Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

How do u feel about the grind of the rift?

So the rift has been triggering me recently. Who finds the rift to be to much of a grind. i love playing the game but there are some people like myself who dont have that amount of time to complete 70 levels of the rift. S o just to get one pip u need to play 2 games and to level up it requires 10 pips which is 20 games just to level up 1 level without the boost of the tome. There are killer mains and survivor mains so there only gonna get the boost from the tome from each one if they dont play the other. How fair really is this when we are expected to play on average of 1400 games just to complete it without the boost from the tome. That 2 games per pip u need 10 pips to level up once, thats 20 games then times that by 70 is 1400 games take off 300 games for the boost this leaves us still to do 1100 which to me is one hell of a grind. Hope this makes sense. Let me know how u feel about it as i would love to know what other people think


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    The Tomes can definitely be a grind from time to time yes... but that's why they give you 70 days to complete it.

    Each new level of a Tome is unlocked as The Rift progresses with that Tome, I understand it can be a grind, but that's kind of what this game is when you boil it down to its core. We grind for BPs to level up our characters and than grind more BPs to max out said character or move on to another one.

    The Challenges give you a side option to this grind and mixes things up, it might seem excessive but it's indeed a secondary option with enough time to do. Even if you started 40 days in (maybe in 30...) you could still get these challenges done if you do it in one sitting, if you start on 30 days with only say, a day or two to play the game than yes it can be a bit of a hassle.

    But that's why they give so much time, it gives you the option to take a break from the game for a week or two and still come back to finish level 2, 3, and 4.

  • WordyWithBirdy
    WordyWithBirdy Member Posts: 8


    See i dont see much of a problem with the tome. Its the rift and the 70 levels which i find a grind. It kinda make me a bit mad as ive asked fog whispers what they thought of the grind of the rift which there reply was its not bad at all its easy. They would say that as its there job to play that game for 6 to 7 hours a day. For people who dont have that time which i would say alot of people due to life commitments its a pain in the neck. Yer i do understand where your coming from tho, to me it seems like all the have done is made the main grind less grindy and added in something to make u grind just as much to get your moneys worth

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Every tome release fully finish and make sure you do 20 lvl's in the rift. It actually gives you time to take breaks and play other games without needing the full grind experience. i did this last time and took a break between tome 3 and 4 untill the last week. I managed to finish the whole thing by finishing the tome.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    What i'm talking about is a secondary objective for Killers and Survivors a like, not an in-game one but one that focuses on the rewarding aspects of the game.

    So, by adding The Archives they gave Killers and Survivors more objectives (I.E. Challenges) to complete, giving the game more longevity and rewarding you for doing said challenges. I understand that it can be a grind for someone who doesn't play 3 hours+ a day or someone who can't play everyday, but that's why we're given 70 days to complete it... you have time, it's not really that big of a deal if you do it at a slower pace or don't start for a week or two.

    "The Grind" really just depends on how much you're willing to do in one sitting. There is only so many challenges you can do in one level, so it's not like you're being asked to do 50 challenges in one level each time, it's more like 13 ,12, 11, or something like that.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    We're not expected to play 1400 games to complete the Rift. The Rift and Tome are designed as a set, with the intention that you should be able to complete the Rift by completing the Tome. If you're so opposed to playing a bit of the other role that you would rather grind for dozens of hours, that's your decision, but it's not how the system was designed. In other words, if you have problems with the design of the Tome then that's fair enough, but outside of the Tome, the Rift is only as grindy as you make it.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Exactly, that's why we have 70 days to do it, it really, really, really, depends on how much someone wants to undertake in one sitting or in one play-through.

  • WordyWithBirdy
    WordyWithBirdy Member Posts: 8

    Its not that i have a problem with it i love the new add on to the whole game it stops it from getting stale and boring when ur challenged to complete the tomb i was asking the question of how do people feel about the grind of the rift. I as a survivor main and do not play killer at all is due to personal reasons and the amount of stress and anxiety it causes me when playing the killer side. I have tried so many times to do play killer but my mind set at the moment wont allow it, so im stuck with survivor what i began with and felt that i was able to play that role. I was just asking basically if anyone was having the same problems as iam going about there everyday life and trying there best to complete the rift. Ok so lets rephrase my question how are people managing to complete the rift? How many hours a day would it take for everyone else to finish the rift by the 70th day. This is what the question should of been and if they play both sides or just one side.

  • WordyWithBirdy
    WordyWithBirdy Member Posts: 8

    This is what i was looking of in response so thank you for letting me know how u manage to complete it. It kinda helps know what exactly is need to complete it. Unfortunately i dont play killer at all so i will need to grind that little more

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Personally the grind is welcomed, more grind = more longevity to me. More objectives is also a good thing to me personally and a lot of other people seem to agree.

