Crossplay on?

I got a pop up with info that I can play with people from "other networks" and there is a new button in the option.
Crossplay on?
When did that happen?
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Wow that's amazing :D
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What platforms does cross play include? You can enable it on PC but what does it cross play with?
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same question
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Steam x Windows Store
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What does windows store entail? That xbox players can match up with PC players? I'm confused. Who even owns DBD via Windows Store.
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PC windows store.
Its pc to pc crossplay between steam and windows.
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What does windows store entail?
It allows Steam players to play with people who bought it on the Windows Store.
That xbox players can match up with PC players?
Not yet. That's an upcoming feature the developers are looking into, alongside Playstation.
Who even owns DBD via Windows Store.
People who bought the game on the Windows Store.
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Well I'm waiting on the xbox to ps4 crossplay so there can be some more players...
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Is cross-play for Consoles in progress, or Is it something we shouldn't expect anytime soon?
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How about Xbox Game Pass on PC owners? Can they play with PC people?
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Where do I find the option they mentioned to enable crossplay?
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@ZarStocher options
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This is great news.
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i'm confused where else than steam can you play dbd on a pc?
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A few days ago, dbd released on the Windows Store.
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oh is that just a different kind of platform? i mean that's not really cross play than; for a sec i was excited we got to play with ps4 and xbox players
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or is this on xbox? i'm still confused as to why people would buy on windows store to play on pc?
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I dont wanna be murdered by real nurses :'( or billies :(( or any other killer that would crush every baby survivor on ps4
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If only things like this went through a usability pass before being pushed live, so that players who are just now hearing about it for the first time in the game client aren't confused about the wording.
You guys should remember that only the minority of players use these forums. Important news needs to be surfaced in the game client itself. Just saying "Cross-play is now enabled" is going to make everyone instinctively assume that it's cross-play with consoles, too. If you don't clarify this in the client, tons of people are just going to keep assuming this.
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well said!
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Cannot be deactivated, it is greyed out! Nice
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Hooray more bugs and of course, even uglier animations AWESOME!!!!!
lol @ watching a non-pc try and do something as simple as pickup or hook someone it's comical watching the killer animation move back and forth and sideways.
thumbs up as always bhvr
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If you encounter any bugs, I would suggest filling out a bug report here:
Sarcastic comments, however, don't help us fix any issues you may have.
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I've tried that previously, even went so far as to directly mention it to you so you could bring it up with whoever.
Results, still exact same problem nearly 2 months later.
But yeah I'd better quit or I'll get added onto the gigantic ban list the forums have for anyone making sarcastic comments. Gotcha.
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No, it's just on a different platform on PC
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For that you can wait long because Sony doesn’t allow CrossPlay between Xbox and their own console (PS4). And they are never going to allow it, because they want to make money (friends have PS4, you have Xbox and buy PS4 because you want to play with them) 😂
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Sony actually allows crossplay now
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Never huh? Cross play is active for COD, Fortnite and PUBG for starters. Probably more
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Is anything known for being able to play with console players? I thought, it is possible now because "crossplay" means for me between differend plattforms and not only pc to pc.
I am disappointed that crossplay doesn't mean not playing with console players- some friends thought about buying it on console to play with some players on pc. Is it planned to cross console and pc players so they can play together or not? IF yes, when is this going to be possible?
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I actually registered on the forums because I wanted to raise visibility to this message. I have been away from the game for a while, but came back to see the Cross Play enabled in the UI, and immediately got excited that I could play with my friends on Xbox, from Steam.
I appreciate the efforts to get to this point, however, the messaging could use a little touching up. Thanks for making an awesome game, and I look forward to playing with my console friends in the future! :)
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so is crossplay on between ps and pc yet?
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They lose money on the actual system until well into the planned lifespan of the system. They want you to buy the game and other accessories for their console. Not to mention it provides no incentive to, they have to provide service for something that will provide no ROI.
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Hi. I would like to know when (if it will even gonna happen) pc and ps can play together.
Please reply. Thanks
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They have announced yes. As for cross save, that’s also a possibility with a survey they did and as a unrelated side note, Australian console players need our local servers and appreciate anyone joining a cause to kill all the foreigners on the wrong server in any means.
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Fortnite did it. We shall see maybe there is a chance. Crossplay is a + for both consoles they can only gain from it.
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Crossplay with steam and windows store was already on, was it?
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Well thats dissapointing.
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May I say it is a really weird crossplay, people playing DBD via Windows Store cannot invite a specific player to play with and vice versa, vou can only play with random players, not a genuine and appealing crossplay for me, it appears to be an incomplete feature.
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We need crossplay between plataform consoles. It takes too long to find a match at ps4. The game is dying at ps4, each day we got few players. Please, BHV, give us crossplay.
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Are they really just releasing it I’ve seen people with the windows logo for weeks
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No, this post is several months old.
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Why is it at the top then lol
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cause some dinaling wanted to necro a thread instead of making a new one
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Because someone commented on it recently. Posts are bumped to the top of Recent Discussions when someone comments on them, regardless of when the post itself or any previous comments on it were created.
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stop necroing and giving me false hope lol.
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Well I don’t really get that but whatever