Dont know how many times it needs to be said



  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89

    I will not stop reporting this because its toxic and ruins the game, its NOT a strategy, nor is it fun to play against, I'll will not stop posting about this issue until it is resolved, if I get banned I'll make a new forum account, if I get vac banned I'll get a vpn, I'm not letting these toxic players go unnoticed by you devs just because you're to lazy to fix it

  • UbiSubject17
    UbiSubject17 Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2020

    But, it's also toxic when survivors expect an easy ride from killers. Killers have 1 job & 1 job only & it's in their job title. When the killer knows matter of factly there are other survivors right near the hook ready to perform a save, ofcourse they're not going to leave the area. This is not camping.

    For example, Myers with Scratched/Vanity Mirror will see the auras of everyone, through walls, rocks, you name it. If any survivors are lying in wait for that save, he aint leaving! Sometimes it really is survivor mistakes that cause the killer to remain in the area.

    The likes of Borrowed Time & Decisive Strike are there to counter tunneling, so take advantage of their strong capabilities. Again, it is really about survivor mistakes in both circumstances. Although BT can't counter Insidious, DS can. I never rescue anyone near the killer unless I have BT.

    I agree it's not nice being tunneled or camped, but killers gotta kill. My biggest complaint is stop rescuing me in front of the killer if you don't have BT. That's exactly what's going to get me killed. That is precisely the kind of survivor mistake that will cause 'tunneling.'

  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89

    Survivors dont have a method of ruining a killers game and forcing a depip with no skill, everything survivors do requires skill and timing, everything a camping tunneling piece of garbage has to do is have the skills of a fortnite player i.e. 0 skill

  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89

    Theres no hard counters to camping or tunneling, and relying on the morons of xbox is out of the question. Next time you try and say it's a strat realize you're a camping tunneling killer and dont say anything, because only camping trash and tunneling trash agree with camping and tunneling

  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89

    Also stopping survivors isnt camping, it's when all survivors are cross map and you stand their like a brain dead leather face is when its camping

  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89

    Last thing, bt and ds are not hard counter, they just rely the inevitable, if bt made it so you cant go down till the chase is lost then its be a counter, if ds made you have a sprint burst and turn invisible then its be a counter, just have 10 more steps to run isnt a counter, it's useless

  • Feelsbadnan
    Feelsbadnan Member Posts: 4

    Don’t have a way of ruining the game. Soooo gen rushing doesn’t exist huh

  • Feelsbadnan
    Feelsbadnan Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2020

    You are so bias towards survivors its obvious. I’m glad the devs aren’t listening to people like you

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Gen rushing can be countered by patrolling. There isnt really a counter to face camping.

    I disagree with no counter to tunneling tho. The counter to tunnelling is as easy as genrushing or just stop running too predictably.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    Ok, 'Entitled Survivor #4,953', let me tell you this. If you have the urge to come into this forum to complain about being tunneled and camped in this asymmetric multiplayer game, then I have some advice for you.

    1. Realize that you're not the only one who is playing survivor. If you're getting face camped at any point, just realize that the killer is making the choice to waste time watching you while everyone else is working on the exit. So stop being a selfish suvivor who only worries about your own experience. If you can't handle that, then either start playing as the killer or don't play the game at all.

    2. Learn how to give the killer a decent chase when he comes after you. That way, he might give up chasing you and focus on other survivors instead if you make him chase you long enough. If he's really that bad of a killer, he'll focus on easier prey. If he's a good killer, he'll switch off to do more important things.

    Let's debut some of the replies you've given us.

    "Survivors dont have a method of ruining a killers game and forcing a depip with no skill"

    Go find out what infinite loops and god loops are, then come back and say that.

    "Everything a camping tunneling piece of garbage has to do is have the skills of a fortnite player i.e. 0 skill"

    You're right. A killer who has to face camp to get kills doesn't really know how to play the role well. So what do you do when the killer starts face camping? Work on generators and let him / her waste their time.

    "Last thing, bt and ds are not hard counter, they just rely the inevitable, if bt made it so you cant go down till the chase is lost then its be a counter, if ds made you have a sprint burst and turn invisible then its be a counter, just have 10 more steps to run isnt a counter, it's useless"

    It seems useless to you because yet again, you don't know how to deal with the killer when it comes to chases.

    And if you ever wonder why BHVR never deals with reports on console, it's because they have to sift through all the bs reports over what they've already deemed as fair strategies in the game.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I assure you the devs are very much aware that some people don't like camping and tunneling. Reporting it doesn't bring more awareness to the issue. If you're constantly reporting something, knowing that it's not reportable, just because it makes you feel better, all you're doing is pointlessly and selfishly taking up the Support team's time, and diverting resources away from actual issues like hacking and griefing that need their attention.

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2020

    Honestly, as a survivor main I can't believe your bias and arrogance. Do you realize that most of the time that tunneling and face camping are toxic to killers as well? The killer is literally doing nothing to stop other people from doing generators at that. That is so much time wasted and if survivors know what they were doing, they would take advantage of it. Out of devil's advocacy, how would you even propose that they change it? It literally is embedded in the game. They can't change it unless they completely rework the entire game concept.

    Likewise, your treatment of killer is awful. You said that everything that survivors do require skill and timing. Well guess what, so does a killer. A killer has to deal with 4 different survivors and guard 7 different generators. It takes a lot of skill and timing to be good at that regardless of how they choose to do it. Honestly, screwing up even once can tank a killer, while survivors can make several mistakes and still escape.

    You need to seriously evaluate this game and your outlook on it.

    Post edited by Samwise444 on
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Camping and tunnelling aren't reportable. You're wasting yours and the devs' time doing so. Either take a break or play killer instead, man.

  • pizzamess
    pizzamess Member Posts: 209

    Tunneling is technically the most efficient way to play as a killer as long as they watch out for DS and BT any decent killer that doesnt do this is for the survivors sake for the most part since most killers also dont want the game to end so quickly. Camping is just stupid to do.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Give me a solid reason to leave the hook and I will

    Give me a solid chance to kill someone else and I wont go after the injured limper

    Dont get gens done fast and I'll take my time hooking each of you...

    Before you nerf or ban think about this. Killers have 12 objectives to play your way solo. 12 hooks.

    Survivors have 5 gens and a gate among 4 of them. 1.5 objectives each.

    If one gen is done before a killer hooks like most games without old ruin

    Survivors are 1/6 while killers are 0/12

    ... later

    If survivors do 3 gens while killer has 2 hooks

    Survivors are 3/6 to win while killer is 2/12 to loose.

    Killers who camp or tunnel know that if they cant win a chase and hook someone in less then a minute it's more beneficial to use the same minute camping you because its effectively doing a hook.

    And killing someone reducing hooks from 12 to 9 limits objectives AND reducing time survivors can contribute to objectives making 1.5 objectives to 4 survivors. 2 objectives each to 3 survivors

    You cant nerf or ban players... if you wanna keep playing someone needs to be a killer

    Either give them a reason to leave the hook and juggle or make killer Ai

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    I am guessing your survivor main then. U shoukd have thought about this before cry to devs about mm killer nerfs and ruin killing etc. These two and more will rise

    Welcome to the future of dbd which has foundations of Survivor salt.