Dead Hard Needs To Be Nerfd



  • toxicghostface69
    toxicghostface69 Member Posts: 19

    Well I’m going to assume you’re a legion main so yeah, DH would be useless against legion because they can run fast. Try playing as a slower killer that doesn’t have much mobility, against a DH team and see how you feel.

  • legionIsBackBaby
    legionIsBackBaby Member Posts: 32



    1. Legion couldn't down anyone in feral frenzy only injure NOT DOWN THEM

    2.dead hard can only be activated when that player is injured

    3.When ending FF there is a 4 sec stun time so that gives the player enough time to still get away

    So when you say legion is a high mobility killer with that stun time and that fact you cann only injure not down

    Makes you look like a true noobie

    And yes I've played with full team's with DH, DS, BT

    You must really suck at this game FR

    Uninstall now

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    I agree, I don't understand why so many people defend dead hard when it can be abused so frivolously by good players, if used for distance, it can make a 30 second chase into a minute long one, which can be the difference between losing and winning, not to mention how if you use Iron will and dead hard, there is seemingly no incentive to heal since you can essentially force a killer to whiff or at the very least hesitate/lose distance when chasing you even if you're injured. As a perk it is fun to use, but it throws off the balance by totally ignoring a good play, if you caught a survivor in a bad spot and they don't have enough distance to safely reach an area you can't really chase, and they proceed to dead hard to a pallet there, it can totally negate a down that was earned by the killer, and it forces killers to abandon chases that could cost them only because the survivor hit one button after making a mistake

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Come on, guys, let's nerf an exhaustion perk to make it one time use even though dedicated servers and even a well-timed lunge counter it completely.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    You mean when you're using it incorrectly? Yeah obviously you'll prolly get dedicated servers to screw you over for that, but good players use it in a way that prevent the killer from having a chance to catch them, by using the dash to make distance they can waste extra time for free and make up for mistakes that should get them killed with the push of a button. The perk being unreliable in a situation that it isn't even meant to be used in, isn't an excuse for it being too powerful when used correctly

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    According to your logic, Sprint Burst is even stronger since you can make it to a safe tile or do gens in dead zones and completly ignore the danger. As every other exhaustion perk, the time it bought you isn't totally inherent to the perk.

    As for the lack of incentive to heal, that's the current meta for survivors. The game has been pushed toward toxic behaviour from both sides because people just keep adapting to each other, and at the current time it's pushed toward more basic mechanics due to succesive nerfs and the lack of versability the game currently provides.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    Well yeah, obviously Sprint burst is much stronger, it should be addressed and likely have a longer cooldown than other exhaustion perks since it can be activated in any situation, Dead Hard is just as frustrating however, being able to totally negate a mistake can cost a killer a game, not because the killer played poorly or didn't adapt, just because the survivor pressed e and won when they deserved to lose

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103
    edited January 2020

    I don't think so, you either need to waste it or walk the whole game, wich is a decent downside to it, people can still manage the exhaustion status to keep it on demand and that's the strongest part about it, I don't think messing with its cooldown would change anything.

    By the way, your vision of "mistake" seems heavily biased, it looks exactly like survivors saying that they need to be hooked three times to lose a game.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    A mistake would be pathing incorrectly, whether its falling for a killer's mindgame or taking to long to reach another pallet, also SB is the best since even when its "wasted" its only 40 seconds to get it back, not to mention it makes any deadzone safe, making killers like Billy or Ghostface struggle when they tend to rely on catching survivors in bad positions, not sprinting isn't a downside since good players will still sprint, if anything it just saves time, but its constantly misused by bad players

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    Ok there I can find an agreement with you for the concept of mistake. But that's how Exhaustion perks work in general, they help you buying time from the survivor perspective, that's basically like saying "Oh the game lasted so long only because you have Pop, you made mistakes and covered it up with your perk". No, you just play accordingly from the start.

    SB as I said earlier, is the strongest in my eyes and I'd rather see those two on the top because they somehow rely on your understanding of the game and some side mechanics. The downside to SB is to possibly need it when you're on cooldown, that's not a huge one but that's also something more you need to manage. You ain't mindlessly going to the edge of the cliff or to that window if the killer approches to 100% proc it, you need to plan it all before.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75

    This have to spam the button well ahead of time.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75

    I like others believe Dead Hard is fine. It is true that you can use it on multiple loops and escape over and over using it properly, but a halfway decent killer will know to just wait for a moment so that you waste it. The problem with Dead Hard is that as the survivor, you cannot with pinpoint accuracy use it to evade because you have to spam the button prior to the killer swinging. By the time the killer is seen starting to swing, it is too late. You will go down. So it might help you for a little bit, and if you are really clever, escape totally. But you need to understand that DH cannot be used with much accuracy at all. It is basically spamming a button and hoping to come out free. Somebody asked why people run David with DH, it is because of the bp boost with his perk for saving people then taking hits for them. Then you get off a hook if needed and can Dead Hard to make the killer miss. But I am telling you, try it for yourself and see how wonky and imprecise it is. It isn't what you think.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75

    Because David King is a cool guy character and he has a great perk for getting more blood points. Dead Hard isn't terrible, it just isn't what you think in terms of precision. It is rrally hard to gauge the killer's swing then tell yourself to Dead Hard to get away. Like some others have said, it is really a crapshoot to use.

  • Kieran_Griffin
    Kieran_Griffin Member Posts: 9

    If only Dead Hard worked as it should... *shrug*