One tiny nerf to Doctor

ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Now I know people will not be happy to see another nerf to killer thread again, especially with Doc since his rework was just released a few days a go. Still, I've been playing with him a lot, and I wanted to make a thread about what small nerf I think Doctor will most likely need, because I do predict that more and more people will catch on how strong he now is, and in what way he might be a bit problematic.

I do want to stress out how much I love the Doctor rework. Doctor was one of the main reasons I got into DBD, because his visual design and lore were and still are some of the best in the game in my opinion. The idea of having a Doctor who drives survivors mad by electrocuting them is fantastic in my opinion. But the longer I've played DBD, the less I played Doc, since he just wasn't very fun to play as in my opinion. His biggest problem was how little useful his shock therapy was in chases, being useless at most pallet loops.

So I'm beyond happy that Doc is now so much more fun to play as and so much more powerful. I can finally main him again. And yes, I personally would argue Doc is the next A tier killer in this game, with the one downside that he is particularly dependent on the size of maps, because of his static blast and the fact that he has no extra mobility.

I don't even really consider Doc overpowered, but I do think that there will be more complaints surfacing regarding his counterplay. Which is the one aspect I want to adress here. Now in no way do I think Doc has no counterplay, he definitely has, at least to prolong chases and make him waste as much time as possible. And perhaps the counterplay he has right now is enough, considering how fast gens can be repaired at the moment. Using both loops around a pallet cleverly, and trying to avoid his shock therapy in the right situations, are two of the most important things to do against Doc, and trying to mindgame him at loops is still possible to a certain extent.

The counterplay of avoiding his shock therapy is the one counterplay I would like to see buffed just slightly though. Doc's real power now comes from the fact than he can just run you around a loop, and whenever you as survivor approach a pallet, he can just shock you and deny you the pallet, forcing you to keep running. He will catch up to you eventually by doing this.

That's why actual mindgameable pallets are actually the best against Doc, simply because their loops aren't big enough for Doc to shock you, and run you around the loop long enough to catch up to you before he would have to shock you again in order to deny you the usage of a pallet. Interestingly enough, in most cases, the safer a pallet is, the less safe it is against Doc. That's because if he always shocks you right before you can drop the pallet, you'll just have to run another loop around the pallet loop, and the longer that loop is, the more time Doc has to catch up to you. So perhaps map reworks will actually be enough, allowing survivors more pallets to counterplay at when more pallets become mindgameable.

Of course, more complex structures make his shock therapy less useful. Jungle Jyms in particular are still pretty effective against him. Since he can't deny both the window and the pallet in most cases.

However, I personally think avoiding the shock therapy should be slightly more effective than it is now. Right now, you can avoid Doctor's shock therapy, which means you don't get shocked and can use vaults and pallets against Doc. And this does work at times, but in the majority of cases, avoiding his shock therapy will get you outpositioned, allowing the Doctor to catch up to you before you can then reach the pallet and use it against him. This is exactly why I didn't mind the 3 seconds cooldown after Doctor's shock therapy. It gave survivors a small period of time where they could reach the pallet and use it against Doc if they actually managed to dodge the shock therapy attack, before Doctor could attack survivors again.

Now I don't want the cooldown to be 3 seconds again, but I feel like 2 seconds, or at the very most 2.5 seconds, would be fairer. This way, survivors will have a small time frame where they have the chance to use pallets or vaults against the Doc if they manage to avoid his shock therapy. And since avoiding his shock therapy is not easy, I think this would be a fair payoff without making Doctor in any way underpowered.

For people that do worry that this would be too good against Doc, as Doctor you would still have your own counterplay. You can try and predict where survivors will try and move to in order to avoid your shock therapy, or you can simply use the Demogorgon tech and fake the shock therapy, which will also pretty much guarantee you a hit if the survivor tries to dodge your shock therapy.

All in all I think this would be one last healthy change to Doc, simply raising the skill cap of both Doctor and the survivors going against Doctor.

Now I wouldn't mind if Doc didn't get touched in any way, since he is now one of my absolute favorite killers in this game. And I personally very much enjoy going against him. Doc actually being a threat is such a nice and fresh experience. But if the devs do feel like they need to nerf Doc in some small way, I would heavily hope they increase the cooldown of his shock therapy, and not nerf him in any other way. Increasing the charge time of his shock therapy would be awful for example, since it would have the potential to make his shock therapy useless at pallet loops again if increased too much. Unlike increasing the cooldown after shock therapy, which simply allows for more interesting counterplay.

