Hold a button to REFUSE A RESCUE

Sometimes the Killer is babysitting and I dont wanna be rescued. But then here comes a survivor and I have no choice. Then immediately after Im taken off the hook, BAM, Im downed and back on the hook again. Gee thx /:,'


Other than that this is one of my favorite games of this generation <3 (:,'


  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053


  • SumWonElz
    SumWonElz Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2020

    What? Makes perfect sense. Some players dont realize theyre actually making your situation worse...And some trolls DO realize it and do it on purpose. Maybe Im wrong but instead of jus "Bruh", why not articulate how my suggestion isnt a GOOD IDEA? I'll wait...

  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29

    I get what you're saying.

    I have experienced it many times when I'm unhooked right in front of the killer and I just get tunnelled.

    The only counter for tunnelling currently is DS (Not working with DOC atm yay)

    I see a few problems with this.


    SWF's will deliberately not allow anyone but the people within their swf to save them

    And it will just lead to trolling.

  • SumWonElz
    SumWonElz Member Posts: 5

    Unless you mean "Single White Female" I have no idea what SWF is 😆...But I feel like trolling in itself is unavoidable and theres no way to stop it completely...However it still would give players more strategic options while on the hook to stay hooked if they feel it isnt a good idea to be rescued at that exact moment...Imagine if someone was healing you and you DIDNT have the option to run away until they were finished. In a way, thats similar to the unwanted rescue scenario because its something that doesn't take anything away from the game with its inclusion but would increasingly become annoying if you simply couldn't

  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29

    SWF means survive with friends. And I come across a lot of 2 or 3 man SWFs. So lets say I go for the save and they hit the "I don't want to be saved button", the killers going to kill me and the other members of that SWF get the save.

    I think the game already has way to many options where survivors can be toxic, this brings no benefits.

    Run DS, or find yourself a SWF you can trust.

    I mean theres a place on the forums to recruit.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    What I would like is a "bleed out" button to speed up the bleeding process when you're being slugged at the end of the game and the killer just stands there staring at you waiting for you to die.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Kicking away the rescuer is the most fun suggestion ever! I just can imagine the animation and ppl using it just to troll the rescuer. LOL

  • SumWonElz
    SumWonElz Member Posts: 5

    Lol yea bro I really dont see how it wouldnt overall make the game better

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited January 2020

    Could just make it automatic. "If survivor doesn't have borrowed time and killer is camping, survivor automatically kicks rescuer off them". This would reinforce the idea that survivors need to just rush through gens as quickly as possible while the killer sits there revving his chainsaw, standing there cloaked, hiding behind a tree, etc right near the hooked survivor. Maybe then less killers would camp.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    There's no real reason to trade hooks against a camping killer other than to get altruism points. So why be petty and deny teammates their points? You are gonna get 1 hooked anyways.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Definite no. This will make killers camp even more since it'll be easy sacrifices. Your idea would prevent groups of two (or all three) from going for a rescue, one doing the unhook while the rest bodyblock or act as a distraction.

  • SumWonElz
    SumWonElz Member Posts: 5

    It isnt necessarily "trading hooks" if the animation is quick...Also if its my first hook and the timer is full Id rather the other person wait for a more strategic moment to go for altruism points...Like I said before, it'll suck if you couldn't interrupt a teammate healing you and this isnt that different...More options makes the game better, not worse

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Instead, what if a button can be pressed while hooked to toggle your aura between yellow and red?

    Toggle repeatedly to signal camping, or leave it red to show that you do not wish to be unhooked.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    Along with this, make hooked survivors see when a rescuer has borrowed time. As in, make BT's icon show up on the lower right of the hooked survivor's screen when they are being unhooked. If it doesnt show up and the killer's close, the player can decide if they wanna kick.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    If you're that coordinated you can have the person doing the unhooking bring Borrowed Time. That said I would be pretty pissed if 3 people were all doing nothing to progress the objective and literally just wanted me off the hook to keep the killer busy longer so they'd have more of a chance of survival while I would know I was going to die since literally nothing got done while I was on the hook. Sounds like it'd be a good reason to have the ability to kick someone off.