Change to Lockers

There should be a change to locker animations when grabbed. How about, when you grab someone, the survivor switches to first person and watches as you them out. I got this idea after watching the Spirits grab animation out of a locker. If I were to be in first person, I would genuinely be terrified. This doesn't have anything to do with balance, just something that would make the scare factor in DBD go up :)
I'd be down.
What about when the survivor gets hooked they also go into first person screaming whilst the 1st person POV is looking at the hook penetrating their shoulder?
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That would also be great. I just want more horror in a horror game xD
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Yes more perspective changes. Sadly it would probably cause bugs like basement bug :(
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Honestly, this would get annoying and old after a while.
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1st: Yes, this is what I am referring too.
2nd: I'm not too sure. I thought of the same thing, but I would say after the POV swaps.
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Honestly being in a locker should be like that one trailer, switch to a 1st person view looking out the slats
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It will stay the same. What you're asking may be about when the perspective changes happen.
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I could see it getting old, but it's not like it's any worse than what we got now. I just think it would be scarier if it was first person.
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I thought that too, but it would give survivors such little information to work on, ie if the killer is going away or something.
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I like this idea also. If not first person then a really tight 3rd person. I know its not really a horror themed game anymore but having a limited pov while hiding for your life, annd having to rely on sound would definitely give it more atmosphere.
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Something to spice up the scare factor.
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The amount of poor baby Dwights this would scare lol
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They would be terrified, poor baby dwight xD
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Doesn't the stale 3rd person look get annoying and old too?