I would do a TL;DR, but I feel like you need to read my entire post to understand my point, at least starting at paragraph 3.


I just want to edit something, because some people fear that an increased cooldown would make shock therapy useless because survivors would recover from the shock before Doctor's cooldown after using shock therapy is over. This is not the case, not with the numbers I suggest. This would only happen with a cooldown of 3.5 seconds or longer. And I can promise that's the absolute last thing I want, since this would butcher Doctor.

The delay of Doctor's shock therapy is 1 second. Then, it shocks survivors for 2.5 seconds. That means survivors that get shocked are shocked until 3.5 seconds have gone by after the Doctor used his shock therapy. Even if the cooldown was 2.5 seconds, the Doctor would still have 1 second time to hit a survivor before the shock wears off from them.

That's why this increased cooldown would only come in to play when survivors manage to dodge your shock therapy. It would simply make the counterplay of trying to dodge Doctor's shock therapy a bit more viable, which is the one change I feel that Doctor will need.

Post edited by ad19970 on


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Undrestandable. But if the cooldown isn't too high, survivors would only be able to counter his shock therapy if they are close enough to a pallet or vault anyways. Here's the thing. Shock therapy has a 1 second delay, that means, when the shock actually hits, Doctor only has a 0.5 seconds cooldown left. So avoiding his shock therapy will never be useful if it forces survivors to become outpositioned, and in most cases, this does.

    Increasing his cooldown to 2 seconds or 2.5 seconds will give survivors 1 or 1.5 seconds to reach a pallet or vault before the Doctor can attack again. Also, the shock lasts 2.5 seconds, and it starts one second after shock therapy was released. Which means even if the cooldown was 2.5 seconds, the Doctor still would have 1 second to hit a survivor before the shock ends on the survivor.

    Also, Doc still would be able to try and predict a survivor avoiding his shock therapy, or he could just fake his shock therapy. So I'm pretty sure his shock therapy would still be very useful in chases. the last thing I want is that his shock therapy becomes fairly useless in chases again. Which is why I don't want them to increase the charge time of his shock therapy.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    The difference here is that you don't move slower while the cooldown is active. That was the main problem of Doc. He also had to wait a very short time after shocking before he could switch stances again.

    In fact, increasing his cooldown would do absolutely nothing if you as the Doctor manage to hit a survivor with his shock. In this case, the survivor is shocked, can't use any vault or pallet, and you can still just follow him with your normal movement speed while the survivor keeps running. Your cooldown ends before the shock of the survivor ends, and you will get a hit against the survivor if you catch up to the survivor enough. Absolutely nothing changes as long as the cooldown doesn't overlast the shock of the survivor. And nobody wants that because that would make his shock therapy so laughably useless.

    The only thing a higher cooldown changes, is that it gives survivors slightly more time to reach a pallet or vault before the Doctor can attack the survivor after using his shock therapy, if survivors manage to avoid the shock therapy. Which is why I think this would be a healthy change to Doctor, and the only proper way to nerf him if he does need a nerf. Because this is simply a change that allows for some more skill based counterplay. And in return, will also afford some more skill based counterplay of the Doctor player. Not that he doesn't take any skill, I do think he does, but this would just add some more skill based play for the Doctor.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Are you talking about DS? Because this doesn't have anything to do with DS. Not even in the slightest.

    This one nerf I am suggesting doesn't exclude other balance changes, and doesn't have anything else to do with other balance changes. Meaning, bringing up DS in this thread is totally off topic and useless.

  • emeraldx107
    emeraldx107 Member Posts: 8

    Don't think this is a good idea. The reason his cooldown was reduced Is because it was longer than the survivors scream animation lock (which is like 2.5 seconds). I love the doctor but he is not A tier. To be in the higher end of killers, you have to have some kind of mobility tool (which he doesn't). They increased the range of his shock but its still not very wide. Would have liked them get rid of moldy electrode and make it basekit. The shock still takes a second to connect with the survivor after you release it. Giving him a longer cooldown would mean the survivors would be free from the animation lock before you could attack them and are able to do what you tried to prevent them from doing. This was the original issue and would defeat the purpose of the shock therapy mid chase.

  • joeyrou
    joeyrou Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2020

    purposing a doctor nerf deserves such comments. For real. just no.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    You've got that wrong. The delay of Doctor's shock therapy is 1 second. Then, it shocks survivors for 2.5 seconds. That means survivors that get shocked are shocked until 3.5 seconds have gone by after using your shock therapy. If the cooldown was 2.5 seconds, the Doctor would still have 1 second timne to hit a survivor before the shock weares off from them.

