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So are the dev's officially coming out as survivor sided?



  • Member Posts: 793

    They weren't even answering the questions live they had already scripted the entire Q&A before it even started and gave the whole dev team a script to read off, basically a PR stunt at that point.

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    When asked about if they were doing anything about Gen speeds, they said that they are reading the discussions about it, but they don't want to increase the time it takes to repair a gen, because that will make it boring to hold m1 longer. Which btw as a person who plays both killer and survivor (mainly killer), I can agree. 20-80 seconds on a gen already feels like a long time.

    So instead they are looking at working on Toolboxes (which i'm sure we all can agree is a band aid solution - when the problem isn't even the toolboxes, that's just a symptom of the problem), and overtime they are going to be making the larger maps better. Which changing the maps into Killer favor gives so many buffs to killers that isn't only gen speeds.

    When really the whole issue with gen speeds has always been with map size.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Yep i can understand maps being the problem. I just hope that as the others said Thana and some other perks are touched just yet. Would suck especially now since it would drive others up the wall and although id get more matches... Just the lobby sim will increase for survivors

  • Member Posts: 333

    The exact quote is them not wanting to have "Blanket" builds in the game with multiple perks working to slow down gens and claiming to work on removing synergy between the perks. The example they used was how with new ruin it prevents you from using gen kick perks which is exactly what they're aiming for.

  • Member Posts: 333

    That's a vague promise with no real effect. Those map changes could be countless months away and even when they do finally get around to it there's also the high likelyhood that the changes are minor at best and don't end up making it better for killer. If anything the idea of making maps smaller sounds like it'd be better for survivors because that'd also mean a high chance of multiple strong loops and safe pallets all in close proximity to each other.

    However everything else they said was one sidedly geared towards improving the game for survivors with no care or thought of how killers suffer as a result. That is extremely ######### biased.

  • Member Posts: 764

    The proof was in the video from one of their beloved fog whisperers at the beginning. May as well have been a giant penis shaped middle finger to killers.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Survivor achievements in general have higher percentages because there are more people playing survivor at any given time, and probably more survivor "mains".

    With 4 people playing survivor and 1 person playing killer, it makes sense that more players are getting rank 1 survivor than rank 1 killer. If it was split evenly down the middle, your point would have more ground to stand on.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Wait are they really planning to nerf weak thana and dying light? That sucks i like thana even if its weak :/

  • Member Posts: 800
    edited January 2020

    Ok thanks I didnt see your comment before i posted my last. Glad to know OP wasnt being entirely truthful, my weak baby thana is safe.

  • Member Posts: 1,829

    If they can lower the amount of slowdown synergies there are, they can work on changing different aspects of the game to make it last longer/ make killers do better

  • Member Posts: 318

    i would say that needs to happen really close together. i dont WANT to use slowdown perks. i feel i have to. i would rather use perks that have some fun involved.

  • Member Posts: 1,829

    Well they can't do everything at once or it would be a clusterf*ck. Gotta test each piece individually to make sure it would work imo.

  • Member Posts: 146

    Ohhh myy god

    they are K i l l e r s

    they are s u p p o s e d to have a high kill rate.

    Everything else is complete and utter bs

    and if not stop marketing killers as scary or threatening 😩

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    “I can only 4k if the survivors are worse than me”

    Well no ######### sherlock

  • Member Posts: 316
    edited January 2020

    Obviously it's a 4 to 1 ratio.. I would hope the survivor percentage is a bit higher especially when there is a bug handing out rank 1 achievement at purples. This just further proves it's balanced if anything lol

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    I would say the devs seem like 10% more survivor sided than Killers. In the end, everyone is getting #########. I mean look at balanced landing or exhaustion nerf? But ALSO look at D strike and Borrow, both are still meta.

    Same goes to Killers, look at Nurse and Spirit, they are both still meta and really good. But also look at map design, Badham still has 6 100% save pallets that ALWAYS spawn in every loadout every match.

    I am neutral and would say the devs ######### both sides kinda. I agree that atm they ######### killers more than survivors, but the time will come where survivors will get their "attention" again.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2020

    Here's my counter arguement:

    If the developers are survivor sided and doesn't care about killers, then why does statistics show otherwise? Killers are above their 2K standard for the developers with the lowest killer being an average of 2.4Ks of all red rank matches.

