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Best way to grind BP?

MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

Switching from xbox to PC as I feel like mechanically I can no longer get any better with a controller (I have hit my ceiling) and want to try things out with a mouse since things are smoother K&M. Since the game was steeply discounted for new years I bought it and all the killers I really care to have. This also means that my progress through bloodwebs is reset cause BVHR hasn't added in cross progression yet. so what is the best grind to get vital perks that I need to be competitive in the higher ranks that I was already in? Killer, Survivor? I know BBQ is great but I aint paying for a killer I literally don't use again.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    As survivor, We're Gonna Live Forever (David teachable) is a good bloodpoint-grinding perk. It's like BBQ for survivors, although not quite as good because it doesn't have any secondary effects and survivors tend to earn less bloodpoints than killers in general. So if you're going to play survivor, I would recommend playing David until you level him far enough to unlock WGLF on other characters.

    If you're happy to play killer, though, I would recommend it since like I said, killers tend to earn more bloodpoints overall. Doctor is one of the best killers for farming bloodpoints, especially when combined with Distressing, which is not only a base perk and a bloodpoint booster but also synergises really well with Doctor's power.

    There is no particular method for getting a lot of bloodpoints aside from just engaging with the game as much as possible, since pretty much every action you perform, on both sides, gives you points. If you need it, though, you can find a useful breakdown of all bloodpoint-earning actions for both roles and how many points they give here on the official wiki:

    As for which perks you'll need to be competitive at high ranks, for killer it depends a lot on who you're planning to main. For survivor, current meta or top-tier perks include Decisive Strike (Laurie), Borrowed Time (Bill), Adrenaline (Meg), Dead Hard (David), Sprint Burst (Meg), Lithe (Feng), Iron Will (Jake), Spine Chill (base), Resilience (base) and arguably Self-Care (Claudette). Almost all of which you will be able to get by leveling the free characters, Decisive Strike being really the only exception as Lithe can safely be substituted for another exhaustion perk like Sprint Burst or Dead Hard.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    Pretty straight forward, just focus on using perks like Davids We're Gonna Live Forever that Fibijean mentioned OR using perks like BBQ & Chili which is great for BP grinding and great for it's aura reading that most people use it for.

    LeatherFaces perk is mostly what you'll want to get if you buy his DLC or get his perk on the Shrine of Secrets. The perk honestly helps with a lot of things on a lot of Killers, but most Killer just use it for the aura tracking and the benefit of having a pocket BPS (Bloody Party Streamers) in perk form.

    If you're grinding for BPs than use a Killer like Legion, The Doctor is a good alternative but Legion is the best points grinder out of any Killer. Why? Because his power mostly focuses on damaging other Survivors with Feral Frenzy (which racks up a ton of Deviousness points) and you can just one shot insta-down Survivors if you Feral Frenzy chainstab them enough to think twice above healing.

    He has the easiest potential for Deviousness points and Brutality points out of any Killer in the game, but The Doctor is a good alternative as well.

    if you need a legion build than try this

    I won't go into too much detail, but i'll list the perks that I use for The Legion below in Red Ranks. This build helps me out in-game to prevent gen-rushing and I can use it without Old Ruin!

    [Here's a summary for the perks I use with a bit of a description for each]:

    • BBQ & Chili [A LeatherFace perk] (This perks great for aura tracking as well as post-game point bonuses. This perk also helps me find more healthy or Injured Survivors to chain-stab!)
    • Pop Goes the Weasel [A Clown perk] (This is a great meta perk and it's especially important for this Legion build. The perk itself is great for adding 25% regression penalties to any generators with progress on them, the perk activates when you down and hook a Survivor... and with this Legion build people just avoid healing in-general after awhile.)
    • Thanatophobia [A Nurse perk] (Great perk for adding bonus regression penalties to repair speed and other action speeds. It also helps add a sort of "psychological effect" to players, since they'll heal more to prevent the penalties... but than that just makes way for the last perk in this build to take effect!)
    • Nurse's Calling [A Nurse perk] (This perk is essential for the Thanatophobia combo, since players will heal themselves to prevent Thanatophobias debuffs AND you can see them healing within a 20/22/24 meter radius depending on the Tier this perk is in. Great for finding any healing Survivors and adding more chain-stabs/downs to the list.)

