Freddy's lunge should be normal

I don't get it and I think it's unfair comparing to other killers
He has already so much tools and no big weakness like the Trapper.
It sounds like the Spirit's invisible vaulting animation to me, something don't really needed on a killer that is already very strong, and has good counter-loop material
His lunge is normal.
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Are you sure about this ?
For example, when I used my DH last time: he lunged at the start of the animation and still hit me at the end (and without any bloodlust btw)
Same for hits on windows, he seems to be able to hit you through larger distance
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It looks op, because Freddy is small killer. It just feels longer
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All killers have the same lunge distance (with the exception of T3 Myers and Pig dash) - it's just the animation that differs.
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Freddy has a normal lunge like all other killers. The devs stated they had to cheat during his animation because he and his weapon is so short so his claws stretch ever so slightly during the swing to give the appearance of the weapon connecting.
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Yeah it's the same issue with ghostface, looks like it would be a miss but it's not.
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Any killer that starts lunging at the same time or "slower" than you dead harding will probably hit you. Although it's a very small window
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This. If they know you gave it or expect you to have it all they have to do is wait for you to use it before lunging (usually doesn't take long for someone to use it if you get too close for comfort, so waiting a bit before lunging prevents the lunge exhaustion)