Punish DCER's And not the other players in the game.

Jimbobads Member Posts: 29
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi all,

I've been playing DBD for a while now as both survivor and killer so I have no bias towards either side.

A lot of things frustrate me with the direction this game is going but the one I believe that is worth discussing today is the DC option for survivors.

Just to clarify when a killer DCs it does not affect the survivors at all in terms of rank and they still gain blood points so other than wasting time there is no real downside for survivors.

However when other survivors deliberately DC there is no punishment other than a -pip and the rest of the team AND the killer suffer from this.

Why am I suddenly complaining about this now? Because it's happening way more frequently and I had a game just now which literally drew the last straw.

What are you seeing here?

When I downed the Rank 3 Survivor he decided to DC.

Once I hooked the rank 2 survivor they decided to commit suicide on the hook. (Not struggling should give some serious downside to your rank IMO)

The hatch had spawned so the rank 5 survivor decided to DC so the rank 8 Survivor could get the hatch.

OH but I get a -rep for that when all I'm doing is playing the game.

I know what you're all thinking "Dude it's just 1 pip like it's not hard to earn back". That's totally missing the point,

Why is this even an option for anybody to do?

Why do we have a "leave match" button to begin with?

Why isn't there more punishment for players who do it?

Why aren't the killer or survivors given more points so they don't -pip when this happens?

This game has a ranking system and it should be treated fairly. The only hurdle in someones way to high ranks should be skill, not in-game mechanics players are deliberately exploiting because they are upset for losing the game.

The reason why I blocked out their names is because i'm not mad at the community for this. Quite frankly it's the Dev's fault for not treating this seriously enough.

(Also all of the above is for those who do this on purpose, I'm well aware that there are real DCs that do happen, But there are other games out there that take a DC pattern into account and can tell who's deliberately pulling the plug and who isn't.)

Anyone else agree something should be done about the DC option?

I would like to hear your opinions and anything non-constructive will be ignored.


Post edited by Jimbobads on


  • Debridged
    Debridged Member Posts: 30

    I agree, while reading this, I spawned in & someone DC'd instantly.

  • Maxwell
    Maxwell Member Posts: 143

    I was in a match against a Micheal and I had my teammates dc because he was slugging us. I feel like people who dc should be severely punished for this and make it easier on the survivors who didn't dc. Or if there is one person left after the others dced, have the hatch spawn in front of the last person for they can escape with no hassle.

  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29

    I don't think it would be necessary for the hatch to spawn right by the last remaining survivor if the others dc (Bare in mind the killer is also affected by this).

    The players should be punished more who do this deliberately and those who are left behind should not lose any rank progression.

    Thank you both for agreeing with my point so far though :)

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    You're right, making the hatch spawn next to the last survivor ######### the killers over even more. They're also getting unfairly punished by people disconnecting by denying them their bloodpoints/pips/fun, it would be even more unfair to have the last survivor get an auto-escape just because ######### killers.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Actually punish DC'ers and stop with the dev's crybaby mentality of 'Don't report DC' using the in-game report. Start issuing bans for DC's like they were testing a while back; and while we're at it revamp the 'pip' system so you cannot depip under any circumstance (I think that's stupid ######### anyway given the matchmaking system doesn't care about rank lately and throws everyone together); or if you refuse to remove de-pip to avoid playing higher rank killers or lobby times then start freaking caring about consoles when they report in-game. AND let us freaking report more than one player at the end game if there are multiple DC's instead of only being able to report one (which I still do anyway because screw you devs and your lenience on DC's because you're too scared to do anything to survivors).

    Became 100x worse with dedicated servers hitting console; Survivor gets downed - DC. Survivor gets hooekd but someone can;t get to them before struggle phase starts - DC; Survivor dies on hook, DC before death finishes; Don't like the map you spawned into - DC after match starts so it doesn't end the match completely. It's absolute bullshit.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I still report disconnects.. There's a bad sportsmanship option, I use it. If they're not happy about it then they can either remove the option to report players, or do something about it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I've had the same issues, and i posted one up the other day as well.. i'm tired of it. though a sever penalty over dc needs to be able to be appealed. the dc is there because if someone is stuck in game geometry and no one else is alive to trigger end game collapse (killer can not do it till the hatch is open and finding it could be minutes to find, and then it'd be another 2-3 minutes depending on survivor state. also if the killer is completely stuck in game from the begining then they would have to wait for the survivors to do gens, then totems, search all chests, throw all pallets, find the hatch, open both doors, and egc gets completed and last survivor finally leaves just before. that would suck!

    I report at the scoreboard, but i don't do a further report. they always say they track using the back end functionality but they do not take action, or it doesn't report to them till it is someone doing it EVERY match probably or if they get into a match with a dev will they then act. that's how it feels.

  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29

    Does the report function even do anything?

    I mean i'm 99% sure it's not even being monitored.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I dunno... they say they monitor the dc's from back end information but hey what else can i do to atleast make me feel like i'm doing something.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    I'm a ps4 player. No punishmemt and every single time someone dc the match is ruined (they often dc obvoiusly if the match is gatting bad). I dc only if there is an invalidate bug on the game that makes it impossibe to play, and it happens sometimes.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Made a bunch of posts about it before.

    Something people convinced me of is we need to keep the leave switch in, just in case of hostage games or glitches/hacks.

    However we should heavily punish all dc and do alot of perma bans as well as giving killers a massive bp bonus for there time wasted on this.

    Some nights I play 20 games and have a DC each and every match. Theres never been a match where a DC didnt effect everyone's enjoyment negatively.

    For any real DC. For an online only competitive multiplayer game it's your job to maintain your connection. And first offence is a few minutes enough time to fix your stuff.

    For any punishment system there will be appeal systems, just send shots or records to get ur strikes removed for glitches or such.

  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29

    I mean the madness still continues, I've had way more games with DCS and had a negative pip because of it.

    Do the Dev's actually read through these posts because so far not a single person has disagreed with me