Real talk: Legion hate

After every hate comment, buff, nerf and rework, Legion to this day is still loathed as one of the most hated killers and one of the worst.
A bit of backstory. Mained legion before talks of their rework was even in discussion. Rework came and went and I stood with Legion cause I liked their playstyle even more than before. Am I wrong to assume that the general consensus was that the rework was a nerf? Anyways, to this day, I main legion and people still hate on them despite being considered a "low tier" killer. I'm hoping to get a thoughtful response about this. Maybe I'm just missing something that makes them so hated nowadays.
People (myself included) hate Legion because of how boring their gameplay is.
Feral Frenzy is such a braindead and boring power.
Not to mention that the female Legion voice is so goddamn annoying to hear
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I think it's just the fact that they are considered annoying. I rarely go against a Legion who wants to commit to a chase. They just put you into deep wounds over and over for the duration of the match. It's long, tedious, and boring. So I understand the hate.
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Legion is like that fly buzzing around you that you can't manage to clap out of existence.
Not detrimental, but annoying.
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couldn't aggre with you more
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Yup. People are obsessed with legion for some ######### reason, either they’re a horny teen girl who lovhes Frank for some reason or they can’t actually win chases normally and like the free hits that Feral Frenzy gives them. You wanna know how I know that? Because they always complain about how “terrible” legion is because they can’t down anyone... really? Try playing any other M1 killer, at least then you don’t get the first hit for free. His power is so braindead and easy to land, there is no counterplay, and none of them are good enough to actually land M1 hits that other killers completely rely on...
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While it's not exactly that fun (for the survivors or the killer in my opinion) to just make people hold M1 more with their power I honestly feel some of it is just leftover hatred from before the rework, and the follow-up controversy with the infinite mending bug didn't help in that regard.
I don't mind Legion, in my anecdotal experience Legion players tend to be pretty adept at mindgames like many M1 killer mains which is something I always enjoy on either side, I like outsmarting people and getting outsmarted 🙂
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To pre patch times I had knew many survivors who had actual enjoy the Legion in the game.
I had even make screenshots of some endgame chats, because I had also meet a different group of survivors later then in the steam forums and in parts in this forum - they had really hated the Legion and maybe doing it even today.
I had a long time not care about those guys.
Why should I?
My endgame chat as Legion main to pre patch times was either silent, friendly or even happy.
Had I just knew before how much damage those uninformed survivors would do in the forums, then I would have not blend myself from my personal endgame chat-experience.
However. Today is my endgame chat mostly silent. Then sometimes friendly and in rar cases some survivors act as would they feel guilty for challenging a crippled killer.
Even if that is true, if we compare the old with the new Legion... So it doesn't make me smile as Legion main :/.
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I like legion. I don't like Doctor or Hag.
Legion needs Hillbilly's chainsaw, then people would like him more.
Actually, give Hillbilly a legion mask cosmetic.
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I meannnn there are a few exceptions to that rule I'd think.
Illegal things come to mind.
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Most people hate legion for their power, it’s not strong but it’s very annoying and just forces more sit and hold M1. That and people still hate legion for how they were in the past, sometimes when playing i’ll get “still playing that broken killer” and stuff like that. For me I like playing as and against legion but I do get why people don’t like them.
I love the look, movement, mori, and cosmetics of legion so I keep playing them. As a survivor I like being chased by them for how realistic it is, being chased by a giant flower (sorry bb demo) doesn’t scare me like legion does. I don’t get any “f**k you for playing legion” or anyone trash talking me for playing them but I get whoever says it’s annoying.
Bottom line is Legion is a popular killer and actually liked a lot but gameplay wise it can be boring to most. They’re in desperate need of an overhaul to FF but keep the vaulting because that’s what makes them unique. More diversity in voices would be nice too, it’s sad Joe and Susie didn’t get their own.
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He's the most boring killer in the game.
So for a start his frenzy. He gets a free hit. The player (killer) would have to be a complete potato to miss that. In 99% of situations he's going to get a hit. He moves at 5.2m per second and can vault pallets. You run, Legion runs, you vault, Legion vaults. He gets as many free hits as he likes with very little in the way of counterplay other than trying to spin like a madman and hoping he misses or praying he falls for a locker vault.
Once hit survivors have 2 options:
1) Stay injured which means you're against an M1 killer with instadowns all game.
