Killer isn't THAT bad.

Legion main here. Is killer really that bad? I mean, sure, Ruin nerf and all, but it isn't the end of the world. Gens can go by fast in certain situations, but most survivors won't touch them if you can keep pressure on the gens, and not the tea bagging Dwight that chases you for an eternity. Not that I'm calling anyone bad at the game, but this is a bit out of hand. People are uninstalling because of one perk.
All I can really say is: don't give up on the game. Just understand that a few chases might need to be dropped for the sake of gens, and keep in mind that there will always be that one match of no kills. That won't be every game. Sometimes you'll get a game done before you know it.
Anyone against what I'm saying? I'll be happy to debate.
Killers really not all that bad. The only problem Killer has at the moment is getting really strong survivor teams which is bound to happen from time to time.
If I’m being completely honest to you, most killers I have seen on here are completely overreacting to the Ruin nerfs. Ruin needed change, but I will admit that they should have atleast addressed the 12,000 Square meter maps first.
Most people don’t realize that there’s other ways to pressure the survivors instead of just relying on a hex perk to do the job for you. The ideal situation is having one survivor hooked, slugged, and chase another guy. That puts massive pressure on the team and it’s 3 people not doing generators.
Time is also very precious to the killer, walking around kicking generators might not sound bad, but if there’s atleast 1-2 survivors doing generators, it’s bad. So, if I’m being honest, Killers need to step up their game. And I’m saying this as a killer player too.
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Still prefer it over Survivor. 🤷♂️
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Exactly. Of course, there isn't much to do against a coordinated SWF with Meta perks, but it's extremely rare you'll ever have that one match of zero kills. People usually react to the game on that one game, instead of a basis of multiple. I loved Ruin, but I've gotten used to not having it be too useful. The Ruin/Surveillance combo is strong, bu5 not necessarily needed to keep pressure. I feel like there are too many people who are on survivors like a rabid dog, leaving gens as an afterthought.
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I won't argue with that, to be honest. However, I doubt the fun has been completely removed. Sure, people have to try harder to get kills, but that's what playing killer does. It gives you a rush of satisfaction when your plans come together. If they don't, there's always next game.
I can understand that they're catering to lower survivors, but they're still keeping in mind that people actually know how to play the game at higher ranks.
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Nobody wants to play a game where your extremely stressed out because your severely limited on your choices were even the right choice still means losing. Not only that the devs are making killers irritating to play. Imo the ruin changes isn't the only reason why we killers are being driven away. Ruin allowed us to play in a non toxic way. Slugging is now justified for killers and survivors hate being slugged. I mostly play for points but I don't wanna play in a way that pisses survivors off to were they DC because they aren't having fun
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Sometimes it'll feel like the whole game hates killers, but I feel like the biggest issue isn't really Ruin itself. If anything, I feel like the larger maps (Myers, Demo, maybe Doc's?) are what stops a killer from applying pressure. From what I remember, I'm pretty sure they've mentioned making maps smaller, so that might solve the problem. As for slugging, what for? If anything, I'd personally always hook someone if given a safe chance to do so, unless there's a nearby survivor or two to injure before doing so.
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Killers aren't leaving over one perk. They're leaving over a long, drawn-out campaign to simplify survivor gameplay in order to make it more fun at the extreme expense of the killers' enjoyment. It's like a lover who's done you wrong time and again, and you keep going back to them, hoping they will change. It's a toxic relationship.
Ruin nerf was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Then the dev Q&A yesterday confirmed it for most folks. The game plan going forward is quite clear, the lover has not changed, and many killers are giving up on holding out hope. Simple as that.
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Well, hey. Not much to say about that on my end. If that's how it is, then people have a right to leave, or do whatever. I get your point, and to be honest, I can't go against that because of it being true. Maybe I'm just really gullible, but I still think they have a chance of giving killers a better chance. Not a guarantee, but I have hope. If not, I can still mess around with Legion for BPs.
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Yes I remember that long string of survivor buffs and killer nerfs too /s
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I don't know why the Ruin complaints exist, the real problem is the matchmaking
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Nurse, Spirit, Legion (for some reason), Ruin.
There's also the persistent bugs and the new ones with this patch: Audio, flash lights don't give any indication of blinding now, Hag's lunge after teleport is borked, Freddy now has a delay after setting snares, and personally I've felt like Doc's lunge is way shorter than it should be but might just be me.
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Bugs aren't nerfs. Thanks for helping me make a string.
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No, but it's a growing list of killer issues that aren't addressed or even acknowledged.
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Playing killer now is pretty bad. It is demoralising if you get an SWF without the old Ruin to keep them on their toes early game.