    That's why this increased cooldown would only come in to play when survivors manage to dodge your shock therapy. It would simply make the counterplay of dodging the Doctor's shock therapy slightly more viable. I guess I should add this to my main post.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I'd say it's too soon to tell just yet.

    You gotta understand - I play Doc so much he's like an extension of myself when I play. And right now, to me, his chase feels basically the same as it did before, I just don't have to swap to treatment mode anymore which is really only an ease of use issue.

    If anything, Doc has gotten more powerful in the locating targets department which was always his thing anyway.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Oh dear ad19970 I do pity you. You’ve just opened yourself up to 10 pages full of abuse for even suggesting a slight killer nerf based on your experience. You know the rules of the dbd forums, killer nerfs must NEVER be mentioned.

    I’ve noticed that pretty much every Doc I go against gets the 4k. His static blast when spammed as often as possible can be a little but irritating too. He’s not a killer I hate going against however.

    I feel like its still too early to say whether he’s a little bit too strong or not. On one hand survivors need to learn the best counterplay and need some experience going against him. On the other hand new killers often do poorly as players are inexperienced at using them yet Doc is going well. Doc is different though as he instantly feels familiar but is so much more powerful.

    I’m not worried though. Unlike most here I have confidence that people are monitoring the data on Doc and will tweak accordingly if there are any problems.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It's been fine until now though. All replies have been nice and civil.

    Personally, most Docs I've been going against have actually only gotten 1k or 0k. But from my own experience as Doctor, I do feel like this one change to Doctor will be needed. It's true though that it's still very early to say if this really is the case. Especially considering that many people even didn't know how to play against the old Doctor, probably because he played much differently to other killers and barely ever got played at high ranks.

    The only thing I'm just slightly worried about is that BHVR might feel the need to nerf him, and then nerf him in a different way. Like increasing his shock therapy charge time, which would be awful in my opinion. That nerf would either just force him to run around a loop more times before he can catch up to survivors, which means it will weaken his chase potential slightly, but totally detatched from any counterplay of survivors, or if the charge time is increased too much, he'll just turn into old Doc with survivors being able to run him around pallet loops infinitely if he continues to try and shock survivors when they approach pallets.

    An increased cooldown on the other hand simply buffs an interesting counterplay to him, which is exactly what I would like to see to him. But I do believe that the devs at BHVR do realise this as well if they decide to nerf him in some way.

    In the end a killer's balance simply comes down to whether survivors have the chance to survive in chases long enough for their team mates to make an impactful progression on gens, while considering the killer's map pressure, stealth capabilties and tracking potential. And if that's the case, the question is whether survivors can survive in chases long enough because of skillful counterplay, or because the killer's power forces the killer to take too long to chase a survivor. Old legion is the perfect example for the latter, where as Nurse probably is a great example for the former. Increasing Doctor's shock therapy charge time would buff survivors, but in a way that fits in the latter category, while increasing the cooldown of Doctor's shock therapy would buff survivors in a way that fits the former category.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I think they look at stats and complaints from the other side.

    If hes getting 4k most games and people say they dont like (insert feature) when they play survivor it will be tweaked.

    If hes performing within reasonable bounds and there aren’t too many complaints about one specific thing then he will stay the same.

    Its not all about survivor complaints though contrary to popular belief. Every said the 3 second cooldown was awful (myself included) and it got changed to appease people playing the killer.

    I think perhaps some people are a bit too pallet greedy against him at the moment. I’m so used to old Doc that I myself can try to get cheeky at loops because old Doc was so easy to abuse. Long loops you’re safe from new Doc, short loops are best to get away from asap because he’s going to get you sooner rather than later.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    The cooldown is right where it needs to be, if good survivors can avoid it, leave it alone. He was absolutley awful on the ptb, denying him his only chase ability is not a great idea.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    Doctor is fine

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100

    I don't think that increased Shock Therapy cooldown longer than 2 seconds is a good idea.

    Since his pre-rework cooldown was 2 seconds and it's really clunky to use so that is the reason why dev decrease cooldown to 1.5 seconds.

    I already read your comment about "...The difference here is that you don't move slower while the cooldown is active..." but I want to say that the duration that doctor moving slower is still stay at the same.

    I tried him for 4-5 games and I'm really glad that he is a high tier killer now but also agree that Shock Therapy is a little bit too strong, you can easily change short-loop into a deadzone, a way moooooore easily than clown and freddy.