    As I mentioned in my previous comment, Freddy's rework made him one of the strongest killers in the game.

    I don't see any survivor bias here nor killer bias, the developers are just making changes where they see fit — not because they want their favorite role to be OP. 😁

    But sure, let's pretend the developers don't care about killers. Didn't make changes that benefit both sides, and act like the game is still how it was in 2016.

    You can't keep using the developers past as a way to say the developers are survivor biased, obviously the developers in 2016 and the developers present day are two completely different set of people. :P

  • Member Posts: 529
    edited January 2020

    Funny thing is every twitch player I watch thinks the ruin nerf was stupid. I have not come across one that thinks it was a good idea.

    So yeah devs, these good killers you tell me to watch all think your ruin nerf sucks.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Your counterargument is lacking. The statistics you chose don't represent red ranks at all, they only do display red ranked killers, yes even vs green survivors that game will be counted as red ranks. This was confirmed btw so yeah. Take the other stats if you want to use them at all.

  • Posts: 0
    edited January 2020

    No point in being a killer if BHVR doesn't want you to kill.

    Move onto better games.

  • Member Posts: 251

    Oh their survivor sided huh?

    Toolbox Nerf Coming soon.

    Totem spots being adjusted soon

    Bubba is getting buffs to his addons and maybe the rework treatment

    Map reworks of Springwoods and Lery's to benefit survivors and some killers.

    Quit whining its the threads like this BHVR never responds to it's only been 1 week since patch 3.5.0 came out and your still whining about this survivor bias stuff.

    Move. The. Heck. On

    Or just quit the game if the devs make you this mad

  • Member Posts: 3,271
    • Cant increase gen time
    • Cant have harder skillchecks

    What are the devs supposed to do with gens?

    Just increasing times makes gens boring, but making skillchecks/gens harder to do is "too much " for potatoes.

    I think it'd be better for the game to make generators require actual attention of the survivors instead of being braindead essy/boring.

  • Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2020

    I get people say that Gen times need to be slowed but if they do that then no survivors will do generators. In solo que I already have to do 2-3 gens by myself because otherwise they won't get done. It's boring as hell and after that they still don't do the other 2 gens either and we end up dying at 2 gens and I die on 1st hook usually. If they increase times even more then no one will do gens because it's super boring. They really need to spice it up. Maybe add more required objectives or something else. However like it was said in OhTofu's podcast, the average group of survivors are pretty bad. Its only the swf that actually know what they are doing is when killers start to have trouble.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2020

    It's the best we have, and the ranking system more likely than not, will match red rank killers against red rank survivors.

    If you don't want to believe the statistics, I'll go ahead and pick the top 3 recent (from today's comment) videos from a random content creator.

    I'll be using Tru3ta1ent since he's the first that comes to mind and he's a great red rank killer:

    I haven't watched the videos, but I can almost guarantee he gets at least a 2K in all of the videos. 😁

  • Member Posts: 333

    This is the one thing I'm not entirely certain on, but I vaguely remember this exact poster getting thrown around on reddit and then the devs calling it out to say that this was not an accurate statistic.

  • Member Posts: 333

    Problem is a 2k doesn't fulfull either win condition. If you're a traditional player then a 2k is a tie at best, and if you're a rank based player then a 2k is probably a depip on a lot of killers. The issue is that win conditions, both from a player perspective AND balance perspective, are not tuned properly. I have an entire rant I'd like to go on with that specific topic but unfortunately I require sleep. I'll be sure to come back to the thread (if it's even still active) once I wake up.

  • Member Posts: 53

    They have been. They always been on survivors side from the beginning. But i will play the killer how i want to play. Rip the salty survivors

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    I think you they meant to say that, as famously said from a dev named @Peanits, "Don't draw conclusions from numbers alone" 😁

  • Member Posts: 156

    This statistics is not show everything.

    1st hooked suicide, D.C., friend helping although they can exit, face camping, mori, ...

    Next time, If Dev want to refer statistics, please collect hook data.

    If you want to refer TrU3, please refer his opinion.

    He is very strong disagree with Ruin changing.

