Killers should see Hatch from the start

I think this would be a small change that would help balance the 'free escapes' that come with end game collapse.
If the killer is aware of where the hatch is all game, some will be compelled to stick by it, motivating survivors to do the opposite. During endgame the survivors will also be aware that the killer probably knows where the hatch is and have more information on whether or not to go to the doors.
This gives at least a little bit of control and strategy back to the killer, instead of just losing one kill due to dumb luck or not wanting to slug.
This still gives the survivors the same options of escaping but it doesn't feel so cheap on the killers side. Also, this doesn't even guarantee the killer knows where the hatch is, they still have to come across it during the game.
I am sure a response to this would be that if the killer knew, they would essentially camp the hatch to secure the 4k. Yes, they might, but there is the counter of being able to go to doors. Also, if they killer can do this, that probably means they did well enough to get all 4 anyway, the survivor just doesn't get the free escape.
Currently, a survivor is almost rewarded for screwing their team and waiting for hatch spawn. However, if the killer was able to plan that last kill with the information of where the hatch was, these survivors would be rewarded far less often.
Thats a terrible idea lol
Id like a key nerf, but this? Just no.
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The hatch is a tool for the survivors, there is no reason for the entity to assist the killer in finding it.
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Oh ok, seeing the aura would make that perk much more useful, I never use it.
My original idea was not to make aura visible just the hatch itself. Why not have the hatch visible?
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Why have the hatch exist in the first place then?
Soon as the third survivor is hooked, you could beeline straight for it, leaving the fourth survivor literally no chance.
The killer is already faster then the survivors by default, and don't have to move even slower then normal to avoid discovery. If they beat you to the hatch, that's on you.
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I agree with this, if not, then remove hatch from the game entirely. You don't fix a problem by giving the win to the player that is doing the wrong.
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Survivors should spawn hooked too.
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Oh that would be nice. No reason not to give killers a better chance to close the hatch since keys are in the game.
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The hatch is 1 of 3 options for the survivors to get a free escape. It should exist as a choice, not a free escape for doing nothing. Although the killer is faster, if you are a survivor that is aware of where the hatch is you can decide to either go for it or go for the door that is the furthest away.
If the killer hooks someone far away, you know you may have a chance at it. Or if you believe the killer hasn't passed by it to know where it is. Otherwise you know you should probably plan on using the door. Remember, you are in this situation because you lost, you didn't complete all gens.
It gives just a tiny bit of strategy to what is otherwise a freebie.