Auto aim is the most frustrating part of playing killer.

The idea of auto aim is something that is supposed to help killers get hits, but for the most part (in my experience) it ends up screwing the killer over, whenever you're hugging a wall and finally about to down the survivor or get a hit, you end up smacking the wall or window because the survivor is hugging it (due to looping well).
Not only that but occasionally if a survivor jukes in a certain way it could cause the killer to entirely "miss" even if the survivor is directly in front of them and in hit range. I'm not sure if this is just a console thing or if the auto aim is a PC thing as well, but please, can we get this taken care of? It extends chases not due to survivor skill, or killer mistakes but because the game decided you smacked a window, or completely missed.
If the Devs see this and would like some evidence of this, I can gladly provide it. Thank you for reading this.
Game just wants us to hit that tree
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We hate nature.
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I love when my camera locks on the survivor after I swing as if I've hit them but they just keep running away untouched
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I wish you could build obstacles with all those wood and bricks you hit due to hit-"assist".
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Indeed, I have a clip on my Twitter of this happening exactly. So frustrating!
Also some survivors abuse it because some form of juke can guarantee an auto aim mishap almost every time.
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Just turn your camera slightly so that auto aim doesn't actually happen. I do this all the time and auto aim is almost never a problem.
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there is no auto-aim in DBD
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I see what you doing there
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I can think of only 3 killers that could ever benefit from it, albeit not every time:
Nurse, Hag, Spirit.
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Yeah very frustrating
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Please dont use term "auto aim".
The correct term for this phenomenon is "animation enchancement" and it was confirmed by BHVR.
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You are 50% right.
There is no auto aim, but there is "animation enchancement" the difference, according to Peanits is that "autoaim can make you land hits you shouldnt have" while AE cannot do that. Animation Enchancement can only "make you miss hits that should have hit"
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Ppl cuts trees and blame the Devs for that. LOL (just joking)
When i miss a hit or hit a wall, i use to blame myself.
No autoaim in this game, its very clear to me as killer.
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Fun fact: hook tech does not exist. The thing at fault for the "hook tech" is the feature explained above. It just locks on the hooked body, because its closer.
(I have no proof, but try it out yourself, your killer tries to hit the hooked survivior even if there is no one else nearby)
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Take it off for the next ptb so the 12 people who use it can give their feedback on how it feels without it (probably better) and hopefully don't have said feedback disregarded
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Oh it so is not the worst part. Not even close.
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I made a post about adding an option to disable it, I got response from devs explaining how it works but nothing about disabling it.
Post edited by Archimedes5000 on2 -
Building obstacles would be a crazy killer idea
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Ooo this one grinds my gears. Like can they at least add a priority to the auto-attack for the survivors saving a hooked target.
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I can think of like 19 far more frustrating things to encounter as killer
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They would release a survey on it but only ask questions about lore.
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Psssh last thing killers need is auto aim. Two hit and sometimes 1 hit knocks aren’t enough for them? Ridiculous. How about giving survivors a little bit better survivability?
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Just playing yesterday as Clown this happened to me. No way in my right mind would I have missed the SLOWED survivor right in front of me. Even if I don't let go of my click, it still swipes.
And just to confirm, this is on PC as well. I'm a PC player.
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Which is BS cause I definitely land hits that I should've missed but they get corrected onto the survivor.
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Eeeh thats why we want to disable it?
But in all seriousness, this "auto aim" does not help you hit surviviors as a killer. It only helps you miss.
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I think they are right.
They just dont take into account that lags also affect that feature.
Although there is probably not much difference between normal lag hit and AE lag hit. This is probably what they meant.
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Yeah, you're right I'm sorry.
Let's nerf Wraith as compensation for my mistake.
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Hell yeah that'll teach the invisible ######### to bong his bell at me
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I agree. Besides gen speeds and large maps, I think auto-aim is complete garbage. I try to hit a survivor near a rock and my weapon goes straight to the rock. And sometimes it shortens my lunge. Overall, killer is unfun
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I tried making my sensitivity as low as 45% and it still happens, it's a little better but still the game AE on most lunges.
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That people would need something like that in the first place is pathetic enough and says a lot about the game.
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I laughed my ass of at this, thank you so much
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anything for a fellow pig avatar <3
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When that happens as killer it is the most bizarre looking thing because you are swinging your weapon right across their spine but on the flip side I’ve seen the exact animation a bunch of times when I was the survivor avoiding the hit.
It’s like you become Neo from the matrix for a moment and your hit box becomes one with the air..
but you must ask the killer.. is that really air you’re whiffing?
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lol wait killers miss? That’s a first. I’ve juked them them on the run before hooking tight turns on them 180 spin around but sometimes I swear they’re looking the opposite direction when They swing and they somehow still land the hit. also when I vault through a window, get two feet on the ground on the other side, how is it that the killers only need to walk up to the window and smack the window to hurt you? That range.... oh my.... I noticed windows slow you down a little as you go through them, whether you’re running at full speed or not. I definitely notice it. So what’s the point of them if you’re in a chase? Break a line of sight after gaining distance? Okay . But the Killer should have to step through to the other side before being able to land a hit on you not just swing at the window and any unfortunate soul that happens to pass by or just be in the General vicinity of other side of a window gets slammed into the ground. Is THAT just some Auto aim nonsense? Or am I the only seeing that? Seems kinda broken to me.
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Auto aim was one of the biggest flaws of old Freddy
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- Yes killers can miss because of "autoaim"
- What you described sounds like a normal lag, not something neccsairly caused by autoaim.
- Attack range is exactly the same as a distance between killer and a survivior after vault, walking only one milimeter away from the window should make you dodge a hit. If it doesnt, its lag's fault, not autoaim's. But fir example, running left or right immediately after vault has a chance of messing with killers autoaim and making him hit the edge of window frame.
- Well, if you are within "vault distance" from the window, then yes, you can get hit through it. Or if its bugged/lagged then even if you are further away. That is not nonsesnse (when its not bugged), because the killer kind of leans through the window to make the hit
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lol imagine if it was a killer who built obstacles for the survivors to loop in