    And at present, he is talking problem from this game in his live

  • Member Posts: 312

    I know this may sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure they are dbd sided.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    I referred Tru3ta1ent to show he's getting at least a 2K in most of his games. This is to prove that the game isn't survivor sided and the developers don't favor any side. 😁

  • Member Posts: 248

    They have also stated that they don't intend on doing a secondary objective any time soon and that they will nerf slowdown perk synergies, nerfing toolboxes won't increase game speed because the game without toolboxes is still too fast

  • Member Posts: 19

    Gens speeds is a risky one for them to do in my opinion cause both sides will complain. If they make it way too slow survivors will get upset so they’ll have to WASTE their time fixing it. Gen speed is fine it’s in a good spot right now and I see what they’re trying to. I don’t wanna waste my time protecting bad gen spots so I’ll let them pop and let survivors three gen themselves. I don’t know why you’re complaining (ruin change most likely) about gen speeds when their are bigger issues. If you’re that upset over something stupid then I suggest taking time off this game. Gen speed is fine by how it is right now and will they change it in the future most likely, but not right now cause people aren’t complaining like crazy.

    btw this game is NOT “Killer sided” or “Survivor sided” you sound like a five year old when you say that even though it’s clearly not. How about try playing both sides a lot and remember about old updates or just take a break.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Of which killers are they the ones pulling this 50% at? Most red rank games are A rank killers.

  • Member Posts: 81

    That's a great joke man, now tell the one about how (insert something) is op or endgame is so fair and balanced 😂 man those jokes kill me

  • Member Posts: 30

    If it's a "joke" then you can tell me how all of these past updates have helped killers the same amount as survivors if it even helped killers at all. The kind of retort you did is made by people too ignorant of what's going on but have already chosen a side

  • Member Posts: 81

    Really??? Wow how dare they, people that create the game and literally control every aspect of it, that know what they're trying to do with it, not to mention knowing what future updates will come out, say they are happy with how something turned out and express that they won't change it because thats how its supposed to be, i am shocked and appalled that they dare tell me, a player, how to play their game

  • Member Posts: 30

    That doesn't work because matchmaking is so bad it's putting him up against rank 10s and survivor ranking is so ez that someone who should be rank 10 can get to rank 1 easily they just have to put time into it so he's not playing against actually good survivors.

  • Member Posts: 71

    I thought they wanted it at 50 percent. People keep saying it’s above 50. What is above 50? 51? 52?

  • Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2020

    Refreshing to see another reasonable minded person, able to sort facts instead of only getting to see misplaced anger

  • Member Posts: 81

    Every single update in the history of game if you must know, but clearly, you can't be bothered to do any research yourself because you have already chosen a side, so if you want a real conversation that's what you should do but if you just want to be rude and ignorant than you are doing a pretty good job so far 😉

  • Member Posts: 68

    I love how some of the same people trying to talk about unity and everyone getting along, no sides just a game, those type of people? Are the same people ragging on killers who feel hurt. Don't attack someone because they have a VALID opinion. We all play this game. I've been playing since 2017 got red ranks for killer and survivor (i only put this down for the people who "need" credentials). This game has ALWAYS been survivor sided, but... it used to be worse. Much worse. BT for the saver. Real infinite loops and no BL. Fact is it NEEDS to be survivor sided. More people to please. If killer was super easy no one would be survivor. Survivor needs that mindless game play to get that many "mains" (notice i said the gameplay was mindless not survivors, too many people try to misconstrue what a ninja says). I was LIVID about the hex nerf. Still think there was a better way to go about it. But i only used ruin on killers who lacked map pressure so until they fix it i stick to my guy freddy (who i was good with BEFORE buff). I also LOVED the Dr change. Makes him harder to out smart if the Dr is good, so ill add him to my roster with Billy (obvi), wraith (he's fun, not that great), and Bubba (For meme games only, he's trash). PVP games are always a work in progress as better mouse traps get added. Are they doing their best? No. Are they doing a petty good job so far? Yes, i still play the game. But this community is toxic! And everyone needs to be nicer and stop teabagging, clicky clicky. If the killer wasnt good no need to be a dick. It's literally stacked against him and has a bigger learning curve than survivor. You are not gods gift because you can run in circles. If you got this far let me apologize.

    TLDR: Dont be lazy go up and read.

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