    The point though is that the "grind" depends on how much you want to undertake in one go, if you have limited time like you said than you'll naturally do the challenges at a slower pace, tbh, most of the challenges from level 1 are not that demanding either, the ending ones might be the some of them are quite easy and can be done by just normally playing.

    I personally see no issue with this, but you may beg to differ.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Okay, I understand. Well, for me personally, I did all the challenges and it took me around 170 hours to complete the entire Rift. I didn't find it too grindy, but I know a lot of people did.

    I recently conducted a community survey on this very topic, asking about whether people completed the Rift, how long it took them, how many challenges they completed, etc. It got over 1000 responses, which I'm currently in the process of compiling into a spreadsheet so that I can extract meaningful data from them. I will be publicly sharing as much data from the survey as I can when I'm done, so look out for that in the next week or two if you're interested in Rift completion stats 😊

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I know I forgot this, but you can get 1 shard per game. The maximum amount of experience per game is 800. I think you need to be in the game for 8 to 10 minutes. Someone did the exact math.

    I would suggest doing the killers ones. It's still pretty grindy just a lot more manageable the way I did it without any risk of losing out as long as you hit 20 lvls for each tomes 1,2,3 small break finish rift by completing the 4th tome. I also really really do enjoy the game so i tend to play a lot. Since i play on PS4 and PC i need to officially do both rift's to 70 in case they ever do cross save.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    An average game is about 500-400 EXP, an optimal one is 800 EXP... which isn't always going to be every game, especially for Pro-Survivors.

    It really just depends on luck in-game and how well you play, if he plays not that often than he will be expected to get the average as a result, since longer games means he'd have more time... but he sadly doesn't.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited January 2020

    I know, but I wanted to state that otherwise it could really discourage someone from actively trying if they happened upon the thread.

    With Ruin gone you are right though the games will go by significantly quicker.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't remember adding that Ruin part... but yeah, the games will go by quicker as a result of it's change.

    My point though was to just say that he'll most likely only get an average for each game if he doesn't play that much, if the games last longer than he'll naturally have more time to spend doing more... but for him, he'll want faster games, so he won't actively try to artificially inflate the time like some Survivors do... whether intentional or not.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    The ruin was because last Rift we had Ruin. So I just mentiond it. As a lot of survivors are enjoying gen rushing so I was agreeing that your unlikely to max it out as 800 exp.

    Fair enough. I tended to artificially increase it in PS4 as survivor ques at the time were unimaginable horrid. Since then I have moved to PC full time and regularly enjoyed better que times.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Right, well hopefully he finds a middle ground to his issue.

    He has like... 68 days so, I don't really think he'll have that much of an issue hitting Tier 70. While yes it can be perceived as a grind it really just depends on how much he does at a time.

  • WordyWithBirdy
    WordyWithBirdy Member Posts: 8

    Sorry for late reply. I think it may have been u that said to play killer. I wont play killer at all the reason for that is in one of the replys. I normally have on average no more than 3 hours a day on it as by the time i get home from work have my tea it 9pm and in bed for 12 so yer its about 3 hours i may get a push of 5 maybe 6 games a day and thats it i managed on last rift to get to level 35. I will see about spend maybe just and extra hour a day on and see how far that takes me i really want to finish a rift just takes alot of time. Thank you tho and everyone else for all of ur feed back its great to hear what other people think if they find it difficult or easy enough to complete

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't remember saying anything about playing Killer specifically.

    The main point I was trying to make that entire time was that it really depends on how much you do in one sitting to make it a "grind", since in my opinion these challenges are not insanely demanding unless you do them all in one day...

    Also, of course you'll have a rough time with only 3 hours a day, The Rift is designed to last a long time so you have time to do everything. Trust me, you'll have time to eventually hit Tier 70 since you started around the time Tome ll started... it's only a grind because you have so little time to do it, if you had more than you could easily plan out what to do next each time and continue accordingly, but you don't, so you'll naturally have issues with what you can do at a certain time and that's it.

    With literally 70 days to do Tome ll you'll have 100% enough time to finish it.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You should absolutely be able to complete the Rift with three hours a day, but that is if you do every challenge in the Tome. If you're not able to do killer challenges for whatever reason, they you might have a hard time, because that's a good 15-20 tiers you'll miss out on that you'll have to grind manually. But do your best, I'm cheering for you 🙌

  • WordyWithBirdy
    WordyWithBirdy Member Posts: 8

    That actually makes alot of sense coz last rift i was short of 25 tiers completing all survivors tome and leaving killers alone. So yer i think i may be looking at at least 5 hours a day to grind out them points. Thanks for that tho defo gonna need cheering on as i have a massive grind a head of me.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Well good luck than mate, i'm sure you'll be fine for the future.

