If self care took 2 minutes to heal people would still use it

I don’t even know if I can explain how infuriating it is to be on hook and see 3 other teamates self caring , urban evading in the corner of the map.
Honestly, it frustrates me too, especially when it's a P3 Claudette hiding in a bush/corner of the map. I use it, but only when the other survivors have marathoned away from me and the killers close, but I also combine it with Botany so it takes less time. Otherwise, I'll try bring a Med, or find one, or hope a survivor isn't cowering in fear somewhere to heal me.
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My favorite is when I run We’ll Make It, unhook someone, and follow them across the entire map only for them to start Selfish Caring in the corner.
I will actually DC if someone pulls that on me because as lowly of a life form I may be, I’m still too dignified to share dedicated servers with those absolute goblins.
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Sometimes your party gets you to 99 killer catches them you split off and need that last 1%.
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It's on you for not being able to get higher ranks.
And don't give me that "they are on high ranks too" bs. I never see them.
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Depends. If a person is selfcaring and the killer is camping me then I can understand that. There is no way they will get me down if they're injured. If the killer is onto someone else then yes. I assume you are referring to the latter. I've run into less SC scenarios lately playing solo and more fully healed players bunching up together and running around like chickens because they hear the terror radius. SC doesn't seem to be a predictive factor in my game as to whether my teammates will come for me or not.
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There is red ranks and rank 1s who use self care lmfaooo
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And I’m rank 5 for survivor
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You want to know what frustrates me? Being on a generator and having some random waddle up to me for me to stop what i'm doing and heal them.
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Excuse them for letting you get altruism points lol.
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I just use medkits or nancys perk
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I hate self care especially when one guys on the hook, the other is on the ground, and the obsession is being chased. Then you got Joe Blow over in the corner self caring while the killer snowballs us into next week.
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Last night 3 Red Rank Survivors in my Killer lobby had Self Care. Game after that 4 Red Rank Survivors with 4 medkits and 4 self care with botany knowledge, Game after that 2 Red Rank Survivors with 2 Medkits and 2 Self Care. I could care less after that. When I played SwF with my buddy the Randoms were not much better.
Issue is a lot of people in red ranks are incredibly boosted by SwF or pipping after a long string of safety pipping. Rank Reset also helps them stay at these ranks.
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Yeah, what I usually tell them is "change it for bond", that way you'll get healed faster and you can use the perk for other things like avoiding bringging the killer to your teammates when in a chase.
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I'm red ranked and have been every month since I started in October 2018. I run self care. Why? Because it's reliable. If I need to get past a killer in an exit gate, self care can make that possible. If I need to go for the unhook, self care can make it possible.
Just last night I used it to help unhook someone from a camping Legion and bodyblock a hit for him. If I hadn't been able to heal, I don't think I could have saved him or escaped at all.
Just because you don't like the perk doesn't make it a bad perk. It still uses less time to self care than it does to find another survivor and then get them to heal you.
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There are many factors that cause this healing issue where a Survivor feels penalised for attempting a self-heal or knowingly seeing their allies do it at crucial moments.
One factor that should be addressed is the current anti-heal Perks + Add-ons Killers have easy access to. They painfully amplify the issue mentioned above and Survivors have weak options to counter this.
Inner Strength - A common suggestion as a counter to anti-heal builds, but has a limited resource that increasingly becomes harder to find and introduces competition between Survivors. With only 5 totems present in each match, you feel restricted option-wise and penalised when more than 1 Survivor takes in that Perk.
Autodidact - It's effectiveness is small and too random. You can be lucky and get multiple skill-checks in a few seconds or you can get a single skill-check through an entire heal and be punished for it, either way it's reliance on skill-checks hinders it usefulness.
Vigil - Although it counters the Mangled status effect, it doesn't help against standard healing times and you still need to take Self-heal to use this.
Botany Knowledge - Same as Vigil but works 24/7 and does not work against the 1 status effect. The most realistic option to help against the healing issue but again, forces you to take Self-heal.
Solidarity - No.
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They are honey. Because of the clown matchmaking.
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I was playing a match with my friend and we were near each other next to a gen and I go “ Let me heal you” and he goes “Nah I got self care you work on the gen” and by the time he fully healed I finished the gen and I was like that was a waste of time
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Just don't heal. Like really. Good survivors just heal if they need to. The antiheal meta is imo fine and we have enough counters. Just because you don't accept it, doesn't mean they weren't there.
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That’s like saying don’t M1 when using Huntress. Possible and those skilled enough will have no issue, but you drastically hinder yourself for no reason.
Obviously, there are times where you don’t need to heal and you can do something else like repairing gens or cleansing a totem, but there are times where you need to heal or risk a short chase with your next encounter with the Killer.
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I very much dislike Nancy’s perk. I’ve had too many scenarios where a meg/Claudette runs around doing dull totems for points and I can’t find one or I spend 10 times a SC heal looking for a totem. I run bond for my heals and it’s great period.
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The only thing worse than that is a borrowed time save where they refuse to take a hit. I run BT for end game, I don’t unhook in TR otherwise. Not a good idea.
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Thats true, but in most cases you dont need to.
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The only thing worse than that is a borrowed time save where they refuse to take a hit. I run BT for end game, I don’t unhook in TR otherwise. Not a good idea. I don’t need to take a hit and cross the entire map. I can body block for you and take a hit later if you would kindly use your brain instead of your forehead.
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Uhm, yeah I see red rank survivors self caring against Legions pretty regularly. Nice bait mate
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This. If you don't agree with this guy, you probably lack brain cells.
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LOL this guy wants freedom to run his choice of perks, fair enough, then you say if you don't agree you lack brain cells LOL
I would rather bring a medkit honestly, but even when I don't I just go without the heals I like other perks better for time efficiency.
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Selfcare takes 1 person and 32 seconds.
Otherwise 2 person 16 seconds.
Same amount of time.
One takes a perk slot,other takes another survivor. I m fine with giving a perk for reliable heal source.
Its also goes well with my goals. I run we r gonna live 4ever and bt. I want safe unhooks and get killer on me instead of the guy just unhooked. If i can get stacks and a decent amount of bloodpoint i m golden.
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I’m all good with people running it, I mean there are way worse perks people use even that I use I’m sure!
I admit I think people use it at the wrong time and give it a bad reputation
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I hardly see self care in high ranks, it's always Inner Strength, or Med Kits.
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There are just sooo many people in red ranks that you see things you used to only see at low ranks. It’s almost impossible to depip as survivor now unless you get tunneled or face camped immediately
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While I don't agree with your DCing I laughed out loud at you calling them goblins.
Uhh I see high ranks using Self Care all the time.
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Self care is usable.
But not without other perks. If you use perks like Botany it is fine. But it is not worth wasting 2 or more slots for just to make it viable.
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I mean if I’m playing with teammates like that, we’re all going to get slaughtered anyway, so I might as well just move on to the next game.
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At that point I just try to farm as many points before I die as I can.
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i only use it with botany sometimes. normally i'd rather bring a med kit or just stay injured.
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Imagine taking a few centuries to heal yourself.
This comment was made by the Inner Strength gang.
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Imagine taking time out of your day to heal yourself, this post was made by no mither gang
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When they pull that when i'm running We'll make it and the killer is nowhere around i don't follow them. I also won't grab them if the get hooked again.
If you "Kobe" in front of me either through luck or deliverance. I won't get you off your second hook or heal you. My philosophy is:
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Ur not wrong