(unfortunate souls) Who still play Nurse, thoughts?

Now that's it's been some time, how do you poor people who continue to abuse yourselfs by playing Nurse feel about her?
I quit the game over how unfun and bad they made playing her, what do you who still play her think of her?
I've been rank 1 for awhile now and I'm a Doctor main. I guess you could say my close second is nurse. I play her a lot too.
I still find her viable. I usually have no problem. Its usually my first game that's sketchy.
I tend to drop a 3 or 4k every game. And that's not because it's easy, its difficult. It's because I have A LOT of time in this game and know how this game works.
Nurse is still good. As good as before? Not even close. She had map more map pressure than a 3 gen tier 3 Myers lol
But I still have fun.... sometimes lol
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I used to play her and her only, for a long time. The change made her feel horrible to play. She is still easily the strongest killer in the game and I don't find her that much harder to play, but god she is so unfun now.
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I feel it is a challenge to master the nurse, so it is fun to play with her. but the devs should boost the speed a little bit.
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She’s fine. Ik because she’s barely different from before as far as being efficient. I stopped playing her after the change and then came back to her. Her cool down barely effects the gameplay
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I play her sometimes, and I use an Xbox One gamepad when playing DBD on my PC. From my experience she's just as good as she was before, but with a higher skill floor. I'm as mediorce with her now as I was before her rework.
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Nurse is still basically the same in terms of effectiveness, only now you need to wait a whopping 4 extra seconds to down a survivor. You can make the argument that cooldowns aren't fun (and they really aren't I'd agree with you cooldowns are the most annoying thing behaviour keep insisting on shoving onto killers) but it's sort of objectively wrong to say she's a bad killer now because she isn't. She's still the best and always will be.
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I agree with you she is the hardest killer to master, but you are either smoking something or ignoring the facts if you still think she is anywhere near the top tier as she is now. Even after putting over 300 hrs of play just on her, she is medium tier at best. She has the hardest learning curve and one of the lowest kill rates across the board. She needs to be buffed or reworked by doing something, Ive even give some ideas:
a) increase her base speed to 4.2-4.4 just like hag/spirit/huntress.
b) give her 3-4 blinks as opposed to 2.
c) Make one recharge bar recharge blinks to maximum (ie. one recharge bar gives you the 2 blinks at once)
d) remove the fatigue and leave the recharges as they are.
Any one of these changes would put her back in a very good spot without being as OP as she was.
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Nurse just doesn’t exist on Console she was already rarely played prior to the huge nerfs.
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She is still pretty strong
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I didn't play her before the nerf due to how overpowered she was. She is still top tier, along with spirit, and I'm actually enjoying playing her now that she isn't grossly overpowered. I actually feel satisfaction when I do well now.
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I don't play her anymore because i need to sweat a lot just to be decent with her. I play video games for fun, not for stress and sweat
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I like playing her on Xbox. The only things that annoy me are whiffs that look like they should hit, Rotten Fields, and Sanctum.
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Relearning everyday it seems when I play her, but that's because I don't play one killer for all of that day I play. I normally play Billy, Hag, then any random killer after that I own. I have to get reacquainted with her everytime I play, though. But. When I have her in the bag. She can be satisfying to play. At least for me.
Just do NOT put me with Nurse on a corn map or a yamaoka map.
Please. I beg the entity....
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If I just feel like hating myself I'll play her. I could play her somewhat before, but now its just too punishing when you go for a second blink and miss. They should have just removed add ons and left her base kit the same. Behaviour is starting to be like microsoft, every time they release an update you just kinda cringe and hope its not terrible.
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I play her every now and then.
Just isn't the same any more.
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İ love people starting with "i m rank 1" . That means a lot for sure :D
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is she still the best killer? of course.. as old nurse main i can tell you there's difference but if you were skilled before addonless, you just need to adapt to your muscle memory and manage better your blinks.. anyway in terms of fun she's not as fun as before, because playing nurse on new lery, yamaoka, corn maps, missing a blink, going into a dead zone and having to wait is even more frustrating than before.. i don't play her as much anymore
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I never played Nurse, but a friend does and he claims she feels no different, still boringly OP to him
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I mean this is literally just 100% wrong.
