since the pallet spawn on that map has been nerf.. But on big maps. M1 killers don't really have any chance getting more than 1 kills.. Since by the end of the match on Big Maps and the Killer doesn't have 1 Kill at all, expect on end game he'll camp the survivor he had down during that time, That is if he succeeds in downing even 1 survivor..