3.5.1 Hotfix patch: Hook "tech" and silent slugs still not adressed

In the recent dev stream, they said they'd remove the hook "tech" and yet it is nowhere to be seen in the hotfix patch notes.
Also, slugged Survivors making no injured noises is in the game for over a month now and hasn't even been mentioned by the Devs other than that there are "sound issues", which is a really vague statement.
Could you please give us an update on the situation regarding these two issues?
Thank you in advance!
My downed survivors make noise. So it's likely tied to something else, seeing as it's not 100% always happening.
And hook tech? Really? You mean where you have 2 survivors sitting on one hook? That's free sacrifices my friend. Not to mention you can still swing and hit them if you aim correctly. Literal free hits.
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Hook tech is harder to fix than they expected, which is why its not in this patch
and I hear survivors in the dying state just fine, did they have no mither?
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i made a post about it where Almo said its going to be fixed
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Where are the patch notes? I don't see them.
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It is not always the case but still happens quite often that I can't hear downed Survivors.
It is literally impossible to hit them if they do it correctly, I tested it in KYF and you can't even hit them with Bubba's Chainsaw swinging through the hook. Sure you can camp the two people but that's super boring for both sides and the other two can just do gens in the meantime.
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Check news
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Nope, not No Mither. It also doesn't happen every time but still quite often that Survivors make no injured sounds at all while downed.
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Sound's been completely broken for over a year. What else is there to expect? It's BHVR after all
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That Zubat clip is what I was reffering to in my response to the first guy who posted here. Thanks.
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Gal, and zubat clip? You said you tested it in KYF, not saw it on a clip.
Now I believe you less.
Its not always impossible. But if you cant manage to hit them, sit with them. Thyeve caused a sirvivor to be camped to death, and now they're next.
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The thing I tested was taking all kind of different angles to attack from and the Survivor moving accordingly, or not at all even.
"It is literally impossible to hit them if they do it correctly, I tested it in KYF" and "and you can't even hit them with Bubba's Chainsaw swinging through the hook." are two different sentences reffering to different things.
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Lol sound is still messed up. Sometimes you can hear them, sometimes they all have bonus iron will. But hey, it will be addressed...sometime...maybe. Good to see that such game breaking bugs are fixed asap....
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Not necessarily that it's harder to fix, but it's riskier. Hooks are a crucial part of the game, and rushing out a fix without having the proper time to test it could backfire in other ways.
But getting back to the OP, both are issues that we are working on at the moment. We'll get them fixed as soon as possible.
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That may be, but the way you worded and phrased it made it sound like, "we tested it in KYF. Even with bubba's chainsaw tou cant hit through". Which sounds like you even tried that. Also, why not just link the clip with your initial post?
The thing is, I've tested it too, and hit people doing it.
Also, the thing is, you ignored my last point. If they sit there and YOU CANT hit them, LET THE SURVIVOR ON HOOK DIE, AND YOU GET TWO FOR ONE.
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And the part about camping both is that I feel bad for the survivor on the hook if it is a random who has to suffer for the ######### that their teammate is doing. Since I play both sides I can sympathize with the hooked Survivor.
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Actually, it WAS one sentence. It wasnt two different things at all. Bye.
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You say that every time, and then we sit waiting forever with no further updates or acknowledgement of the issue anyway.
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You say hook tech, I say a literal reason to facecamp 😉
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It's not only the slugs which are silent. Sometimes you hit Survivor's normally and they make no sound, even without Iron Will they make no sounds, you can have Stridor, no grunts of pain. Sometimes they make sounds, sometimes they don't, it's pretty annoying.
But yeah, at least DS got fixed to properly work against Doctor now.
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Yeah that makes sense, better do it properly instead of breaking the game more.
Thanks for the Feedback!
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and... the rank update error? Its annoying.
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It is two sentences but into one, did you ever attend any kind of school?
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@Peanits I saw that the Survivor movement might have been fixed what about the Killer's movement problems?
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I couldn't find it right away sorry.
And if you could hit people it just means that they misplayed.
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Doctor movements feel a bit wobbly, is it only me?
Also, did you acknowledge the apparent insta-flashlight bug? I posted a video on it when you asked it, but never replied back.
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The patch notes said that part of the ptb movement got in and caused an issue. It's fixed now supposedly
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Just remove that hooked survivor hit box, god it's annoying when a survivor comes running recklessly, and unsafely saving someone. You swing for them, and the aim-assist is just like "Yeah i'ma just 90 degree you into the hooked survivor, or ignore the savior entirely". It's like Killer's shouldn't punish survivors for making bad plays anymore.
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@Peanits I was talking about this fix
Fixed an issue that caused the movement extrapolation system (tested during the 3.5.0 PTB) to have a slight effect on Survivors movement (although it was meant to be fully disabled).
@Edys is correct about the Doc. It was talked about in that movement thread. Also it's not just the Doc
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It is so funny you say that. It happened to me the other day. I get hooked by a E3 Myers. This rando meg goes for the hook tech and sits under me. The whole time Myers keeps trying to move around the hook and hit her and all he hits is me.