    IMO if I really have to nerf him, I have 2 ideas (choose one of these to nerf, not all of these)

    1. Shock Therapy cooldown should be more than 1.5 seconds but should less than 2 seconds
    2. reduced survivor shocked duration to 2 seconds to make the remaining time to hit a survivor before the shock wears off stay at the same (1 second).
  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404
    edited January 2020

    Oh please. It's not about killers "never being nerfed" you sanctimonious donkey. It's about the fact that for the last 4 months it's been repeated ######### killer nerfs. So instead of having knee jerk reactions and expecting garbage survivors to be constantly catered to, maybe the community should let the doctor rework settle for a minute without making "nerf this killer because I'm a ######### noob" threads for five damn seconds? He literally JUST got reworked and the entire point of the design was to make him EASIER FOR SURVIVORS TO DEAL WITH. Everything he does has a way to defeat it. You just can't loop him on autopilot which is something survivors have always struggled with understanding.

    I try to be civil but this forum community is just. Ugh. The amount of one sided BS is getting old. And I think you're wrong about survivor complaint threads not leading to nerfs. Every nerf has had complaint threads previously. Even if the thing wasn't actually OP, and survivors just "don't like it".

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I would also say that it is too early. Give Survivors time to adapt to new Doc, he is out for a few days only and once everyone got used to new Doc, a Nerf (if needed) can be considered.

    Things should not get rushed, because it can easily destroy Doctor again. I think he is really strong, but I cannot figure out if he is TOO strong or just right. I think when he is on Live for a few weeks or months, more can be said about it, but I feel when there is a Change quite soon, it might be too much.

    It also looks quite bad to rework a Killer and nerf him again afterwards. The Devs also took their time with Freddys Slowdown Add-Ons, so I guess the same will happen with Doc. But nothing should be rushed here.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Cool your jets there bud, you're not making yourself look good there. Besides, the nerf hammer has swung both ways for awhile now, it's just been the killer's turn, that's all. It'll swing the other way as needed.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Your behaviour is absolutely ridiculous. And if you think of me as someone who just wants a killer nerfed because they are a noob, then I can just laugh. I've thoroughly explained why I think this small nerf would be fine for Doctor, if people choose not to read the thread fine. Just don't accuse me of wanting Doc nerfed just because I am a noob.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    With decreased movement speed I didn't mean the movement speed while charging your shock therapy. But old Doc had to always switch to Treatment mode to use his shock therapy, and in that mode he only moved at 110M/S.

    I guess reducing the duration of the shock could also work, but that's a nerf to Doctor that is not tied into the counterplay of survivors. The increased cooldown would give survivors a bit more of a chance to use a pallet or vault against the Doctor if the survivor manages to dodge the shock. So the pay off is pretty much just a bit more likely if the survivor manages to dodge the shock therapy attack of survivors. And dodging the shock therapy is counterplay to the Doctor.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I do agree that it's too early to nerf him now. This thread was just about my experience and my opinion what might need to be done to Doctor in the future. I think I am just worried that they nerf Doctor in a way that will make him much weaker again.

    I've seen the suggestion to increase his shock therapy charge time, and I feel like that would be a terrible way to nerf him. Because it would either just increase the amount of times a Doctor needs to loop around a pallet loop while shocking the survivor everytime they approach the pallet again before he catches up to the survivor to get a hit, or if the charge time is increased too much, his shock therapy will end up being just as useless in chases as it was before the rework.

    An increased cooldown on the other hand will simply make one certain counterplay of survivors a bit more viable, which I think would be the far better way to nerf him since that counterplay takes skill.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Doc is still too early to even be nerfed.

    Also all this buff did was make him from low tier to mid tier killer, he's not even an A tier killer.

    If we were to do a nerf this early one, like BHVR did to Oni, it would basically end the Doc

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Maybe if A rank is top rank. But if there's an S rank, I'd put Doc in the middle of the A rank.

    His ability to locate people saves you so much time - especially now that we have a "locate on command" button.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited January 2020

    But as I said this is more just a thread about what nerf I believe the Doctor will need. I'm not saying they are supposed to nerf Doc now. This is especially about what nerf I think the Doctor should receive if BHVR decided that he needed a small nerf. Because I feel like he could easily be nerfed in a wrong way, hurting him way too much.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Any reasoning for why you disagree with my nerf suggestion? And keep in mind I do understand that it's too early to nerf Doctor right away, this is just about what change I believe the Doc will still need, based on my observations on how effective his shock therapy works at loops, which I explained in my thread.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I agree that an increase in Charge Time would be too much, I think that new Doc is quite fragile, at least currently. And a Charge Time increase might indeed break him.

