Do you judge the last survivor?

Title pretty much says it all. When its down to 2 ppl and one is on the hook... Do you judge the other guy on whether or not he tries to go for the save? Personally, I hate hatch campers and try not to throw in the towel until its REALLY the end. When Im the killer and I see the last 2 survivors save eachother... sometimes I decide to let em go to reward teamwork instead of the selfish hatch play.
It depends. If I gave him a clear opening to save his teammate, then yeah I'm 100% going to judge him for being selfish, especially if he just squats on the hatch. But if we both know that I would have killed him if he'd gone for the save, then I can't really blame him for making the smart play and saving himself.
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i tend to choose someone when I start the game to give them hatch lol, they won’t know but il let them live at the end of the game normally a meg or nea :)
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I always die when I try to save someone so I just play selfish at the end lol. I play solo so whoever I play with would've done the same to me
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It depends on the survivor. If he played well and looped me good, I don't tryhard, I let them save and then keep going so everyone gets more points. In the end I will most likely kill them cuz its my job xD.
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On rare occasions.
Just yesterday 2 survivors remained in the game with one gen almost fully repaired. One of them had the brightest idea of making a lot of noise notifications to catch my attention, once I reached out to this Feng she opened the hatch and escaped... leaving her teammate to certain death once I closed the hatch (I had Whispers so I easily tracked the remaining survivor).
Don't be a dickhead, if you're gonna escape trought hatch don't do it in proximity of the killer and leave your teammate to die.
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If they let them die on the hook, as I always leave and allow the unhook, I'll try to find the hatch and kill them. If they go for the save, and it has been a fun match, I'll give the last person the hatch. Being selfish and uncaring for your fellow Survivors makes me work a bit harder for the kill though.
Survivor side, I always try for the save. Unless they just give up to give me the hatch, I'm going to try to get them off safely so they can get the hatch. I will martyr myself for anyone, except David, because I hate Davids.
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If the last one deserved to be the last one, playing well and doing objectives, I'll carry them around to find hatch. If not, I'll help them find a hook.
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I usually go for the 4k but if there was a DC or AFK I'll let one go. Just who ever is last up so not really judging.
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I generally don't really care. Sometimes you know you've lost as survivor and only 1 person has a chance of surviving (through the hatch).
However. If the survivor hatch camping has been urban evasioning around all game and done nothing, I will try my best to find them. Buy like I said I don't care very much so never slug for the 4k unless I already know where the last 2 survivors are.
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If I know a survivor was camping the hatch, I judge them. Harshly. If it's down to two survivors and I keep seeing one working on gens but not the other one... I'll try to find the other one.
I had a game today where I killed two and I let the final two finish the last gen and escape... except one of them died to the EGC. I got a message after from the one who escaped telling me "She kind of deserved it." Apparently, the one who died had just waited for the other one to finish doing the gens but then was too chicken to run past me to the exit... karma, eh.
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Sometimes I want the person that was left on the hook the whole match to be the only one to live. If I saw someone do all the damn work I will give door or hatch even if Bubba still needs the face.
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I used to help at the end, but i stopped. Too often all surivors are alive, and one is on the hook, and i take the risk to lure the killer away while the others get the unhook points, and when i get downed and die on my first hook because the rest turn out to be a 3-man-swf who don´t care about me and just leave.
Happend time and again in this or similar manners, so i dont take a risk anymore. If i can help without risking myself, good. If not, then *oh not i, i will survive, as long as i know how to juke i know i´ll be alive-singing*
Life as a solo survivor is hard. But could be worse. Could be killer.
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I love the irony of all those "this is a teamgame, united we stand or fall"-guys waiting for each other to die to get the hatch once its down to 2 survivors.
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I usually let the final survivor live via exit or hatch depending on how they play those final moments. If they leave their teammate to die on a hook and spend that time hiding in a locker 5 feet away from the hatch, you're going to die. If they make a good attempt at trying to save, or are generally a decent player, they get to live to tell the tale. But, if it's a Claudette T-Bagger, you're not leaving alive no matter what :)
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I let the last survivor go if :
- it's obviously a less experienced survivor than the other ( got caugh easily multiple time, threw pallet after pallet, etc)
- they outplayed me multiple times during the match
- i had a good time
- or if i know they contributed a lot to try to make their team escape and i respect that