They took away things, and gave her NOTHING. There is literally no new plays or mind games (infact her mind games are gone because guess what wasting a blink for faking is now 100x more disadvantageous than it was before) so there is LITERALLY no way to play her in a new or different way without addons. It is only, strictly, worse. Meaning her skill ceiling got lowered too.
If they added something new she could do that she couldn't before, then you'd be right. But you're not.
I never said anything about her strength, just her fun factor. I have no doubts Nurse is still pretty strong, but why on Earth would you play a character that is designed to punish you every single step of the way? Before you got punished for bad plays or misreads, now you get punished for just using your power the way you're supposed to. Not fun in the S L I G H E S T.
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She has less map pressure than before but her chase and snowballing game are still absolute top class compared to all the other killers. Can't have all, y'know?
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There were so many suggestions from players that play her like me that are 100x better than the mess we got of a "slight change"
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I started playing her 2 weeks ago and I’m getting better but the fatigue is to long and Cooldown is annoying and I lose to much distance , I never really rely on addons
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Her base kit was slightly op, it was unfair you could spam 2 blinks all the time, I think it's fine now. Yes, she is objectively worse in every aspect now, but that's fair given how strong she was even without addons. Plus new players get to spam Plaid Flannel which helps. That being said, the looking down while fatigued part is still annoying af and the most unfun part about Nurse. Doesn't make her less strong tho.
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Saying you can just spam her power and get rewarded for it is to say you've never played her in any serious game whatsoever.
I mean does spamming doctors shock willy nilly give you rewards? No, it doesn't and it hurts that killer infinitely less than it does Nurse to spam her power.
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I literally just posted this on another thread but since it keeps coming up I hope someone who can do something about this reads it and agrees. The only people that still say she's top tier are either 1% of the actual nurses out there that have put over 1k hrs just in her or people that watch one of those top1% streamers and thinks if he can do it everyone can.
I've put myself ~300 hrs just on her, I'm a pretty good nurse and she is medium tier at best. She needed a nerf but she was way over nerfed. Now she has one of the lowest kill rates of any killer for both experienced and new players alike. Against any decent survivor almost any killer is better than nurse.
Ive suggested before that either:
a)remove or lower the cooldown for blink, maybe make the cool down reset both blinks instead of one per cool down.
b) Remove fatigue and leave everything else as is.
c) increase her base speed to 4.2-4.4 like hag/huntress/spirit or
d) give her 3-4 blinks and leave everything else as is.
Any ONE of these would put her back at the top or near the top tier without making her as OP as she once was.
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Instead of parroting what I replied last time I'll just add another idea for ya:
cooldown doesn't pause when using power, or charges at a slower speed. Done. Much better and still requires managing but isn't so frustrating and eye gougingly unfun.
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As a former base kit nurse I find her unfun to play, the cool down added with unblinkable random tiles made me play clown, bubba etc. and have way more fun
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Thats another viable idea. I'll added to my list. I just hope someone who can do something about this reads it and agrees with at least 1 of the ideas.
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It's such a tragedy because she was honestly one of the only fun killers to play that actually stood a chance against SWF. Not even Hag can do that and she's the next coolest/fun killer to me.
Glad to add em. I tried making a thread full of suggestions so some member of BHVR could look at a nice organized list of suggestions but it didn't work :(
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I use to love nurse then her basekit got change couldn't play her after that, that cooldown it just made her sooo unfun.
I also stop playing this game few months ago when devs went on killer nerf spree and nerf 5 killers in less then 3 months span.
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I wouldn't have minded all the killer nerfs if it meant the game as a whole was moving towards balance but SWF. That's all we ever need to point at. It has been YEARS and nothing has been done to seriously tackle this issue, and everyone knows it's bad but here we are. Nerfing the answers to it while leaving it completely untouched.
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I play her on ps4 lol before and after the nerf ..meh sometimes I dread it but even with the cool down blinking around the map is fun
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Unfortunately swf will never be touched. Swf will always be and stay broken. That why devs have change it so u cant see who in group anymore as killer to try prevent lobby dodging but if your on console u can tell who usually play with who as name changing have to pay for it. Which i guess is a bonus
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If you don't suck with nurse, you will still kill just as easily as before. Nurse is harder now because you are punished for messing up, if you don't mess up, there is no punishment. Just hit your blinks, she's a high risk very high reward killer. The kill rate has absolutely nothing to do with how good the killer is, it's how well people on average play them. By that logic you are also saying trapper is a stronger killer than hillbilly, and legion is a stronger killer than huntress.
