Will I be able to get the whole Demon Slayer Feng Min cosmetic?

So I noticed that the very last reward on the rift at 70 is the head of Demon Slayer, and I was wondering if that meant I'm going to have to somehow complete every single challenge on the rift to get the full set? Or would I be able to just complete the majority? Like I don't have Jane unlocked amongst a couple other characters as well as perks, so a few challenges are beyond me. Will the cosmetic be available for purchase after the rift? I've been looking forward to this outfit since it was first announced so it would just be a bummer to know that it's locked behind challenges I cannot complete. 😭
Best Answer
You will have to get to tier 70 to complete the full outfit, but that doesn't mean you have to complete all the challenges in the Tome. It just means that if you don't complete all the challenges, you will have to grind XP to make up the extra Rift Fragments.
Unfortunately I can't tell you exactly how many challenges you'll need to do to finish the Rift, since only the first level has been released so far.EDIT: I've done the maths for you to see how many challenges you need to do to complete the Rift, although it's only a very vague approximation since it's based on unofficial information about future challenges. Completing every single challenge in the Tome will get you to tier 51 in the Rift at an absolute minimum, including XP earned from matches. Realistically, though, it will probably get you closer to the tier 54-62 range, because you're probably not going to complete every challenge in the minimum possible time. You would then have to play for another 10-20 hours, not including queue times, in order to finish the Rift.
Without knowing precisely which perks and characters you do or don't have, I can't calculate it for your situation specifically, but that's what it would be like if you did complete every challenge. In your case, I can estimate that you might need to grind an additional 10 hours or so (on top of the aforementioned 10-20) to make up for progress you would have gained completing the challenges you can't access. Again, this is just a very rough estimate, but hopefully it will give you some idea of what to expect.
As for whether the outfit will be released in the Store, I can't confirm 100% one way or another, but it is likely that it will be, since the devs have said that most of the Rift cosmetics will eventually arrive in the Store. If that does happen, though, it won't be for at least another 6-12 months, so I would recommend trying to unlock it in the Rift if you can!
Post edited by Fibijean on5
@naomi101 I edited my comment above with some calculations to give you an idea of the level of grind you should expect when trying to complete the Rift. If you tell me which characters and perks you don't have access to, I can give you a better estimate for your situation specifically.
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Just a small tip, Feng Min cosmetic will be available through iridiscent shards when the rift closes so, even if you don't get the last piece (I believe it's the head) you will have enough shards to buy it if you don't spend them.
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When did they confirm that? I must have missed it.
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Release notes in Community Outfits:
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Oh, awesome! Thanks for that 😊
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Np ;)
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I actually do like what they did with the contest winners skins, they're available early in The Rift and still purchasable afterwards in the shop.
As all things should be.
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Hiya, I wasn't able to play during the last Rift (last played around end of first Rift, have the Claudette top but nothing else I think) and I heard they would be available later to buy (either shards or cells, I don't care) yet they never appeared in the shop to my knowledge. I didn't think it was a timed event where it was only a short period, I thought they would remain there.
Starting up now, I notice there's no Rift currently and none of the extra cosmetics are in the shop. Are they going to be added later? I'll get them with Cells once I'm able, but that Feng outfit is super awesome and though my adored Bunny suit finally came in, I really would like that Demon outfit she's got.
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Any Charms or Cosmetics in the rift have been said to have a minimum "Exclusive" date of 6 months or a year I believe. So you won't be able to get these items until that minimum time has passed.
Some charms and skins MIGHT stay exclusive, but that hasn't been 100% confirmed and is only going off of what a dev said in that answer. The speculation stems from "a dev" saying "Most" and not "all" of these charms and skins will be re-released. But again, it's best to not find hidden meaning behind the devs answers. If it wasn't said out right, than it's not an official answer.
Regardless of that last bit, you won't see these charms and skins until 6 months or a year has passed from their release. If you ask what will stay exclusive than I don't know, that wasn't 100% confirmed anyways.
Here's the link to where this was said (Starts at 32:55 and ends at 33:14 for the answer)
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Just to add to that, I believe it has been confirmed in the case of the community skins (Mr Puddles and Demon Slayer Feng) that they will eventually become available in the Store for shards, although I don't have an exact quote to prove it.
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For those skins yeah, I believe I also remember that being a thing, but for some skins it's not confirmed if EVERYTHING will be non-exclusive after 6 months or a year has passed.
Maybe one charm or skin will stay exclusive, maybe none will at all. Unfortunately there's no confirmation for this question, so we'll have to wait and see after the first Rift releases to the store.
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Oh neat, okay, so it's a late release, I see! I'll save up both currencies for that nifty Feng skin, for sure. That makes me feel a lot better <3
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Expand thy options!
By that I mean you'll have time yeah.
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was the demon slayer outfit ever released in store? I don't want to have missed it :(
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I love you haha I thought already can't get that epic skin, I love that skin and I started to play that season when it was so advanced so I just could reach the pants. Demon slayer outfit wasn't in the store yet I think, but I will buy the body and the head for sure.