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Just let two gens go?

I was just watching the live stream, what is this nonsense? Many of the maps are complete trash, many of the killers lack the needed mobility to play in this new gen rush meta and the answer is let two gens off in the distance go? This is actually worse than when the other guy said to go play Civilization. And they said it with such straight faces. I can’t fathom being so disconnected to something you presumably spend so much time working on.

So the doodoo M1 killers are basically supposed to just give up 40% of their objective because why bother balancing killers or maps? I guess it would be too frustrating for survivors to play on maps that are balanced. Extra LOL for when the dude whose job is literally to balance the perks in the game, didn’t even know Leader doesn’t affect gens any more.

I expected absolutely nothing but the typical spin job from this Q&A and yet they somehow still found a way to disappoint.

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  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Pay them more?

  • That is a good point, I wonder what perk they’ll lock behind DLC to fix the gen rush and far off gens? Corrupt is too inconsistent.

  • Member Posts: 764

    That comes with the same issue as increasing gen times. I want games to be slowed down as killer but even I don't want to have to sit and hold M1 for even longer as a survivor.

    Just make the maps smaller. Which, to their credit, they said they are going to do.

  • It’s not bad advice if coupled with admitting that some of the maps in the game are cancer in this meta. But a blanket “deal with it” is pure nonsense. There are maps and gen layouts in the game where even if you just give survivors a free two gens, the rest will still be too spread out. Plus when you start chasing them off the closer gens, nothings stopping them from running away into the far edges of the huge maps. Only now you’d be chasing them with only three gens left instead of five 😆

    BHVR sucks

  • Member Posts: 355

    I dont personally think that would be a good idea I get the concept, but that would be quite a big jump. Adding an extra 40% of objectives to survivors would be to much (being kinda serious here).

    However, I do not agree with what they said about letting 2 generators go.

    Honestly, it is implying that you should set up a 3-gen setup. "You have 3 generators that need to be completed before the exit gates are opened? Just let the 2 far ones go"

    I get the idea of it is to put more pressure in 1 area, but that strategy should be a last resort, not a thing you plan for near the beginning.

  • Member Posts: 318

    dude, sometimes you have to. just how it goes on some maps... its not ideal, but it may be a better idea than defending something really hard to defend while giving up some gens that are really easy to defend.

    wretched shop and cow shed? i always let the middle gen go. fuuuuuuuuck that gen they can have it.

  • Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2020

    What happens if they still manage to do it? What would trash killers(tunnelers,sluggers,and campers) complain about after?

  • Member Posts: 73

    Corrupt has gotta be the best killer perk in the game right now, if you know how to use it. It already bought you more time than ruin in most cases. It stops people from spawning in on top of your generators and immediately starting to work on them.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    You're looking at the percents wrong. Any experienced dbd player knows 3 gens is less than 33% of the survivor objective while 1 kill is over 50% of the killer objective. It's not linear, and I'm starting to notice you don't know much about dbd. The first thing you must grasp is objectives are not linear.

  • Member Posts: 461

    I said 2 gens, and while I agree that the game can get harder the fewer gens survivors have to complete due to a shrinking play area, numerically the percentage is accurate and it's not always the case if survivors don't set up 4/3 gen situations and on some maps 3 genning is basically not a thing. And that's also why I never said anything about a kill, I said every survivor starts the game as if they'd been hooked once, which while reducing the overall number of hooks the killer has to do still leaves it at 2 per survivor to get a kill.

    As for what you've "noticed", maybe you're just blinded by your own opinions?

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Survivors aren't the ones with power over where gens are done. That wasn't an opinion piece. Any other questions?

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    That's what they said. I guess we should just pick 3 gens and protect those an entire game. Or just bodyblock a totem and wait for noed.

  • Member Posts: 7,318
  • Member Posts: 461

    Choose? No, but they can play around it. And depending on the map, killer, and/or if the killer gets into a chase, the patrol path can be long enough to get the better part of a generator done, if not all of it.