    For add-ons just use something like Stolen Sketch Book + Mural Sketch for a big duration bonus to Feral Frenzy, that's the best add-ons you could use for this build. If you want to go crazy than use Stolen Sketch Book + Filthy Blade or Filthy Blade + Nasty Blade to add more time to the mend timer, making it take longer to mend and than heal.

    Eventually because of this they'll just stop healing in-general.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The main reason I recommend Doctor over Legion is just because Legion is a much more difficult killer to perform well with, meaning that while they're comparable in Deviousness and Brutality, it's easier to get Sacrifice points with Doctor just because he's easier to play effectively. Plus, new Doctor is even more powerful and better at Deviousness farming than old Doctor was.

    Also, as good as BBQ is, it's apparently out of the question, as OP mentioned that they didn't want to buy the Cannibal just for his perks 🤷

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    I could argue that Legion is actually a lot easier to perform with than Doctor, since it's just Feral Frenzy chain-stabbing with on-board visual notifications of any Survivors that're nearby during the chain-stab.

    Also, i'd argue that you can down Survivors at a quicker pace with Legion with the right builds, since my build actually makes it better to not heal than it is too heal... which inevitable causes dead-zones around the map because Survivors are trying a lot harder to not get one-shot by Legion.

    But it's not just builds tbh, in-general you can rack up a lot of points and downs with the right maps and scenarios. If it's against an optimal team than tbh neither Legion or Doctor could make that a walk in the park.

    While that may not be the case for the start, it's indeed the case for the mid/end game. And the BBQ part was just a suggestion to actually go for it, whether or not he does is up to him.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm not saying you can't do well with Legion, just that there's a reason he's pretty much universally considered one of if not the weakest killer - because he's the most difficult to get kills with against good survivors. Doctor isn't top-tier or anything, but he's a few levels at least above Legion, because he's generally just a bit easier to rack up kills with. Again, not that you can't do well with Legion, just that he struggles more against good survivors than most killers do.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    Depends where your skill is at as a Killer main and what scenario you're given.

    Technically speaking i'd agree, but a tier list doesn't add the most important factor... which is the player themselves and how unpredictable they can be in-game.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683

    Without BBQ from Leatherface, grinding will take twice as long as killer. You could use WGLF from David, but survivors in general earn fewer points than killer. You might just want to use whichever role has the faster queue, because wasting time in queue is probably what'll hurt your efficiency the most.

    I use BBQ, Beast of Prey, Distressing, and a fourth perk (personally, for me, I use Whispers) to grind a crapton of BP with minimal effort. I usually use Spirit, because she gets BP for phase walking, which when paired with Distressing earns points very quickly, especially if you can get Grudge hits. Lately, however, I've been using Doc, because he earns Deviousness points like mad. By using Whispers and Distressing, I know when a survivor's in range to use Static Blast, so I pretty much always get points when I use it. I can get a lot of points without even killing anyone.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I think the best option the OP has for a quick queue at the moment is Survivor is i'm not mistaken?

    It also depends on his rank too, personally I do fine with queues as a Killer in Red Rank.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683

    During the daytime, my survivor queues are instant and my killer queues are long.

    In the evening, my killer queues are instant and my survivor queues are long.

    It seems very dependent on rank, region, and platform. The best thing to do while playing is just, if you find yourself waiting in the queue, switch to the other role. It's what I do.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Yeah, that's a better option.

    Hopefully he plays both sides and doesn't mind switching between them, if he doesn't than it's something he'll have to try out until they work on the Match-making fix, which is also hitting queue times a lot recently.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    thought I would give an update currently running with David and his bonus points perk. I play both killer and survivor but my joy and love comes from playing killer. I think both legion and doc would work for me as I'm partial to speedy killers and weird killers so legion and doc are right up my alley. legion actually got me to rank 6 before I took a break and got reset to 20. only problem is my killer queues are long and my survivor queues are quick so im just grinding that.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Sounds good, hopefully you'll be able to catch when the sides flip in terms of queue times and go back to playing Killer for the time being.

    But it's good you're making progress on the other side at least.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    well I just dumped 300 k into legion so he was lvl 15

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    Well that's good, you're at least progressing with your grind!

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  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032