Thanatophobia REWORK


All Survivors suffer from unefficiency the more they are injured.

Hit a survivor to get a token, up to 10/12/15 tokens. Every token grants a 3% regression to repair, healing and sabotage speeds.

Thanatophobia does not stack with other perks.

The idea behind this rework is to promote a pressure playstyle with meaningful values. Tunneling survivors one at a time will not allow you to get a lot of tokens, at the opposite of switching targets often. At most, it will give a 45% debuff at the end game (because of the large amount of hits/tokens required), which slows down the gen progression by 36 seconds. To counter this perk, survivors will need to not take the aggro too much, not bodyblock, be more stealthy.

This idea turns out Thanatophobia into an end game perk, without being too frustrating to face since the values are not abysmal either. It's a new incentive to not camp or tunnel which are two playstyles known to be unfun for survivors.


  • Yrutan
    Yrutan Member Posts: 26
    edited August 2018

    @Soren said:


    All Survivors suffer from unefficiency the more they are injured.

    Hit a survivor to get a token, up to 10/12/15 tokens. Every token grants a 3% regression to repair, healing and sabotage speeds.

    Thanatophobia does not stack with other perks.

    I kind of like it but the permanent aspect is kind of brutal. Unless you meant that the penalty is limited to the survivor hit.

    I mean with this version once you reach two hits you have the current Tanatophobia at 1 injured.
    2 hits to get 6 % current is 1 injured survivor
    3 hits to get 9% current is 2 injured survivors
    4 hits to get 12% current is 3 injured survivors
    5 hits to reach 15% current is 4 injured survivors

    From what I could find, the current Thanatophobia has not been really changed since forever. The numbers are not necessarily perfect but one could think that the current maximum (15%) would be a reasonable start. Like maybe increasing it to 20 or 25%.

    I would try to go with the flavor where you are scared of your own mortality with something like:

    Thanatophobia :
    All survivors receive penalties to repair, healing and sabotage speeds for each survivor that is injured, dying, hooked or dead.

    The penalty is 2/3/4 % for each survivor that is injured, dying or hooked and 1/1.5/2 % for each dead survivor.

    In addition, whenever a survivor is injured for the first time in a trial, that survivor's repair, healing and sabotage speed is decreased by 2/3/4 % for the trial.

    With this, you have the permanent aspect limited to the survivor hit. This gives an incentive to not tunnel as you want to hit the other survivors (at least once) and since the penalty is harsher on those that you already hit you are more concerned about those that are not already injured.

    The starting numbers are a bit lower than the current version but I think it balances out for the higher numbers once 2 different survivors are injured (they have 12% reduction and the other two have 8%).

    The reason I only ask for half the penalty for a dead survivor is that the current version does not impose a penalty for dead survivor. That makes me think there was a balance reason for it to be that way (as opposed to a flavor reason).

    Post edited by Yrutan on
  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339
    Thanatophobia should be a basic ability of the killers unless it get buffed. Actually is a wasted perk slot.