Early game perk idea - all players auras are revealed for the first minute or aggressive action

I think an interesting perk idea to experiment with would be to have a perk that reveals the auras of all players at the start of the match. It would not be overpowered because it would last at most one minute or until the first aggressive action. People would be interested in running it because it would get rid of the beginning of the game "searching" for someone by giving you a general idea of where all survivors are and lead you straight to one survivor.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it might help combat the problems with big maps and gen speed indirectly.


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    There's already a few perks to help you find survivors in the early game. That one would be a bit too strong.

    Maybe make it an obsession perk. You see your obsession's aura for 5/10/15 seconds. And that's it.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    Which perks? And I disagree. You'd lose it as soon as you started going after someone and that's a wasted perk. It is shorter than corrupt intervention (without the gen speed slow down), and It doesn't last all game like discordance or BB&Chili.

    You need to argue more clearly.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Whispers and discordance are the most popular ones I can think of, and that I've personally used.

    No real need to argue honestly, seeing where everyone is right at the beginning of the game defeats the whole purpose of hunting them down and would definitely make the games unbalanced.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    There are 4 players and you can't chase them all. Seeing where everyone is would cost a whole perk.

    "No real need to argue honestly, seeing where everyone is right at the beginning of the game defeats the whole purpose of hunting them down" is blatantly rude, and if you feel that way then I ask you not to comment on this thread. I do not think it defeats the purpose and I think there are good claims to support that it is a good idea.

    Now to discuss your actual points, which have flaws:

    Discordance lasts all game. It isn't comparable. It would not be the same as a perk that at most lasts one minute.

    Whispers does not help you find survivors in the same way. On a large map you could walk counterclockwise when they start on the clockwise gen and miss a bunch with no help from whispers.

    The purpose of hunting them down still applies after the first chase is initiated and aggressive action is taken. Survivors have to be tracked down throughout the game.

    Pros of this suggested perk: It makes the initial search very short. Like a bb&chili for the beginning of the game. This saves time but costs a whole perk.

    Cons: Survivors would be unable to use steal to avoid this, although it only lasts a minute (or possibly less).

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    While I can see where you are coming from on this, I don't think that would be very healthy for the game even if it did take a perk. Before I explain why though, it isn't very 'nice' of you to tell Marcavecunc not to post here if he doesn't agree with you -- the forums aren't for a only-people-who-agree-with-me.

    As for why I don't think it would be healthy; the only thing it aids is killers -- it only helps killers in finding survivors before they can rush a gen or group up on a couple. Not only that, it completely negates the use of any shroud items and the fact that they are secret.

    I play mainly killer, but I don't think killers need a way to immediately be able to find survivors as soon as the match starts, for an entire minute (which is only 20 seconds less than a single surv on a gen) and for potentially a while if they don't do any aggressive actions. Sure it would cost an entire perk slot, but you aren't really gaining that much 'benefit' outside being able to counter early rushing.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    Marcavecunc was blatantly rude. Don't portray it as if he simply "disagreed." I came here fore discussion and he or she simply discounted the idea if you read closely. Before you do policing, please read closely.

    Trust me, I want these forums to be a good place for discussion.

    Now, I think you made an excellent point about the Shrouds. This perk would negate an offering and that is a big problem. I think for that reason alone the perk in its current state would not be acceptable.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Just because I didn't agree with you and didn't sugarcoat it for your sensitive eyes doesn't mean my response was rude. But if you want rude, I think your idea is bullshit and would ruin the game. And I say that as a killer main.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    I think that arcnkd made an excellent point about the Shrouds. It can be argued that the Shrouds simply put you far away from the killer, with another survivor, or as a group of 4. Despite being called shroud, it doesn't necessarily conflict with the aura reading idea.

    Also, stealth will always be an option. In the same way that bbq and chilli doesn't take that stealth away, I don't think this would either.

    Perhaps it would last 10 seconds in the beginning of the game. But then again, that'd be too weak. It would have to have some sort of secondary effect as well.

  • ChaosMaster130
    ChaosMaster130 Member Posts: 24

    IMO, adding the 'see all auras for 10 seconds at the start' effect to the Bitter Murmur perk would work better then making a new perk

    That's just me though.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Eh, idk. I like having the choice to stealth. Perhaps 30 seconds would be more acceptable? 😊

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    Oooh, I got a suggestion. 10 seconds of survivors being revealed with the added that this effect stops once a survivor is in the terror radius (on the off chance you spawn close) and then 1 minute (like haunted grounds) of instant downs. It serve its purpose, getting a quick down and slowing the game down.