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I keep getting rank 7 and 6 killers and survivors when I'm rank 15

I'm rank 16 or 15 but I keep getting rank 7 survivors and killers, and how can it be a SWF every game. I know people do swf but how is it possible it happens EVERY single game. Please help me fix this. P.S. I'm on ps4


  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    this is not a bug, this is current matchmaking sadly.

    the populations are broken and it makes the game give you bad matchmaking, also, probably 90% of those matches arent SWF.

  • FrankSRfromIT
    FrankSRfromIT Member Posts: 59

    I am on PS4 too. I main killer since I started a month ago matchmaking has been funny. I was a 20 going against 11's. Got myself down to 15-16, and I am playing sub 10's all the time. Pretty sure very few of them are SWF. Just keep at it, sometimes I am surprised that they are at those ranks, I am not that good and sometimes I am able to easily get them.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020


    It actually is a current issue at the moment with how the match-making currently works. BHVR has said in their recent Dev Stream that they're aware of this issue and know that it's causing a lot of issues for queue times and as well as this one which is better known as the "rainbow rank match-making."

    For now, we'll have to wait until they get a fix out for this or work on it with the upcoming Rank Rework that's scheduled to happen around this time in the Road Map, but other than that you'll have to deal with it i'm afraid.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    As an update to the above, the devs are about to implement a new matchmaking/ranking system that will hopefully solve this issue. Read the post below for more details:

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Normally it's red and purple rank survivors with yellow rank killers, so this definitely an odd one.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I personally get the opposite as a Rank 1 Killer main and rarely get Yellow Rank/Green Rank Killers for my Rank 1 Survivor.

    It honestly depends on the Time of Day too, since during normal hours from morning to afternoon it's somewhat normal, than like late last night I got 7 matches in a row (not exaggerating) where I kept getting Greys, Yellows, and even double Greys and Yellows Survivors...

    I screencapped most of the Post-Games, but I left some out since some of those actually did say they were in a SWFs, but most of them weren't...

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428
    edited February 2020

    well you wouldn't want to hit 14 cos then you'll get rank 4, 5 and 6, like moi. i'm on ps4 too.

    devs are trying to get new people play as killer, how does this work?

    edit: sorry you play as a survivor i thought you meant killer

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It's entirely random who you get, there is no set ranks you get if nobody in your rank is in the matchmaking queue at that time.

    People at Grey Ranks can get Rank 1s as their Killers, and I literally have screenshots showing that for the multiple games I had last night, some were SWFs but most weren't.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897
    edited February 2020

    Ive noticed that those rank 1-8 survivors are quite more easy to play against then with the old matchmaking. My rank actually has no influence at all, but i think the new matchmaking is somehow working fine.

    As killer, i get good survivors, but im not owned. As survivor, i get good killers, but im not owned. Matches look like more even now. And that, imo, shows that rank doesnt matter, and that the new matchmaking is more accurate when comparing players skills.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I'd argue against that, since the ranking system was a lot easier to get into than before. So for example, Rank 10s in the current rank could easily get into Red Ranks and inflate the match-making there with more numbers... but you'd more commonly get "Potato Survivors".

    In a sense, the match-making improved this when it was updated, but the rainbow rank issue that causes Grey Ranks, Yellow Ranks, and Green Ranks to be paired with Red Rank Killers is kind of what makes it fall back into that "Potato Survivor" mentality, its not their fault that they're being paired with Killers that're far above the normal skill bracket they're supposed to get...

    Also no, the matchmaking should never be a measurement of skill, when the new matchmaking comes out THAN you can measure your skill through that, since it'll literally work off of your skill-set and pair you with equally skilled Survivors to face and vice versa for Killers to face.