2) Heal to full health so he doesn't catch you off guard. This is where the problem comes in. Survivors hold M1 for most of the game to repair generators,with Legion if you want to heal you're now also holding M1 to heal all game too. Doesn't help that most Legions use thanataphobia and previously sloppy butcher, though thankfully he only has an add on for that now. If you use self-care it will take so long, otherwise you're either looking for totems for inner strength which will quickly run out or looking for someone else to heal you. Either way with how easily and frequently Legion can get hits if you wish to heal you're going to be doing little other than holding M1 for 90% of the game.
He's boring. By far the most boring killer in the game. Everyone wants a rework but so far....silence.
He mostly seems to be used by edgelords on reddit who have a weird obsession with him. I don't get why, he's probably the most ridiculous looking killer. That stupid mask and his weird chicken walk. Legion is a joke. A very bad joke.
Rework please.
edit: I should comment on Plague because a lot of Legions design flaws were rectified in Plague. She gets a free hit but it's not instant. It takes time, if she wants it quick she has to actually aim and keep spraying survivors.
Survivors now have 2 options:
1) Stay injured all game (Like Legion)
2) Instaheal. This is where they went right. Plague gets free injures but they also get extremely fast heals at fountains. In return Plague then gets a new and better power. There's an interesting gameplay loop there which isn't present with Legion.
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The expected amount being three players, yet you 'data' shows five?
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You realise that any stun immediately ends FF and depletes whole power gauge? Just learn to drop plallets man. And its not like these "free hits" give Legion much advantage. Actually, if you dont heal then you make it harder for Legion.
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I find it silly that people find Legion annoying more than Doctor or Hag and DC against them. Doctor and Hag is understandable annoying, but Legion really. Personality I love Legion along with GhostFace and I like going against them because I could careless about healing. Majority of the people complain IMO that quote “find him annoying.” are survivors who can’t live without healing Self-Caring or Healing with a Medkit. Granted plague denies you from heal in exchange for power she return you back to full heal state Legion can just keep injuring you the moment you heal backup. Again to me that’s more points and I’m not bothered by it.
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That "free hit" has develop as the most new annoying feature for me as Legion main.
Survivors act always as would this something special. But still missing that:
-Unexperienced Legions/killers can still miss a hit with it.
-Experienced killers/Legions don't care about it. After a certain level of experience, imo, do the most killers no missing hits anymore. No matter the circumstances, besides maybe that they try to do a "luckhit" before a survivor reaches a pallet/window (but then they count in, that this hit could possible fail).
But then it doesn't matter anyways anymore. If the survivors reaches the pallet, or the window - so many time will pass, that every possible drawback of it, will be consumed by the time, the killer needs to catch to this survivor up again.
I would have nothing against it, if this specific feature of the Legion would go, if the empty "space" would be then filled with a lesser stun time after frenzy or so.
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He sucks. He’s like a non stealthy ghost face. Not fun to play or play against. Plus as survivor all that healing is such a pain in the rear. I don’t dislike him as much as others though.
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He's very annoying to play against while also being garbage tier.
He needs a complete rework. Deep Wounds is laughable.
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umm... that’s if you ever MAKE it to a pallet with legion sprinting at your ass. And because you don’t want to heal everyone is at 1 hit the whole game, grunting in pain if they don’t have iron will, and feeding into Thanataphobia. Also, he often hits through the pallet, getting to get off with a weaker stun because pallet stun isn’t as long AND he lands the hit anyways.
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It seems that ppl who hate Legion, are those type of survivors:
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I'm not throwing pallets down willy nilly against a Legion. Are you insane?
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Idk, I play Legion specifically because I know it annoys people.
Legion hits you
You mend
Try to start doing a gen
Here comes legion again to hit you
You men-
Legion ends his ability next to you - oh #########
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You could take advantage of the feeled 4 hour stun after frenzy from the Legion. Just be warned, a pallet drop reduced his stun, so don't drop pallets on a Legion in frenzy.
While the Legion is in frenzy, he can't really harm you, since dw is not a vital abilitie - aka. a abilitie who could potentially put you down.
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If you have a choice between:
- Not dropping and getting hit by FF
- Dropping early and getting hit by FF (FF vaults)
- Dropping late and stunning
Then you have to stun him, even thought stun is shorter.
