
So what does everyone want for balance? Well I will start of the conversation with a few points:
What killers want:
1 They want keys to be changed which is very fair to say and I agree, it’s a free escape.
2 Slower gen times, as a former surv main and now 50-50 I agree even as a surv player, gens go by too fast and need a fix.
3 Equal map sizes, this will benefit either side, making the killers have a base level of viability on every map and not being all over the place on how good they are.
What Survs want:
1 No tunneling and no camping, I agree with both of these tunneling is annoying and needs to be prevented and camping is a terrible strategy but if survivors provoke a killer they will camp.
2 Mori changes, I agree moris have a bit too much power, but I don’t use them but they could be changed to make it a fair playing field
What both sides want:
1 Less crutch perks, I agree each sides has its crutch perks that need major changing, DH, BT aswell as NOED and so on
2 LESS TOXICITY. Agreed this should be obvious
So let’s not make this an argument between each side but I would like to see the opinions and hope the devs see what the ENTIRE community wants.
If anyone wants slower gen times they obviously don't understand the game. The simple truth is that gens are as slow as possible. The devs have a hard time getting 80% of people to play survivor even without stare at the screen simulator.
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Bold of you to assume the entirety of the community wants actual balance. xD
Changes to Survivors:
-Make D strike deactivate when a new survivors is hooked, but remain active when the survivor is being slugged.
-Change keys to work on exit gates instead of hatches, give them like 20 to 25% faster opening. That would be major changes I'd like to see, the rest can wait for now.
Changes to Killers:
-Rework Iridescent hatchets of the Huntress to increase her speed during wind up to almost normal walking speed and give her a max of 3 hatchets with that.
There is so much more I have in store for both sides, but damn. I don't even want to write it out. Hope they are fine.
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I agree with all this really though I would say the gen speeds problem is not the base speed at all, I would hate to see them make that even longer it would make that job more boring than it already is.
If they target gen speeds they should look at toolboxes and the repair of multiple survivors on one gen as that seems to be the biggest offender and upsetting of the game's balance. Thankfully that sounds like what they may be doing soon.
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Keys? Don't know, don't care. Only used them for the Archives challenge.
It's not so much that generators themselves are going too fast, they are quick, but the main issue is Toolboxes.
Equal map sizes is more to do with slower and stealth killers (maybe except Windstorm Wraith) not being able to apply all that much pressure.
Tunnelling and Camping is just "I am going to ruin your day" the strategy and should be considered to be griefing, as while a strategy just encourages toxicity.
Ebony Mori's are more what people hate. I can understand having an Ivory to delete someone teabagging you at every pallet, or a Cypress to just end the game.
Less Crutch perks would be nice. As for the ones you've listed though, I have to disagree with DH and BT. Dead Hard is just so universally applicable. There are actually very few spots where Balanced Landing can work, Lithe gives off a notification and Sprint Burst is automatic. Borrowed Time also became the staple for dealing with campers and tunnellers, who have been a lot more common as of late. If they stopped doing this, then survivors as a whole would use this perk less. Same goes for Decisive Strike. This is just a Survivor's answer to this issue. I will concede that they are the closest thing to crutch perks that we have though. NoED is crutch.
Less toxicity would also happen if more people just learned to respect the other side. I've played both sides and I know their struggles, so when I see "Entitled X Main" or anything similar, all it tells me is that this person is not looking for a conversation, they are just looking to boost their own agenda. Or people just going "You're wrong, blah blah blah" rather than going into anywhere near as much detail as I have, or "Get good/Git gud". Same concept there. If we can abolish these phrases, and reach a level of understanding, then toxicity will start to decline as a whole.
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First off, I want to say I'm just responding. No hostility here. =) I know that text is hard to interpret so sorry if it comes off that way at all. It's not meant to.
Keys shouldn't be changed just because you think they're a free escape. The same could be said (only a free kill instead of escape) for the entity killing survivors at the end of a game, bleeding-out after being slugged and a killer can't find you, Moris, and then some killer add-ons that allow them to kill survivors without even hooking them (such as Michael's and then Pig's headgear), and some would even argue NOED. So if keys are going to be changed then those things need to be addressed, too, otherwise I foresee a lot of complaints.
Gens don't need to be slower but there needs to be something done to prolong the games. But the devs don't want to do that apparently. I've read in multiple places that they want games to be short. I personally prefer longer games but that might just be me. I think they should add more objectives for both killer and survivor. It's not impossible and it doesn't have to be anything crazy.
If maps are made to be a certain size then gate locations really have to be taken into consideration for survivors. They can't be too close or too far. There have been so many times when I play killer that they've been so close that the survivors didn't stand a chance and then also so far apart that I didn't stand a chance. And vice versa when I'm survivor.
I agree camping needs to go. It's usually done out of bitterness or someone just wanting to ruin someone else's experience for their own pleasure/amusement or even just because they want to feel in control and powerful. In any case, it sucks and its boring. There should be a greater penalty or something. As far as tunneling goes, the killer needs greater incentive to go after a different survivor. It can't be that hard to think of something to make them want to do that. But a lot of killers that have trouble getting kills are going to keep tunneling until that's done because its super easy to knock down someone that just got off a hook. Like... super easy. Even with BT the killer just has to chase them a little longer, which is no biggie.
Mori's just need to be more interesting and I think people would stop complaining (survivors I mean) if they had more of a chance. I already wrote this idea in another post but it was: make it so that both killer and survivor have to hit a series of skill checks that speed up gradually. Whoever misses first loses. So, if survivor misses first they get killed and if killer misses first then survivor gets to escape (it can even cause gens to go slower or something while its being played out since I'm sure that would be a concern).
Crutch perks? Yeah, I agree. Both sides have them and their equally annoying. Maybe that'll change when they fix the other perks? -shrug-
Toxicity is horrible. It sucks that everyone is so angry about everything. But I get it, too. Once you experience a good SWF team or Killer multiple times in a row and get your butt handed to you it's hard not to get mad. A weird thing that makes me angry is playing on the same map multiple times in a row. lol I hate that. And as survivor its playing the same killer type multiple times in a row. I just can't stand it. Twice is okay but anymore than that and I realize I start to get mad about things happening in-game easier. I think getting rid of Toxicity will be hard, though, because we all perceive things happening differently and perspective is everything.