Unbalanced game

First of all i love this game but i think it's really unfortunate how the game is balanced. Killers are so fast that even sprintburst or balanced landing won't help you to get a really good distance between you and the killer. Killers can even hit you true walls or rocks 😤 Fast vaulting is useless already because the killer can stand on the other side of the wall and when you did already a few steps they can still hit you with a charged shot. Even when you stunn the killer and they have a charged hit up they will still hit you....

This game is so fun but i playing as killer is really easy compared with playing survivior :(


  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129

    I’m gonna have to disagree with you this game can be survivor sided for the most part. A lot of what you listed is knowing what to do with it like at killer shack to get the fast vault at the window is important but reading killer is too. If you run at it and get fast vault but didn’t see I went inside instead of going outside then you’re going to get hit. Just need to get better at reads.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Imagine actually believing the game is balanced in favor of killers.

    Imagine someone saying playing killer is easier than survivor. Join us red rank killers in red ranks. See how easy it is.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    You forgot to Say S/ at the end.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    You all are forgetting that all lower level players (15-20ish) will always have these problems. We need to stop looking at the red rank competition and understand what is enjoyable for casual gamers.

    I agree with ImmersedNurse though. With time, skills will come to the players to know how to evade killers.

    P.S. But as you become stronger, your mind becomes corrupted by the Entity's influence and you get more and more toxic with every game you play. How long can you maintain your sanity before you give your mind up to eternal toxicity? 😛

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    What the OP needs to do is first, go hit rank 1 as survivor.

    Than, second, go hit rank 1 as killer (or attempt to).

    Their opinion will change.

  • TheColdBeauty
    TheColdBeauty Member Posts: 73

    Yes you are right. But i play this game for a pretty long time now and when you are on the otherside of a wall and the killer on the otherside and you still get hit with a melee attack then there is something wrong with your game. Just saying :D

  • Piojuno
    Piojuno Member Posts: 17

    It's funny that you think that killers are broken ndjsdjj.

    Looping, SWF, gen-rush, keys. Just that 4 reasons make this game very un balanced in favour of survivors. Devs are currently more worried about new players and not experienced player's permanence in the game, that's why they nerfed ruin(a perk that almost all killers in high ranks used)

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2020

    So the killers have 12 objectives (hooking survivors) And the survivors only have 6 spread among 4 players 1.5 each (gens and gate)

    The survivors team has 4 tools 32addons 12 perks and 4 offerings

    The survivors can open boxes and pull out items and leave with them allowing them to stockpile ultra rares

    while killers must grind for each resource and it's always consumed

    So with every resource harder to obtain and consumed killer overall upgrades are more rare making them weaker.

    If I must get into perks, every killer perk has a survivor counter... while the killer has 4 slots the survivors can spend 4 of the 12 they have together to counter the killer and then still have 9 perks collectively to improve themselves.

    So the side with less players, powerups, perks is somehow in your opinion overpowered

    against the side with

    Teamwork, more powerups, more perks, better point of view, with half the overall objectives

    2 health states, 3 hooks, and adrenaline boost every time your touched to gain distance. As well as free hatch spawns on last alive

    Just how many second chances do you need ?

    Do you want to know where a killer is at all times ? Oh wait you have a heartbeat 4 that

    Do you want to find a survivor ? Better hope they make a noise making mistake...

    Wanna know if I killer might hit you ? Bam Red stain.

    Speed an issue ? Cant beat that POINT ZERO SIX GAP .06mps that's it you got vaults, you got stairs, you got pallets, you got trees and piles of garbage to break line of sight preventing bloodlust all while using ur 3rd person point of plan a better path for escape while the killer struggles to keep you in sight with his limited view

    What else you want ?

  • PawnyExpress
    PawnyExpress Member Posts: 6

    I think we spotted the comedian in the forum. Killers being op, bwahahaha

  • TheColdBeauty
    TheColdBeauty Member Posts: 73

    What else do i want? I've writing it in the post. You can't just hit a survivior true the wall or rock or when you stunn a killer before they hit you that you still take the hit. When a huntress is chasing you and u hide behind a roch and she throws it true the rock yeah thats unfair. That's what needs to be fixed.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2020

    If you actually stunned the killer they couldnt have hit you during. You might have been hit seconds before you stunned the killer and it looked like it.

    She doesnt throw it it though Walls. It's just ur perception. A hatch is not a perfect ball it changes shape many times during its throw as it spins.

    Think about it spinning right at you. Sometimes it looks to be as long as the shaft and sometimes it's only as long as the ax head

    Huntress being taller then you might be throwing it down at you meaning it appears your behind cover but really she's above