    If you have any other questions pertaining to The Archives or just in-general than don't be afraid to ask in this sub-forum again. (Questions related to DBD of course and questions that the community can answer)

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    I feel like the grind of the rift is not worth it at all for me. I can play 2 maybe 3 hours a day if I'm lucky. The work and time you must put in to complete all 4 tomes is just to much. The rewards are not worth the time spent. I do like the extra BP though that to me is all the reward I need. I just can't justify spending 10 bucks and still have to earn the rewards.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's why the free track exists if you can't bring yourself to buy the Premium track.

    And if you do buy the Premium track you make all your Auric Cells back when you complete every tier on The Rift, so you can re-use it endlessly if you can complete every Rift to Tier 70 each time.

    With 70 days i'm sure even someone with 3 hours a day can complete it, for sure.

  • WordyWithBirdy
    WordyWithBirdy Member Posts: 8

    Its hard i completely agree with you. To me if i cant grind one month im forced to play killer to get them levels in. There is a reason for the rift to be set out the way it is so ur not forced to play both. So if u dont wanna play both u are forced to grind to get you moneys worth. People that have that luxury to sit and play games all day just to hit level 70. Ii agree with u the time spent to reach level 70 to recolors of skins it stupid now if there was new things in the rift and alot of new thing instead of recolors of thinks that maybe worth it to do. Im on level 10 6 days in with ust doing survivor thats at playing 5 hours a day for the last 4 days. Theres no way i will get that finished. It wont be long where i think people are going to get sick of doing the same quests over and over again just to get skins in a different color

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    The recolored skins are just a bi-product of what The Rift is trying to offer you as the main reward. The main rewards consist of unique charms and skins. Think of it as a sort of "filler" to what you're actually trying to get in The Rift, the filler could be good or bad depending on if you like the skins recolor or not, I personally love the recolor to The Wraiths Candle Wax head, it looks good, but that's what a recolor is... it's supposed to appeal to Survivors/Killers that want an alternate look for their favorite skins.

    With 70 days to complete the Rift i'd argue anyone could finish it with that amount of time, that's literally 2 standard months with 10+ days thrown on it. Also, you could have more time to do said challenges or less depending on what's happening in your life, that's why we have 70 days to complete every new Rift that comes out with each new Tome.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    Well of course they did, they're streamers...

    I don't doubt that they do the challenges LIVE on stream but it could come off as boring to some players that're watching them.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    I switch between killer and survivor I would have to dedicate to one or the other if I wanted to get through each tome. I enjoy both sides too much to stick to one. I still don't think it's enough time. Can't always complete every challenge in a match or two. Either way I'll just keep taking the free BP for em if they want money from me for it something has got to change.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    I'd argue that 70 days is enough time...

    That's why it's set at 70 days, it so that players like yourself (I assume) or others above that don't play the game for more than 3 hours a day or maybe a bit more.

    If it was set to 100 days or something than that would be unrealistic... 70 days is indeed enough, I'm sure they thought about an average players play-time when they were designing The Rift.

    I can understand why it might come off as not do-able because of how many levels there are and how many challenges you get for each one with their own unique requirements... but you only get about what? 12+ or so challenges in each level if I had to guess for a minimum?

    And each level gives you time in-between each release date, so it lets you have some breathing room to just play normally after UNTIL the next level.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I love it. I grind this game endlessly when i was playing it anyway so its no problem for me. Plus i like the exclusivity of things. Not everyone was meant to get everything.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's a good point at the end actually, not everyone is supposed to 100% everything within the time-frame but they for sure can with the 70 days that're provided.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    ...That's the point, though. They can't have much say on the grind of the rift itself if they don't actually partake in it.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I suppose not, but we don't really know if they actually bother with the grind itself outside of the streams... unless you tune in every time and still see that they did 0 challenges.

    Even than, if you can give some insight from an outside perspective than I don't see how that's a bad thing. It's like saying someone can't give their opinion because they're not regularly in Red Ranks... they can still give an opinion regardless if they're in Red Ranks or not.

    My examples never hit home though, so in a more basic way just view it like this, if they have a valid opinion to give than I don't see why it's a bad thing to hear/read about it. I mean, everyone could tell that some of the Tome l - Level 4 challenges were too much to do and we weren't even there yet, so they changed them and got better challenges to reflect said change.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    If they aren't grinding for the rewards in the rift, it isn't relevant. It's as simple as that.

    We aren't talking about the tome challenges, but the actual rift itself.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Depends how you look at it, you can give an opinion on anything and it could be as useful as someone who's say... a vet in DBD.

    But if it's just echoing the same things people have said than yeah, it can be kind of irrelevant at that point.