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The nurse nerf was comparable to forcing survivors to crouch in place every 3 seconds of running or walking.
Nurse barely had any meaningful movement NOT spent blinking. It wasnt just a nifty ability to use a few times in a chase. IT IS HER MAIN METHOD OF MOVEMENT.
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She is still strong, but her map pressure got destroyed and large maps will force you to lose if survivors are on coms and not stupid.
She is easier to avoid and waste her time if you know what you are doing and it isn't the nurse players fault.
I really don't understand these survivor mains who just sit there and preach "just hit your blinks" we all know every blind blink is a 50/50 shot in the dark on what the survivor is doing, and if they KNOW what they are doing then they will abuse the 3rd person perspective camera and avoid you.
I still play her without addons when i am sick of being looped and want to use bp on other killers, but a good survivor who doesn't run predictable paths like the rank 20s ("rank 1") you see in streamer games, will put you in your place.
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You guys can just un-nerf the Nurse by using double cooldown Add-Ons
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No, it still has a cooldown of 2 seconds. That's still a strict limit on what you can do, and doesn't reward or challenge people creatively, it just forces you to play her one specific way or get teabagged.
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I still play her occasionally because I miss playing her, but shes not the same.
Playing against good survivors who already knew how to counter old nurse is beyond frustrating and there is just no point in playing her. I can just play spirit and kill them without having to go through nearly the same amount of stress.
Her blink is more of a hindrance now than an actual power and the chases go on for way longer than they need to. They did my girl sally so dirty :-(
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I've missed playing her so much. There's a drought of good games and while I don't know what I consider DBD, I know I at least had fun with Nurse.
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I feel her nerf is a double edged sword.
There's less people using her because she isn't OP anymore. However this also makes the ones that were good with her without 4X blinks are able to stand out from the crowd.
As for the rework itself I feel they could have just touched her add ons and left her base kit. It feels really punishing now if you miss a blink.
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This is a condradiction in logic.
If she was OP before because of 4 blinks then she didn't need the basekit nerf. If they had just done an addon pass you would still be able to see good Nurses that didn't require those addons, but now you need addons to even come close to the same performance as basekit Nurse before the changes.
Also, I and many others have suggested way better ways to touch her basekit and still keep her fun intact but BHVR ignored literally every suggestion, thread, and comment and went ahead and changed NOTHING about the PTB except for nerfing the 2 addons that people would actually want to use after the changes, and even then it was before they fixed the bug that made her cooldown happen sooner than intended and she was hell to play like that, let alone with it fixed.
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she is still viable
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Have I said anything about her viability? No.
This is purely about playing her and how fun she is to play. Think of it this way, when the game is literally throwing every single negative it has at you why would you want to play that? What's fun about getting double cooldowns and walking the slowest in the game in-between when it was like that so you could use your power to move but now that also punishes you?
There is very little if any fun to be had while playing Nurse regardless if you can still 4k every single game.
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I probably phrased it poorly. I meant because of the nerf were seeing less nurses. Ive seen a lot of nurse players(before the nerf) that absolutely sucked without 4 blinks. They needed those add ons to be good with her. Now that those add ons are gone those bad nurses have moved on. Leaving the few nurses who were actually skilled with her.
As for the devs ignoring the PTB. I honestly feel the PTB isnt for testing. They dont listen to anyones feedback. I really feel the PTB is just a way for them to prepare us for the incoming bullshit.
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Yeah people who could only play her with certain addons should be playing a different killer, I can agree with that. No need to hurt those of us who don't though :(
Yeah when was the last time they had a PTB with feedback that actually made it to the live game? I literally cannot remember.
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I lost faith in BHVR when the pallet stun/flash light stun patch went live.The patch where if a killer was picking up someone it didn't matter when you dropped the pallet or flashed them. If they were there it registered. They took away all skill and made it so easy to stun someone during a pick up. They reverted it shortly after it released but seriously who the #@$% thought that was a good idea? Anyone who has put any decent amount of playtime(into both sides) could have told them at the drawing board "That will not $@%#ing work"
Now they made ruin super easy but I doubt they will revert that patch. Heaven forbid new players have to learn how to play.
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Last off topic post for this thread but also notice how all the new player friendly changes just happen to only affect survivors? 👀