    But I would disagree that his Shock Therapy was useless in a chase. It was much harder to use, but not useless. You needed to be spot-on with your Switches between Modes and Shock Timing.

    And one thing is still the same - it is quite inconsistent, sometimes the Survivor still makes the Window, sometimes they get set back mid-Vault. But this Inconsistency had a bigger impact when his Shock Therapy was harder to use.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Useless is a bit much, I admit. It was helpful against window loops, especially god windows, and it probably was helpful at pallet loops if the loop was particularly big, like the really long Coldwin Farm loops.

    It was also really good at killer shack, though now it's even better. But to me his shock therapy just wasn't helpful at enough pallet loops for Doctor to be even nearly viable, and now it is.

    The inconsistency still sucks a bit, but now it's much more doable to just shock survivors early enough.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Doctor doesnt need a nerf, players just need to learn to counter his mechanics. I main killer but dont even have Doctor unlocked, but having played survivor a decent amount since the Docotor rework, I have yet to go against a Doctor and feel like he is too strong. Its simply get out madness 3 and dont stay bunched up if hes around. With the ruin nerf, his skill checks are the only ones that have a challenge, simply for the random placement and rotation.It actually makes skill checks more fun then holding m1 and pressing spacebar every 10 seconds.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited January 2020

    Maybe because it's too early to say if he needs a nerf or buff now?

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    I've found that throwing pallets down early is a great counter to him

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    I don't consider him A rank, as he is still a m1 killer.

    He lacks mobility, and all he has is tracking and anti-looping. Now both are good for A tier, except the tracking part can be completely negated by calm spirit and lockers.

    That's what makes him B tier as his tracking can be completely negated. MM is an A tier killer as he has an insta-down, slugging potential, and stealth. None can be negated completely like doctors static blast.

    Just today, I had 4 survivors (SWF) run calm spirit, which essentially made my tracking power drop significantly. I still beat them as they weren't too good, and that they forgot to do totems, but that fact his tracking power can be completely negated by a single perk, essentially makes him a B tier killer.

    Also lets also mention that his static blast doesn't affect downed survivors, previously, the old Doctors static field could tier up survivors while downed. I feel like static blast should do the same.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    I played doctor very much after he came out. Yes, his shock can deny any actions, but it has many flaws.

    1. In some long loops, if i use shock, i won't catch up to them. Also, my range is not long enough to catch them before they get to the pallet.

    2. Doc needs to shock survivors way earlier than the action survivor is about to do. If not, they still can throw down pallet or fast vault even they scream just before it. For base range, this is very difficult because too early, the deny duration expires, too late, they vault. You need to have a close distance to survivors to do this

    3. Using shock loses resets your blood lust, even if it missed if i'm not wrong.

    4. In very close range, you can dodge his shock very easily, like shocking survivors through some loop with a fence

    If they increases the duration of deny or longer range, i would agree with the longer cooldown, but nerfing him without compensation is not good

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    So you want to give him the Legion treatment? And only 2 paragraphs of your whole post was necessary to make your point.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah no not really. This certainly wouldn't be the Legion treatement, heck I even explain why this wouldn't be a big nerf in my main post. I guess you didn't understand the idea of this nerf and why I think it might need to be done in the future, but that's fine.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Perhaps. Like I said, I don't want this nerf to happen immediately. Just from all the experience I've gathered with Doctor up until now, I feel like a nerf might happen in the future, simply because I fear more and more people will start arguing that Doctor doesn't have enough counterplay, which is why I made this thread, to suggest what nerf I would like to see.

    This thread wasn't done just because I feel like I lose against Doctor too many times within this short period of time. I made this thread based on my experience and observation of playing as Doctor, and I explain why exactly I think this nerf would be good, and what exactly this nerf would affect. I'm not saying I am right, just what change I would probably like to see for the Doctor, at least if more people start complaining about doctor, because I feel like I've gathered quite a bit of experience and knowledge with the new Doctor and how he works the last couple of days.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    While you make excellent points, I think you are underestimating how much his tracking can be negated for the following reasons

    1) Calm Spirit is not a meta perk. Out of a dozen games Wednesday, I saw only one person running Calm Spirit. Calm Spirit also does nothing for the impending madness which has generator slowdown potential. Most survivors loath to build for a specific killer unless it's a S Tier killer. Vast majority stick with their tried and true perks that work for all killers.

