People are gaining way to much rank by simply picking Doc and knowing they can tunnel players over and over, since DS is completely bugged against him. People keep saying it's only during madness 3, but I experience it at ALL madness levels. Last 5 games have all been Doc Killer and I haven't been able to DS him yet, no matter my madness level. People are starting to abuse it, especially after you made it even more public information with the dev stream.


  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Nah ######### that, they can fix other ######### first.

  • JCDK
    JCDK Member Posts: 12

    Rofl :D You're literally OK'ing bug abusing. So your opinion is completely invalid.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    No thanks. I like playing as Doc whenever he isn't abusing my framerate.

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    You should never have to rely on one perk to win a match. Besides DS can give you a false sense of security if that is the only thing you plan on using to get away. It would help to know your current perk setup to better direct you playing against a doctor.

  • Pumpkin_King
    Pumpkin_King Member Posts: 22

    I never used DS as a survivor; If a killer decides to tunnel you, you can't do anything but your best to try to waste his time. There is nothing you can do, even DS won't help you there, just learn to play without second chances perks and start escaping a chase or get outplayed. At some point you either get better or you found your skill cap.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    The only times I used it, I got slugged instead of being picked up while it was active.. And honestly I rather use perks that will prevent me getting caught in the first place.

  • JCDK
    JCDK Member Posts: 12

    It's more the fact that the Killer playing Doc, will know that DS doesn't work against him. So he facecamps, he tunnels as much as possible. Now there's nothing wrong with that, but that's why DS was made to counter that playstyle. And since it's not working, I see more and more people picking Doc and then there's just nothing to do. Sure, if you don't ever get caught, you're fine. But what kind of playstyle is that? You want chases, you want genpressure, you want actual mechanics to play with.

  • JCDK
    JCDK Member Posts: 12

    You seem to either not know what you're talking about, or maybe we're talking about two different things and you misunderstood my first point, or maybe we're talking about gameplay at different ranks, since it's a lot different. I'm red ranks both sides, play both equally. But I will try to set you straight on my views :)

    DS is a counter to tunnelling. Tunnelling and camping is completely fine by me, as long as I get to have a counter to it. Once the perk is used, you can keep tunnelling me and I won't mind at all. The problem comes from more and more people picking doctor, because they know it might disable a perkslot the Survivors have. There are even games where Docs be like "Like that DS of yours? ;)" in the postgame chat. And if you tell me you simply don't get caught, I'd say you're probably not doing enough during a game. You did though mention that you got slugged when using DS, I must admit that it seems to come from an ignorant or lowrank perspective. Why are you not running into a locker prior to getting hit? And if you're telling me there was no locker around you. Well that's really a you-problem, not a me-problem, or a DBD-problem. You simply gotta learn the map you're on and that simply comes with experience. Well either that or you should probably go professional streamer or something if you're simply that good at looping you don't get caught, since DBD doesn't have a esport side. Some people have genphobia(a term used in DBD about Survivors being scared to just stick to a generator), others actually see this as a horrorgame, I get that. I don't see it that way though. Once I got used to most of the gameplay, it was no longer a horrorgame. I would love for this game to have a true competitive side, but with it's current state, I just don't see that happening either. Also, I'm not really a casual gamer. And no, we might as well not get into the whole "don't play dbd then" / "but why the ranks then" convo, because it's honestly tiresome to keep talking about.

    See I think you misunderstood the concept of being a good Survivor. When being spotted by the Killer, the maingoal of a Survivor is to waste as much time as possible from the Killer before the chase ends. The chase usually ends in you going down, as that usually is how you waste the most time off a Killer. I used the qualifier "usually" here, to specify that it doesn't always happen, but in most cases.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Well if you they taunt you about it then it's definitely poor sportsmanship on their part but the ones that play doctor just because they enjoy playing him still shouldn't be published because of a few rotten apples..

    And I do play both sides, but honestly I don't use that perk enough (read: barely ever at all) to have worked out the viable tactics such as jumping into lockers mid-chase, since the point of getting chased is not getting caught.. Getting caught on purpose is not really how I want to play the game. But I guess head on and decisive strike would make a good combo for that.. Grab me, get stabbed.. Don't grab me and stare at the locker, get lockered in the face.

    I get the reasons why you want them to lock these things, it just feels unjust to punish those who legitimately want to play the game to have fun without caring about bugs such as that one. I had a doctor daily last night and it never occurred to me that one of them might have decisive strike or not, and didn't check which perks they had after the game was over because I had fun and moved on back to huntress afterwards since she's the killer I've been playing most lately, and a few survivor games to get some of the challenges done.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I saw no call to arms to disable sprint burst during its exploits..and they were deliberate exploits to boot..I'd suggest another perk till it inevitably gets rapidly is a survivor bug after all

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    2 health states and 3 hooks= at least 3 chases, played with healing that's 6 hits. Getting you 3 burst of speed to get away. You get pallets, vaults and lvls to get distance and you get a red stain to 360 him to buy time

    But yeah your right you need more second chance perks

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Ok then disable DS since that's the root of the problem, don't want give people a false sense of hope with their 2nd chance perks.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    WHOA! Are you suggesting a survivor ADAPTS!?

    That's a killer move NOT a survivor move!

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Oh God, you're right! I forgot all about that chapter from the survivor's handbook for killers! Never mind anything I said, please lock the doctor until this is fixed! This is the only option!

  • JCDK
    JCDK Member Posts: 12

    I must admit I probably wasn't around during that time. Not sure. Got about 250h since last Black Friday when I purchased the game. Which is about 4-5h/day of gameplay.

    Agreed. As I stated in the title. Disable one of the things. My problem is that some people who are stuck in yellow/green ranks, might use Doc deliberately to gain ranks during this time. And you might not see it as a competitive game, but that whole discussion I don't wanna get into again. My problem stems from BHVR allowing this to be abused instead of simply disabling either or both till fixed. My best type of game, is when I get a game where I feel all 4 survivors had to struggle to survive. Getting to do gens, getting into semi-long chases, maybe get caught, maybe not. I love all types of gameplay, except immersed (where it seems like you either have genphobia or hide in a corner because you're have killerphobia). I dislike playing a Survivor game where I just faceroll the Killer because of experience, or maplayout.

    Small disclaimer: I don't see tunnelling, camping, t-bagging, post-game banter, items, addons, perks, certain killer or survivor characters as being toxic (Things you can do or use ingame). A persons 'reason' behind doing something ingame, can be very benevolent or extremely maleficent. The reason of the act, not the act itself.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Yup won't ever be until balanced maps and that starts with making maps set instead of randomized which leads it to heavily favoring survivor or killer.

    Also with bugs they won't ever have the sense to disable something or hotfix it in a few days. The people that play doc knowing about this bug are some scummy people. Any bug exploiters are scum to me.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I was able to DS a Doc yesterday, but whenever I tried to force it by hopping in a locker, I couldn't.

    So I think it's maybe something with the lockers.

  • JCDK
    JCDK Member Posts: 12

    Oh yeah! :D Let's hope this will clear a lot of frustration around this ;)