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"Learn to drop" does not mean "dropping wily nily"
It means knowing when to drop and when not
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Yeah. Cause Legion is a video game boss that has patterns
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Honestly, oni is what legion should have been. A burst of speed that downs people. Not injures. Downs.
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Mhm, maybe. I am still sceptical.
The Legion gets a 4 secound stun after frenzy and his view turns almost to a black screen. That can be enough for a survivor to find a place to hide, or to move far away enough (depending on the map and the perks).
This advantage gives every survivor up, if he drops a pallet on the Legion (if the Legion is in frenzy).
Edit: I need to admit I had never face as survivor the Legion. Every time I had play survivor, I had wish to face one, but well... I am not a lucky survivor, it seems.
So I can only talk from my perspective as Legion main and say what the Data of the Legion is and what my own experience as a killer is with the Legion.
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Not sure whats that supposed to mean.
That you dont need to learn when to drop pallets and you are dropping them randomly because "killers are not bots" or what.
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Im assuming that you dont want to get hit by FF at all cost, because you dont like giving Legion "free hits".
But yeah, getting hit by FF is not end of the game, sometimes its better to get hit and then get back to objectives.
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Any killer that has a brain will respect a pallet when in Feral Frenzy. It's common sense.
Legion gets a free hit, deal with it
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Not if you smash it on its face.
And again, that free hit gives him almost nothing.
This is exactly why legion is bad, his hits do almost nothing.
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Dude. If he respects the pallet, you're not gonna stun him 😂
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Then 360him, or run to stronger loop
Do I have to teach you the game or what
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I didn't think the rework was a nerf, in fact with every patch I feel Legion has gotten better.
The thing with legion, as it seems to me at least, is that the way to play him is counter intuitive. He seems on the surface to be a kind of rushdown high-octane killing machine, when in reality his strength is in the nuance and not the presentation.
For example, using feral frenzy you can determine the position of every survivor, play around certain safe pallets, either make survivors waste time healing or encourage them not to heal, and if the situation allows it you can body block, fake out survivors to catch them out of position etc. None of this really feels like "feral frenzy", but its what you can do using his power.
Is he a really strong killer? I don't think so, but he isn't weak by any means either. People's main complaint with him seems to be that at the core he is just an m1 killer, but unlike all other m1 killers, you only have to m1 once rather than twice if you play your cards right.
I don't know why this comparison isn't made more to be honest, but the killer he is most similar to is the plague, they both seemed to be built around the same design philosophy of negating the initial health state of all survivors, and the plague really just seems to be a more refined design of that philosophy, which makes sense as she came out right after.
Personally I love the legion, they're one of my favourite killers to play. I love m1 killers in general, and when I play legion I feel a bit stronger than some of the others, if only for the fact that I only have to do a "traditional DBD mindgame" once instead of twice per chase.
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And yet everyone hates playing against him and wants a rework. This should be cause for concern.
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Its not playing as him that people complain about so much (though many seem unhappy). its going against him that sucks.
I actually preferred him before tbh. At least when he was slow it was safer to not heal. Now everyone kind of heals and again its just M1 all game.
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It isn't like being injured and completing gens ASAP isn't already the meta.
Also, it is super easy to miss FF on console. Makes your frames drop to maybe 5
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My problem with Legion is how unnecessary frustrating they are to play. Yes, they have their strengths and they are not literal trash, but even in their best moments, when they are at their most fun, they are still just a shadow of the fun that you had when playing Old Legion. Because before, they felt fast, like you were in a frenzy , but now? Now they just had too many restrictions to their powers to capture that same feeling, something your powers hinders you more than it helps you, you don’t feel powerful while using it.
And I know, that is because Legion now is a different type of Killer, but I still think that is an inferior, less fun and boring Killer. Yes, Old Legion was broken, and it need a fix, but they could have done much better than this in my opinion. I remember people posting tons of interesting ideas for their rework, to make them fair and fun for both sides and still capture the spirit of the killer, but in my opinion, the devs did the minimum that they could have done to “fix” them, and because they seem content with what that, we have now a more generic Killer.
But really, what bothers me the most that all of those restrictions were there to fix the issues with Old Legion, but despite the character changing so much that it can not be played like Old Legion at all, those restrictions still exist, and could be taken away and Legion would still be balanced.