    2) While the lockers are fine and dandy, they only work if the doc is very predictable with when he uses his Shock Burst. And even then, most of us who play doc regularly are already check lockers as the situation warrants it. If it ever became an issue were people are doing it regularly, we always have the option of running Iron Maiden and getting the tracking we were after anyway, but I doubt it will come to that.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I think you make some great points, and it makes me hopeful that the discussion of Doctor not having enough counterplay will never actually happen. Though I do think that the bigger a pallet loop is, the better it is for Doctor, assuming he has already been close enough to the survivor to shock him when he approached the pallet a first time.

    You're definitely right with the second point. Especially with how maps are procedurally generated, you won't always be able to tell where a pallet is coming up early enough to shock a survivor.

    I also didn't know that he does not get Bloodlust when using his shock, that's good.

    Your forth point is also right, but that's the one aspect I wanted to buff a bit for survivors. Right now, dodging his shock therapy won't do anything in most cases since dodging his shock therapy also means survivors outposition themselves, which means the Doctor will get a hit against the survivor anyways. By increasing the cooldown, survivors will have slightly more time to reach the pallet they are looping and use it against Doctor if they managed to dodge Doctor's shock therapy, despite them getting outpositioned because he can't attack them for a short period of time after using shock therapy.

    But maybe this nerf won't be needed. I do agree that an increased range to his shock therapy would be a good compensation for this nerf, should have mentioned that.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I take back all my thoughts on the rework for Doctor being a nerf. In no way, at all, was this a nerf. I couldn't play doctor before, and never really put in the time to learn how. Kept him at level 1, only used him for the easy "Shock 4 ppl lul" daily. Well just used him since the rework to get the Doctor Archive. Whoa and behold. Here I am with new Doctor in hand. Saw other people play him. Well let's see how this works.

    I proceeded to potato stomp 3 redranks, and a level 6 purple rank all with meta perks, with a level 1 doctor w/ Monitor and Abuse.

    I ######### you ######### not.

    Now i'm not saying he's OP, i'm not saying to nerf him.

    but no seriously that is broken af - nerf soon

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited January 2020

    His counterplay is literally the same as every other killer - sit on generators. That's it. He's barely better than he was before, and he'll suffer from massive maps like the majority of the cast. If you don't get greedy vs doctor, you'll stomp all over him.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    If the killer has counterplay, which you claim he does...and hes not overpowered, which you claim hes not...why do you wanna nerf him?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Because I am simply worried that it isn't enough counterplay. Like he has counterplay, but it's hard to tell if it's a fair amount or just very little counterplay that he has.

    In that case people will catch on to this sooner or later, and that's why I wanted to make a post about how I think Doctor should be nerfed if it comes to that. Perhaps I'm just a bit paranoid that the devs will make a mistake and the Doctor will end up with a Legion treatement, even though I don't actually believe that would happen.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean I really don't think he is op or anything. Definitely not broken. All I think is that he might need a bit better counterplay for survivors, that's all. An increased cooldown to his shock therapy would achieve this.

    But in general I think he is a very well balanced killer. Fairly good map pressure with his strong tracking ability, and strong in chases.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    No nerf needed. Sit back and watch the babies cry, they're not entitled to escaping against doc.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    To be fair this small nerf I suggested is not based on my experience of stomping players who aren't that good with survivors yet, but rather on my observation and experience of how Doc works and how well he can counterplay at loops.

    But perhaps he might not need any nerf in the end. I would be happy, but if he does need a nerf, I pray BHVR will nerf him by increasing his cooldown after shock therapy, and not in any other way.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    Lol doctor still is a very weak killer. Better tracking and slightlyMore ease of use but his game delay was gutted.

    Without add-ons his shock is so easy to dodge and is not even that good at stopping loops against half component survivors. Just an m1 guy with tracking. Just learn how to loop him. If he shocks just keep running since it slows him down still.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    They tore madness up, that way more than enough so quit crying. He's easier to beat now anyway

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    In my experience, if you keep running around a loop whenever he shocks you, he will catch up to you and get a hit against you. Now that he doesn't have to switch stances anymore, his shock is so much more effective at loops. That's why I suggested to buff one of his counterplays slightly.

    I wouldn't mind a different buff to him as compensation, increasing the time to snap out of it for example.