Survivors! Your tactics against the new meta "Tunneling" and killers your best "tunneling strats"

NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

So I've been seeing a gameplay change amongst killers since well you know. They rely on tunneling alot more. I'm not criticising it's a strategy like another and can be countered. So much, that I consider the usual perkset of a survivor isn't adapted to counter tunneling in red ranks. Ds? Needed, but good killers counter it by slugging. NOT ENOUGH. Borrow? Needed, but still NOT ENOUGH to counter a tunnel.

Bodyblocking works well for me using bond to track the victim and choosing a good area for an easy block so I can take a hit or even a hook. Adding a flashlight with bond I can anticipate a line where the killer will pass and flash him. If I succeed he often loses the player. Obviously the surprise factor is determinant.

What are your tactics?

Obviously, I mean the ones which work vs very good killers.

killers who tunnel survivors (toxicity or any other reason it's a strategy like another) gimme your killers tips. An example, if an Oni tunnels it's obviously way harder to counter. Let's just be open minded. :)

PS: I mostly play survivor. (99%)

Post edited by NoMitherPlayer on


  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    How is BT helping YOURSELF? It's more like helping a tunneled mate. But if you yourself get tunneled it's useless. Iron will instead could help more by losing the killer

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Here is a good example of how my tactic bond+ flashlight works. I guess that is better proof

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    And that's why i added "protecting the team from one"

    Agreed about IW being a good choice for yourself.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174
    edited January 2020

    As I mentioned. The surprise effect matters alot. It's psychological, the killer is extremely focused by tunneling. + the people who tunnel like he did tend to not be that good at the game.

    So far from the answers I've got, I might think of IW and just like mert mk said, bringing the guy who gets tunneled in a God loop window

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I've started using the Breakout Perk when killers like to tunnel. It's quite handy when the killer really tries to down you. Using this weakness against them has cause more than 1 DC 😂

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948


  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174
    edited January 2020

    You said it yourself. you've encountered this situation many times. So your brain almost naturally screams at you "dodge that light!" X) 80% of the killers I've met fell for it. The other 20% are the ones that made me create this post. Bond is the only thing I thought of by myself to bodyblock but it's not enough in very large maps where the killer can easily keep seeing the player

  • deriasb
    deriasb Member Posts: 34

    Pretty much , and remember a team that bodyblocks too!

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Breakout+ 1 medkit with a purple bottle yeah I forgot how useful this new perk is

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Damn, didn't think to use that Add-on. Time to farm some Bloodwebs!

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    To be fair, My friends and I actually seem to have a better Survival rate with the increased tunneling. We are upset that we feel like we are forced to run meta based perks now as we used to like playing odd perks like Break out and Flip Flop.

    But our pretty standard build and stratergy is as follows:

    • Borrowed Time - We actually ran this before the ruin change, as killers already heavily favored tunneling people off hook.)
    • DS - 2 or 3 of us run this now.
    • Unbreakabill - At least 2 of us run this perk
    • Kindred - Yes even though we are SWF, its still a great perk to run, however, only one of us generally run it at a time.
    • Dead Hard - 2 or 3 people run this.
    • Iron Will - Most of us run this, it has nothing to do with the game, we just hate hearing ourselves moan and run it to gag the characters.

    So how do we play. While it slightly changes based on if the Killer is camping or Tunneling or both.

    • Lets start off as camping, generally we just let that person die allowing us to complete 3 gens at once. This is actually just a great strategy for camping in general. More Solo people should run Kindred for this reason.
    • Next is tunneling - We actually started basically doing the same thing. If the killer is proxy camping one of us will try to bait him away, if he doesn't take the bait, we just go and complete 0.65% of 3 gens or pop 1 to 2 gens. We generally wont go for the save until the last second of stage two. At this point we rely on the killer tunneling the Borrowed Time DS user instead of going after the rescuer and can generally pop 1 to 2 gens again before that person dies.

    Basically unless we start ######### around or playing stupid, we have on average gotten a 2-3 Survivors our against camping or tunneling survivors. Surprisingly we have had less success against killers who do not tunnel or camp.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2020

    The problem is survivor meta perks can be completely pointless 90% of the game. For example, when I play killer, even though I see these perks a lot I rarely ever see them in game.

    • Borrowed Time - I started with this one first, as its one of the few meta perks people complain about that I run and Its the only one I ever really see in my games. As I prefer to not chase the injured survivor off hook I will go for the rescuer. The only reason I see BT is because the injured person tried body blocking or I stayed to close after I downed the rescuer, s I hit them and then pick up the downed survivor.
    • DS - Though I see this perk fairly often, its probably 90% of the time within an exit gate as I had not tunneled all game, so they didn't get to use it til than. Or I see it by them forcing me to use it by just running at me. Other than that, even though I see 2-3 survivors running it every game, I might only see it used 1 outta 5 games
    • Unbreakabill - To be honest, unless I can down another survivor within 30 seconds, I don't leave someone slugged long enough to use the perk.