But I am in struggle phase and she stays there for the duration of E3. Well so I die on hook. She proceeds to text me and say "if he wasn't camping I would have saved you". Like ######### is this. She made a mistake. Cost me my game and a pip. Then proceeds to call killer a camper.
The killer and I had a good laugh over this in chat. C'mon just run away and wait until the right time to save me.
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I think the hook techs already patched on ps4 ive had multiple survivors do it and i just move to the back of the hook and smack and it hits them and they panic lol. That or people are just messing it up.
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Sounds being messed up for killers on a gamebreaking level: After months barely even mentioned by the developers.
DS bugged versus one killer sometimes : Gets fixed within a week.
God, do I love Behaviour.
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Also no fix for the Progression Bug with the first tome damn. Guess I can't save more points for the next chapter
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I mean the slab of meat is there.
They said they wanted to keep the hooked person's hitbox active on purpose I believe.
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Funniest thing that happend to me was a Dwight going for the hook tech while I was playing Tombstone Myers and he stay there for the whole hook (I feel bad for the Survivor), so I 99%'d my T3 and when he had to leave I just Tombstone'd his ass. :)
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@Peanits seeing some comments about the Doc in this thread, I have the issue that while using either Iridescent Queen or the green "Restraint" add-on, over the course of the match the game becomes more and more laggy and the graphics slowly turn into N64 graphics. Is this a known issue right now?
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Haha, sounds like his fault on this one.
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What about Nurse's blink sometimes being cancelled or cut short? Her inconsistent post-blink lunge? What about Clown's bottles sometimes hitting and emitting no clouds? Myers and Ghostface sometimes being able to stalk through walls, and in other instances not being able to stalk in plain sight?
There are loads of gamebreaking bugs for killers, which were not even mentioned by the devs, even thought they have been in the game for months now (most got introduced with dedicated servers). I would be really nice if fixed some of those. Expecially Nurse feels miserable with those bugs.
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I think the main problem is that sounds affect all Killers across the board, which should take priority over things that affect only 1/18 Killers in my opinion. But sounds are probably things that take more time to fix I suppose.
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It's a free hit and at worse two survivors doing nothing as one dies. Quit making it out to be a free hook save. I basically facepalm every time I've seen a survivor try this.
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Odds are, if those were reported properly in the bug reports section, they're on the to-do list. As much as we'd like to snap our fingers and fix every single bug in one update, that's just not possible. Each one takes time to log, find, and fix. It's not a matter of picking favourites just because your specific bug was not addressed yet.
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What most people specifically point out is that fact that it isn't talked about or acknowleged like other things are. We (at least I do) understand that not all bugs are easily squashed but seeing the Devs talk about them and reassuring us that they are aware means more to the community than you might think. The perfect opportunity for this would be a Status Update post of some sort that shows ALL important known issues and reassures that they are being worked on.
That's just my 2 cents about the matter :)
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They brought it back because they wanted using the hooked survivor as a body shield to be a thing, because for some reason they think that is a "skill" to do. Which I don't care about that part.
What I do care about is when I am deliberately standing behind a survivor, and the hooked survivor isn't even in my view, or just a sliver in my view, and my character literally turns 90 degrees and smacks them like Wednesday's #########.
Body shields is okay. But having aim-assist (which most killers don't even want), attack targets well out of your aim is stupid af.
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I can't say for sure what aim assist truly does, but the devs claim it just makes the hits look nicer after the server has confirmed it's gonna hit.
Then again, maybe it is the aim assist. Seems very possible.
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Hook tech does not exist.
This is 100% intended interaction with the hooked body.
You might want to say: "I want to hit the rescuer but I keep hitting the hooked body, it shouldnt be like this"
Yes, you are right, but it is no "hook tech" its just the glorious "animation enchancement" correcting your attack to hit the closest survivior (in this case the hooked body)
TL;DR: "hook tech" does not exist. What is at fault is a feature commonly called "aim assist" or "auto aim"
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It's been an issue for a very long time. They also don't just say "makes the hits look nicer after the server has confirmed it's gonna hit". Because the hit isn't confirmed till your weapon object interacts with the survivor hit box object. It basically is a cone shaped radius in front of the Killer, and that if the attack were to go through (be in that cone), they aim-assist will kick in and try to force it's best to connect the blow, so it looks smoother. However that causes problems, like "What if another object suddenly is in between the killer and that survivor". Like the survivor took a quick turn around a small rock. Well. Just what you would think the aim assist kicks in, forces your attack forward, and you can't avoid that object.
What I think is happening, which is why it happens more often with survivors on hooks. Since the survivor on hook, while on hook is still a survivor in the coding, it recognizes that survivor as the one you're actually aiming for before the savior, and then forces the attack to go through on the hooked target.
I could be wrong, because I don't program the game, and that is a simplified description, but it definitely happens a lot more often against hooked survivors than it does other objects in the map, so i'm theory crafting.
I just wish they would fix it, or change it back, because honestly if you require to use the survivor as a body shield because you didn't take Borrowed Time, then you should be getting punished for performing unsafe saves.
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Well but the hooked survivior is supposed to block hits. I believe disabling animation enhancement for the hooked surviviors could fix the problem.