Is the Ds Bug on the Doc shows how powerfull the perk is?

So the ds against the doc is buged, no matter if u faild it or not u dont gonna get it, i have been playing the doc and i think the rework its awesome.

But... i just realize how strong is the ds on the game, i played like 20 games on rank 1 and won every one of them. So the Ds its a dominant perk in the acual meta, in red ranks u practically see at least 3 ds per match, don u guys think that needs to be nerfed, i mean after the ruin u can reflect the same arguments in this perk.

First of all in statistics u cant treat this perk as the ruin. Why? well first of all its a perk that came with laurie a dlc character that u cant actually buy with the money of the game, so its normal that new people doesnt have it. Ruin in other hand its a perk of the hag that, at least in consoles its a free character. And other things is that a killer perk can only run one time per match and a surv perk can be run 4 times per match... i say that cause if u imagine that every match 3 of 4 survs run ds its gonna be a lot of ds right? well its still only the 75% of the matches and that statistic doesnt mean that the perk its actually too strong.

But, why nerf Ds then if the propuse is not to get tunnel right? well thats not the problem, the problem its that in this meta where the people only enters to rush gens when they get unhooked the literally go to repair becase they have a 60 seconds inmunnity. To complement this has to said that the repair time of the gens without toolboxes or perks that help to do it faster and of course alone its only 80 seconds, so they are inmmune almost an entire gen.

I invite u all u main killers as me that try to play with the doctor right now, when the ds is bugged against him and u will se the difference in every aspect of the game.


  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Nice bait

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    If the DS skillcheck is a shaky one in the corner, it won't take you off the killer's shoulder when you hit it.

    If it's normal, it'll still go off.

  • SeducedByASiren
    SeducedByASiren Member Posts: 16

    I think that when the bug happens the surv has to be in madnes tier 2 or 3. basically the bug makes that no matter if the surv hit the skillcheck of the ds it doesnt work

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited January 2020

    So you see no issue with winning 20 games in a row at rank 1? Instead your conclusion is just to nerf the perk that prevents that outcome from being the norm? Not a very balanced viewpoint. If DS needs a nerf, then maybe new Doc does as well? 😮

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    You might want to stop there, you're starting to make too much sense.

  • SeducedByASiren
    SeducedByASiren Member Posts: 16

    Is not that man, is just that if the perk is so over the other perks it shouldnt stay that way, under de dev opinion was the reason to nerf ruin, why doesnt nerf ds to? if the gends doesnt blow like freaking popcorns every single game, its ok, the ds doesnt affect at all cause the killer have some time to actually play. The problem starts when the perk not only accomplish his function but encourage the main problematic in the game.

  • SeducedByASiren
    SeducedByASiren Member Posts: 16

    Well u have to see more of tru3 that only one game, very rearly he or anyone wins a game with 5 gens left or 4 or 3 lol. it happens more often that you as a killer loss a game for genrush than u as a killer won the game with 5 gens much more often

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    But should he be winning many games with 0 gens done?

    Like many killers he wins games and then still complains. How many times have we seen that in these forums the past week? People winning then complaining? I’ve seen it in so many games. I had a killer the other day who got a 3k then went on a ran about how “premades are so unfair” (but I was solo btw), so he won but he’s still salty? what would have been fair? Perfect 4k?

    If the killer wins with 2 gens left they go on a rant about how unbalanced the game is. So you want to win with 3 gens left? 4?

    Killer gameplay is different to survivor gameplay. It will be more pressure as all the responsibility is on yourself and there is a time pressure. However this does not mean the game is unbalanced. Likewise early gens are intended to go faster than late gens. I think many killers do not understand the design of the game.

    Killers for some reason have this feeling that they have lost if 2 survivors escape. They get extremely salty about it but that is how the game is designed - for 2 survivors to escape on average. They should not be getting 3k/4k every game.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    DS needs another look as it still gets abused, but man is it better than it used to be.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656
    edited January 2020

    If anything, bugged DS showed how important the Perk is. Hard to imagine how miserable DBD would be if you can get tunneled after every Hook without any real defense.

    This might (or will most likely) also explain Doctors high performance - if you can turn the game in a 3v1 very easy, because you dont have to worry getting DSed, you sure will win a lot more games than usual.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    You don't need to lose every game to see the imbalance.

    Just because some people destroy other people playing clown, doesn't mean he isn't one of the worst characters.

    People have different skill levels, if the skill difference is big enough, than any disadvantage can be overcome.

    Like, say we are playing counter strike, and there's 1 guy going around killing several people with the knife. Is the knife suddenly stronger than any random gun? No. The guy is just skilled enough to use it well.