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I was playing survivor or the first time in a month for the archive as a baby ace with only his luck skill and plunders and got a few nurse matches. Without any skills, those matches were ridiculously easy to bully the nurse. Her fatigue and cool down punish the killer so severely for any mistake they make, that a baby survivor with meme perks can bully a nurse for 3+ gens.
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Remember what ya' want, be as sarcastic as ya' want, make whatever list ya' want. Doesn't change the facts.
It is what it is, and I'm just telling the truth. Killers are leaving or turning over to survivor mains (inflating queues); and post after post here as well as comment after comment on their social media confirms the reasoning, which I laid out here. If you don't see it, it's either because you're too biased (and therefore ignorant) or too willfully blind to see it's true.
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People over simplify how easy it is to play killer at higher ranks. I play both sides a lot and its quiet obvious the easier side to play is definitely survivor. The skill required to be a high rank killer vs survivor skill gap is huge.
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While survivor is stupidly easy (Run Prove Thyself once, see how fast the match ends.) , I feel like a lot of people are acting like killer is impossible. Not saying it isn't hard, you'll need to sweat a bit, but it's not unachievable. I get you aren't saying that, but it's a surprising amount of people from what I see in discussions.
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Whoa guys watch out for prove thyself. It buys 4 seconds per gen at best which might save you 10 seconds if lucky! Broken, too fast!
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I... never said it was broken? Chill out. I'm just saying that gens feel way faster with it equipped. With how gens last a minute or two anyways, those few seconds could be life or death. Saying this from someone who uses it constantly.
But no, I'm a salty Legion main who complains about a perk nearly no one uses. You got me.
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but don't worry, the fun factor can be removed from killers, but when the survivors are just a little bit frustrated: LeT's NeRf ThiS
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Sorry I'm just a bit tired of the state of the community atm...I use resilience when I want to make gens go faster personally but since I swf frequently I can inform my mates not to waste time trying to heal me. As solo better together with prove thyself is my nancy build with detective's hunch and inner strength, it's for when I solo and want to get rid of noed for my team.
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Fun is subjective thus your idea of fun doesn't always apply to everyone.
Some people don't want to play competitively in this casual game as killer which makes the ruin nerfs paradoxical:
They nerfed it so casual survivors can escape more easily while also driving out casual killers which then hurts the survivor's due to que times.
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Some killers just can't. The only early slowdown perk left is Corrupt Intervention
Trapper needs time AND being free of surviviors following him. Corrupt can give you a bit of time, but pushes surviviors into you.
Hag needs the same. She needs less time and has more mobility, but its still an issue. And don't forget that Ruin is Hag's perk, so it should be usefull for her the most.
Clown completely lacks early game pressure, or even lacks pressure at all. Playing Clown with Ruin was hard already, now its even worse.
Ruin rework was needed, but not like this, further changes are necessary to compensate for killers that really needed it and the old ruin was made for.
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If you dont act like a little Snowflake - yeah, Killer is not that bad.
People are overreacting. Or were really somewhat carried by Ruin (even if I dont think so - a bad Killer will not have awesome results solely because of Ruin)
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This is exactly what I've been saying for the past week, totally agree with you buddy, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose period. I don't understand why some killer mains are so mad
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As has been mentioned in every other thread, killers aren't leaving over ruin by itself. Ruin was just the last straw. They "ruined" a perk most people used to address a more fundamental problem (map design) without addressing the problem. Their entire announcement was all about the the survivor's experience, nothing about fixing the crap killers have to put up with.
Is killer still playable? Yes, obviously. You can play trapper and camp a 3 gen to death and slowly ping pong around until maybe you get kills. Is it viable? Yes. Is it fun? more and more killers are saying no. They see the path the game is on and don't want to deal with it.
They say they're going to look at reworking maps. They just dropped a "reworked" map and it sure does look nice, but it's still full of safe pallets and loops. I spawn in as Pallet Freddy and can't place fake pallets because every pallet spot already has a real pallet. Doesn't inspire confidence for the future map reworks.
Overall they keep making the game less fun for killers, and the only response is git gud. Just apply more pressure. Just learn to mind game better. Just end chases faster. I don't want to sweat every game. Some killers are still having fun with it, and I still occasionally have fun with it (if I've had enough to drink), but I'm not at all surprised many killers are leaving with they way things are going.
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I have fun as trapper. Something about survivors being helpless entertains me (hence I play instadown and fast approach killers like GF and Billy)
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The devs gave optimal survivors even more room to be obnoxious.
So no, I don't think the outrage is unreasonable at all.