  • Member Posts: 614
    edited January 2020

    Hold up there bud, a lot of people are more upset over the fact that we have to give up on a percentage of our "objective" atm, where is this sudden thing coming from now? Not all killers wants a 4k some of us want a chance at protecting all of our objectives in the begining

    Post edited by Dokta_Carter on
  • Member Posts: 394

    Only against potatoes, SWF know how to counter 3 gen strats. Survivors 3 gen themselves, otherwise they make sure to complete 1 or 2 gens in your 3 gen area.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    How could you not remember everything on the spot!!! Jk, it happens and was instantly corrected.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    I'd recommend PWYF and maybe nemesis. That extra speed can help your chainsaw get more value so your ending chases alot faster. Indoor maps like Lerys, you can often get alot closer to gens than normal due to LOS blockers.

  • Member Posts: 179

    Guess NOED is the new Ruin as Killers have to give up early game now.

    A bit less than 40% of Survivors' objective is now given every match they don't play like headless chickens because map are terribly designed and not patrollable, good to hear.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    I am a Killer main. Something like 70% (or more) of my games are with Killer. I play mostly Pig, New Doc, Huntress and Wraith, but I play all of them to keep tabs on how they feel to play.


  • Member Posts: 1,033
    edited January 2020

    I don't think they're going to change 3 gen strategies without having to change map layout which will probably fix infinite loops anyways. I think cutting off one part of the map and focusing that part, instead of the whole map, is a lot smarter and works in most of my games. Does it work every single time? No, nothing works 100% of the time, in anything. But I've had it work on large maps like coldwin and McMillan just last night with a level 1 doctor with only monitor and abuse and no add-ons. It does require set up in the beginning, and you do have to be smart about it. Set up on one side, prioritize objectives.

    1. Gens that are close together

    2. The strength of nearby loops and pallets

    3. Is your totem if you have one within this area?

    Not all these things are gonna line up perfectly but it's not just GG if they don't. If you prioritize in this order you'll find it a lot easier.

    Try and chase someone in your area at the beginning of the match so they don't have nearby pallets later on. It's okay if this part doesn't always happen. But a big thing is stay away from the middle of the map!!! They usually feature large survivor friendly structures that waste your time. If it's not too far out of your way you can apply pressure here but it's not a priority. Are there ways to counter this? Yes. But most people don't realize you're doing it until it's too late. I 3-4k most games like this regardless of killer/map. You just have to be smart about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,033

    I also think they should remove red stains, heart beat, and scratch marks altogether and implement a mechanic that keeps killers from hook camping. This will require more strategy on both sides and be a lot scarier.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Do you hear anyone go "oOoH I hAtE sUrVivOr pLayeRs!!!"

    This isn't about your damn bias or general audience, this is about flaws in how a game mechanic is designed vs. map design, how many times must I repeat this, we don't want all the gens done in less than 3-4 minutes, we don't 4 gens done by the time we find one survivor, stop it.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I've started not worrying about gens and instead have been focusing my perk setups on things that help me find/track survivors so that I can give them hugs...

  • Member Posts: 928

    Clown's new cosmetic sure fits with the current state of the game.

  • Member Posts: 233

    A balance team member, at the least, should have the same knowledge of the game as a high rank player. If being on camera shakes you up so badly you can't remember a core perk, perhaps you shouldn't be the face of the balance team, as it reinforces the already created image that the team doesn't know how their game is played.

  • Member Posts: 233

    At rank 18 maybe. If you played consistently in high ranks you wouldn't advocate for half of what you push for

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I believe their point was adjusting strategy to the map in question. Not they weren't going to continue working on maps to balance them out better.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Huntress on Haddonfield or Temple etc

    jUsT mINdgAME

    even with a 3-gen setup, those maps are actually cancer

  • Member Posts: 776

    All 3 genning does is painfully prolong the inevitable.

    You either give chase and lose a gen, or you patrol gens and watch them sloooooowly get completed but nobody dies.

  • Member Posts: 233

    Not to mention they consider it a bannable offense if you're good enough at it lmao

  • Member Posts: 614

    Wait what? But aren't they promoting it now to focus on a smaller group of gens now?

  • Member Posts: 233

    If you make it last for more than 10 minutes, it's bannable as "holding the game hostage".

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