    Bringing another game as an analogy, does it matter that we didn't catch every pokemon? No, because we beat the league and became the champion. The goal never was to fill the dex.

    Or does it matter we lost every tower in league of legends? No, because we got the nexus. Everything else doesn't matter.

    The objective of the killer is to kill all survivors. That's why it feels like a loss if any survivor survives.

    And that's why it feels like a win if you survive while everyone else died. Because that was your goal.

    No one goes into a game thinking "You know? I'm gonna get half a strike and maybe half a spare." Or "I'm gonna get half a touchdown" or "I'm getting this boss to half health".

  • imlegion
    imlegion Member Posts: 62

    Ds dosnt need ANOTHER nerf it’s already been ######### on don’t ######### on it again please quit crying about spilled milk seriously...

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Tru3talent also has 5K hours into the game. He should be winning the vast majority of the games.

    Survivors did perfectly fine before the Decisive Strike rework. Why is now suddenly a nessecarity?

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536


    He does win the vast majority of his games.

    When I play killer though I see so many survivors with 2000,,4000, 5000 hours. Its kind of ridiculous because when I play survivor I never see killers with that many hours.

    Seems to be swf that keeps them playing for so long.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    DS should immediately disabled if:

    • You start doing gens
    • You start healing a teammate
    • You start cleansing totem
    • You start unhooking
    • You step in a Bear Trap

    DS timer should be reduced by lets say 20 seconds every time:

    • Someone gets downed
    • Someone gets hooked
    • You trigger Hags Trap outside her terror radius

    Thatll fix it

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    Decisive Strike is a useless perk and is in need of buffs.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Tunneling wasn't really a problem if you can just jump off the first time the killer finds you. That's what I assume, I didn't play much back in the broken days.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Only one survivor could jump off on their own. The rest needed help from bodyblocks or saboteurs, which is rare on solo queue.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    DS as is is just bullcrap and we all know it.

    If you hook someone, the doors are opened and they come for the unhook, its all over, the unhooked survivor IF they did not also have BT on top of that, will just take the hit, protecting the other under the guise of being tunneled.

    And as killer you cant do anything about it, not a thing, now they are slugged, you wait the timer out? the crawl out the exit.

    You pick them up? the DS and run out the exit.

    Its just nonsense.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Killers complains becuz of despite do 4k its not fun is stressful,like you finishing chases so quick but gens doesnt stop popping up. In my case I ve had a match where survs were bad loopers but they were pro repairers. I dont have fun being stressed and I dont think surs get fun M1ing 🤷🏻‍♂️ Neither getting caught in 20 secs but If you press gens killers need to press more.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2020

    I would put a slight detail, someone gets down after 15 secs passed you were unhook and DS inmediatly disabled. Also if u get fully healed it get disabled.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The game is balanced for 2 to escape and 2 to die.

    If you think about it, the only way 2 can escape is if all 5 gens are done.

    So its natural that the gens will be done. 1 survivor will normally be dead by then and you’ll likely be finishing off another.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2020

    Thats the crap I never understood... If the game is made for 2 escape vs 2 get killed basically they want us to tunnel someone instead of spread the hooks giving same chance.

    There are games that gens fly and I have to ignore others and tunnel becuz gens pop up so quick.

    So basically no one gen fun becuz 1 get tunneled anf the other die on hook while ECG and the other 2 were playing gen simulator 2020

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Eh if you spread the pressure its likely that the weakest link of the team will be dead anyway. The one that always gets spotted and doesn’t last long in a chase. Its not like you look around for them they just happen to always be visible.

    Then you’ll likely have given 2 hooks, 2 hooks and maybe 1 hook to the others respectively by last gen.

    Thats how I imagine an average game would hypothetically play out anyway.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    That's the thing, though. All the killers with thousand hours win the majority of their games. Fungoose absolutely roflstomps and he plays everything without add-ons. All the other big streamer killer mains don't really have problems 4k'ing, except maybe Otz because he goes for a lot of experimental stuff. If we balance the games around the top players, as it was requested here around the time Ruin was nerfed (a nerf that I don't like, just for the record), then we can't really say that the game is survivor-sided, contrary to what Tru3 thinks.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    It would be fine if would be 3 hooks,2 hooks, 2 hooks 1 hook and i get another kill on hook at the end game. So 2 kills 2 escapes i would feel realized as killer and had fun and I suppose everyone had it but thats the case you play vs purplish green ranks on red ranks they just pop gens and they will care of evader when exits are opened.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    These are the same devs that, iirc, said like "self care is only used in 20% or so of builds" but then someone got a bunch of data that pointed to it being more like 20% of total perk SLOTS. So with a Max of 25%

    I don't recall the details or if I'm delusional, but if that really did happen, idk anymore XD