    Basically most survivors perks are literally pointless it 4 outta 5 of my games. Borrowed time being the only weird exception, because yes I see it, however, I usually get a hook and you are off mending, so it works both ways.

    EDIT: Forgot to clarify my point, My point is, I think survivors builds are more based of how a killer plays than a killers build is based of how a survivor plays. I can't think of a single perk I run that is because of something survivors do. Maybe Franklins if I see 4 flashlights? However, even though I used to run less meta perks when playing survivor, due to the increased camping and tunneling, I am running this perks more often.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Because of YouTube , twitch the meta keeps changing or evolving. On the killer s side don't tell me you haven't noticed any changes after the new ruin which obviously means survivors have to adapt. + new doctor is often used, it's also part of the new meta.

    Another example, as a killer 1-2 months ago killers wouldn't pick up survivors to avoid ds. Today? Alot of them started to do the opposite, pick up to trigger the ds.

    As a survivor I always think there's something new to learn. Devs add new perks or change some.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Ruin nerf just means they aren't running Ruin and you might see a couple more CI instead. Doctor being better just means we'll see him a little more. I see just as many slugs and DS avoids as I always have.

    None of these have changed the meta for anything significant. You are still playing exactly the same as the last few years.

    There is always something to learn on survivor but that doesn't mean the meta changed.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    There are perks as survivor to counter killers perks but none to counter killer s power. But as a killer, you can't counter most survivor s perks using perks, because that's their power to the devs.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2020

    I mean here is where me probably differ in the games design. I honestly consider the game a win if I had 1 fun chase, and got a kill or two. I generally prefer at least 2 but won't get annoyed or upset at a 1k.

    I generally consider myself as a fair killer, I avoid tunneling and camping hooks and will usually either chase the healthy survivor and/or just down the injured one.

    I would say 6 outta 10 games I get at least a 2 or 3 kills a game, 4 outta 10 I get 0-2 kills. I am in Red Rank and play Huntress/Spirit/Piggy.

    • My huntress build is mostly for cool throws such as BBQ and Nurses with Iron maiden as my 3rd perk, because I want to get hatchets quicker. My fourth perk usually rotates out for my mood, its been everything from corrupt to Spies
    • Spirit I literally only run BBQ and it has nothing to do with its ability, I am just a BP [BAD WORD].
    • Piggy is probably the killer my build varies the most on, the only constant perk I run on her is Enduring. And that is because she is an M1 killer and pallets stuns and a lot to chase time.

    None of the perks I run matter how the survivors play. Maybe Enduring if you really want to get technical but I personally consider that more of a game mechanic need than a survivor based need.

    That is kinda my point though. Nothing I run as a killer is really based of what perks a survivor bring, I choose perks that either complement the killers power or make the game mechanics less annoying, such as Enduring.

    However on the flip side, I run perks that I feel are needed to counter ther killers power or play style, not perks I think are cool. If I didn't have to worry about running BT or Kindred or Unbreakabill, I would never run those perks. But so many killers Tunnel, Camp or Slug, I feel the need to run at least 2 of those 3 perks.

    Do you know how much I would love to run perks like Breakout, Flip Flop, Inner Strength, Detectives Hunch, etc? I want to be able to run those types of perks, but doing so makes games where a killer is going to tunnel or camp pointless to play. I might as well die on first hook and move to the next game.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    If I understand you correctly, you're saying that every game is basically the same generally. Yes that's true.but take a look at your own gameplay years ago (let's suppose you were a very good player) then take a look at your gameplay now (again let's suppose you're very good) it's obvious that the old you would get destroyed today. The main path is the same but hundreds of details have changed mostly because skill is way higher than before.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Well then yeah none of what I was saying would apply for you then because you aren't playing to win.

    We aren't going after the same thing.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2020

    Playing better now than I did years ago isn't changing the meta. I'm literally doing the exact same thing, just doing it better.

    90% of the killer roster is countered in almost the exact same way. This is why I advocate for killer design that makes each killer need to be played against differently. This is also why I like killers such as Nurse, Spirit and Huntress when I play survivor. They are some of the few killers that actually ask me to play differently than normal if I want to win. This design philosophy also keeps the game more fun as it makes each match more unique, like you are playing a different game even though there aren't different game modes.

    "There are perks as survivor to counter killers perks but none to counter killer s power."

    I actually disagree with this completely. Just one example is Sprint Burst. It counters stealth killers who try and sneak up on you for the first hit, like avoiding a Pig ambush.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Not being found.

    I know that sounds silly, but it's the only thing i actively do to avoid it.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Yes and no, It really depends on what you consider "winning" Because yes, my standard of playing the game may not always count it as a "win". The way I see it there are a few different ways people define a win.

