How do you feel about Nurse

It's been a decent amount of time since Nurse's rework, how do you feel about her?
Personally, I would rather them nerf her then rework her. Her base kit was fine but some addons could've been nerfed. I'm hoping she gets something soon.
She kinda cute
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Remove the blink cd and take any addons you want off her..easy peasy
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I played her again the other day for a daily, hadn't played her in months since I moved on to leveling other killers, and while I wish she had her two blinks back right away, 3 seconds isn't that bad. I never really used add-ons on her so I can't comment on the new ones.
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I am not overly precise with The Nurse, and I tend to have a hard time tracking survivors post-blink. The previous no-blink-charges Nurse made up for that and allowed me to have fun. As of right now, I do not have fun playing Nurse, and I am regretting putting all of those bloodpoints into her to prestige and max out.
The following post describes in more detail:
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On console, she's basically dead. It's hard enough with the blink mechanics, but now that she can't blink instantly, her usefulness is very reduced.
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She's dead.
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Shes quite garbage, especially for console. No way you are getting any kills on there unless u have your prediction levels maxed out to 100
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I feel like the cool down was to put a knife in her and twist it. The add ons on old nurse were the issue and as someone who's played nurse I agree. Her new add ons are not any stronger than yellow rarity in my opinion so i usually don't use any on her when I play.
I've tried the fatigue add ons and they were ok and the range add ons make it feel like her old blink. But no add on will make up for literally having to wait to use her power.
Worse thing about the cool down is if you want 2 blinks you need to wait the entire time and if you time it wrong you are stuck with one blink which is rarely enough.
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Yeah had that happen to me a few times.. charge up the blink a split second early, and only end up blinking once and losing the 99% charge I just skipped.
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Yup and once you do that they'll get plenty of distance on you. It's really a shame what they did to nurse. Spend all that time learning her just to have her unplayable unless you play absolutely perfect.
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Yeah.. would be nice if they put the recovery at 2 seconds instead of 3.. so 4 instead of 6 before getting her full blinks back.. so one second after the fatigue ends.. or 2,5 seconds, would still be 2 seconds after fatigue ends but it would be better than 3.. or a flat 1,5 seconds after fatigue starts, no bullshit recovering the first blink while fatigued.. First blink comes back on it's own, recovery period ends, second one comes back a second and a half later.
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With the right add-ons she's essentially her old self, excluding 5 blinks, of course.
Without any, or with the wrong ones, you can literally run in a straight line and waste 30 seconds by that alone for her to catch up to you after the first hit. Then she has to hit you a second time and not miss/dead hard/locker juke. That's assuming she doesn't lose track of you in the corn, indoor, or any other number of LoS breakers.
The biggest errors survivors make is to try to hard to break LoS circling around instead of prioriotizing making distance. It doesn't matter that she can see you, if she needs to use 2 blink cycles just to get in range.
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When I mained her, I never used addons with her but now I feel like I am practically forced to. She's simply just not fun to play as like she used to be.
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Yeah, thats it.
Nurse, my beloved Nurse... what did they do to you? Why did they do to you? I feel grief. Was my main, now I cant handle to play with that cooldown in my PS4. I get angry, no fun. Why, Entity? Why?
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Frame dat
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Playing versus Nurse is so easy now. Just run forward, and she will take ages to catch up. I have Dead hard to dodge a down ontop of that. Even if she baits it out, she needs 6 seconds to blink again. Plenty of time to set up more jukes.
They should have never slapped a cooldown on her. Its such a bad habit of the developers now. Only her add-ons were problematic. Old basekit Nurse was a ridiculiously skillbased killer, still leaving counterplay for the survivors. Only thing you couldnt do with her was running her for 5 generators.
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Nice! :D
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I completely agree, there was still counterplay against her but she was one of the tough killers to escape (which I think is needed).