    • First you have the pipping/ranking/emblem system (which is horrible). If you look at then no pip is a loss, a black pip is a tie, one white pip is a win and 2 white pips is above and beyond. Using this example, I either tie or win with either a single or double pip more games than not.
    • Second Method THE ***4k or No K Okay*** Method. I actually hate people that think they need to 4k every single game and that a killer should 4k every game. You're basically saying My side is the only side that should have fun, you are supposed to die every single game. This is about the only method I disagree with.
    • Lastly you have the self defined, which is my personal favorite method. It lets you set the terms of what a win and loss in the game is. The games ranking and emblem system is such a joke, why care if the game says you won or loss?
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Well then we open a whole other can of worms.

    I play to win but yeah the games ranking and pipping system makes that very hard to define. I personally base it on kills. However kills aren't really accurate because of a multitude of factors that make that unreliable as a means for determining skill or balance.

    Just one example being NOED. I don't use it, but I wouldn't count any kills from NOED towards my "kills are winning" goal as NOED rewards kills for nothing skillful on the killers part, but simply because the survivors were lazy. There are many others though.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    The basic of every best strategy is always the most simple :) "Not being found" which also is what you need to aim at if you're being tunneled. Successfully disappear(That's the complicate part with all sort of teamplay), then once it's done "not being found strat again" ^^

  • Bamallamadingdong
    Bamallamadingdong Member Posts: 34
    edited January 2020

    New Doc is getting used more because he's just been reworked, not because he's entered the meta. Whether he's stronger/more fun to play (I think he is) does factor into it as well but it's mostly because he's sort of new.

    I also have no clue where you got the impression that killers only just started slugging to play around DS, it's been happening ever since the rework.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I’ve not noticed any change. Killers always camp and tunnel. They always have. Nothings new.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Yes I guess we're all lost because devs ranking system is actually meaningless. Hopefully their new idea will help us

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Yep we don't know yet if he will be that good once he's not new anymore.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Become a god at looping and loop like there is no tomorrow.

  • Bamallamadingdong
    Bamallamadingdong Member Posts: 34

    To a certain extent maybe, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he will be at least at the top end of mid tier.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Definately not as much as now, I've seen an insane increase in tunneling. Before some medium killers using weak killers could rely on ruin and no need tunneling.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Switch to toxic mode.

    Watch me sandbag your hits while I blind you mid way so you will lose track of that other survivor.


  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    I'm never toxic as a player but sadly teamwork and toxicity can be combined exactly the way you mention it x)

  • CrescentGent
    CrescentGent Member Posts: 60

    We wouldn't have to resort to tunneling if survivors had such crutch perks and since they needlessly nullified ruin

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    How is it the new meta? Tunneling is just as frequent as before.

    I really wish they would split Russia from EU servers. If you get a killer that hard tunnels without any remorse I can guarantee you post game their name will be a bunch of Russian letters.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Tbaging non stop..... wait, that only makes it worst!

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    You're the type of player most people on the forums complain about. Why is someone else play stay garbage? Go play and leave the forum 😂 so much hate around this place

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    Tbh I don't care about getting tunneled or camped. I just run Sprint Burst, Kindred, Distortion and Better Together. So everyone knows if the killer doesn't like to play fair, I can do gens and I see if my mates are useful or not. Pretty helpful solo player build.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    There isnt a single thing that can be used to counter tunneling. Thats the real issue.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    The less likely killers are getting a kill, the more likely they will play only with mori or Rancor. Keep it in mind.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    always ds and unbreakable if I'm sick of getting tunneled

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    Usually, tunneling killers are also camping killers. I love to take Kindred because of that. It's kinda funny seeing the aura of the killer, waiting and waiting by the hooked survivor but instead hearing generator after generator going off because the rest of us know he's camping.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    If everybody is getting hooked, the stealth players need to stop hiding and take a turn risking skin

    I defeated a team today by destroying the 3 people willing to risk their skin - then the one guy who never risked anything got salty when I closed the hatch and 1 hooked them.

    Real easy to rotate through the same people when they're the only ones I see... just sayin.

  • xoBlackBetty
    xoBlackBetty Member Posts: 25

    Or distortion to counter Spoopy Myers or Calm Spirit to counter Doc's madness etc

  • xoBlackBetty
    xoBlackBetty Member Posts: 25

    I agree with this on a cellular level. If I run a tum tums for 3/4 gens (so well that he face camps me on my first hook) & I die, I take that as a win. 💯

    Face-camping or tunneling only bothers me when I didn't earn it or do anything to deserve it. Killers take note: you'll get more GGs if you earn that face camp or tunnel, rather than doing it because you're not skilled at the game.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2020

    Insinuating if you don't play like a complete scumbag you can't possibly win? If you're playing against good survivors and you're a good killer, you'll still win. This post was all it took to see the kind of person you are (and killer, for that matter).

    With que times being 30+ mins for survivors right now, I'm not looking to ruin anyone's day/game because I understand the frustration. That includes tunneling, camping and mori'ing off first hook, I know it's a shame, those must be all your favorite things as mind numbingly easy as they are to do, fits your train of thought. Why actually put any effort into playing the game the way it was meant to be played and learning how to deal with those pesky good survivors when you can 'win' by playing as cheaply as humanly possible, right? Right.