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so no changes like a reduce stun time after use of ff or removing the 50% off frenzy when doing basic hit and yeah hes not annoying to play against as you reduced his stall for speed. It would be fair to say that a large portion of people want to see better changes to legion then what we were giving.
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Nah. I still play Legion commonly. His power is tweaked, but honestly still works well enough in the same way to be effective.
Smack someone, if other people nearby, smack them too, and repeat, or if no other people nearby (or the last person who you haven't smacked) commit the chase and down them. Hook and then the other survivors are left with a choice, heal first and save (which is time consuming considering Sloppy is a must on Legion) or go to unhook while injured. If nobody else is injured, it puts people in a closer section to try to frenzy hit them and injure and repeat.
As a killer the Legion punishes heals because of how fast and easy it is to reinjure and yet requires being healed otherwise that M1 is just as effective as any other instadown power.
Legion doesn't have a braindead power. While it gives instant locating abilities, if you can't counter loops or catch people, you will suffer for it. Survivors can fit into 3 main categories when it comes to views on Legion.
1. Whack, mend, heal, repeat. It stalls the game since you waste time healing, making it annoying.
2. Whack, mend, fail loops, get hooked, repeat. Legion is just unfun as they force injuries on people and it makes me play injured. Ok. Plag does the same thing.
3. Whack, mend, do just fine injured. The rare one, but the people who just play injured with no issue. I'm one of these. I run Iron Will and Dead Hard for 2 of my perks, being injured doesn't exactly bother me.
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Oh that near black screen for 4 seconds. Unless you have Iron Will, you're still getting found. Sounds are a thing in the game and get used for tracking more than the scratch marks by some killers.
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Ok yeah. He respects the pallet so he's totally gonna fall for a 360 or just wait until I get to another loop.
Do me a favour and play the game
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My hate for Legion has been pretty consistent. At first they were annoying AND broken (moonwalk, look at the ground to break chase crap)
Now they're just annoying.
I don't like being chased, hit, and then left alone to run around injured or find someone to heal me (because who runs self care anymore). I'd rather get downed and killed than hurt and left alone. The matches drag and they go on forever. I like quick matches
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You can reaction 360 and just let the animation enchancement do the job for you.
Or just let yourself get hit and go back to doing gens
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I had sound problems for some weeks in dbd. It's for sure not the fault of the survivors, but it had made it still difficult for me sometimes and then there is iron will as you said by yourself.
Besides that, of course if you are facing a more experienced killer, you're chances going low on still outplay him - even with this advantage, but that is nothing unique to the Legion (and imo, dbd is for me still a 4v1 game, not a game where a survivor always has to win in a 1v1 situation).
Every killer can catch up on a survivor in mindgame like scenarios like this, including the Legion.
The only difference is, that not every killer has to suffer under a long stun as the Legion. So... if this annoys you... You should never meet the majority of the other killers :).
Depends about which people you talk. As said before - not every human being is the same. I have knew 1 survivor personally (in real life) and read many survivors in my endgame-chat that have enjoy the matches against me as Legion main (to pre patch times).
I had even make screenshots of some of the endgame chats, because of all the haters (I know the internet rule - aka "screenshot or it didn't happen").
That said, I was to no time a Legion main who had use exploits and only 1 time the op addons for testing. The majority of my matches have I play without addons, like today and such a Legion like I had play it, had always counterplay.
While some survivors are now happy, to face just another m1 killer that they can counterplay like every other killer, others have dislike it and in their eyes - dbd has lost a bit variety with it.
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Sure you get the first free hit, but then what? You say that people who play Legion can't win chases normally yet they literally have to chase the survivors more normally than every other killer in the game to get a down because Legion's power doesn't win chases. Wraith and GhostFace get free hits all the time but nobody complains about that aspect of those killers. Myers can hit you with tier3 from out of nowhere and there's nothing you can do about it. If you're injured against a Spirit with Stridor there's absolutely no counterplay there it's a complete guessing game. It's not just Legion who gets free hits or downs (they can't even do the latter for free unless you're bad at running killers).
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Yeah, I like playing Legion (Suzy is best girl), and they're definitely more fun to play as since their FF speed went back up. I was worried about the basic attack removal, but TBH, speed was the way to go. If I had to pick one complaint, it would be ending FF on a miss. I play on console, so the Auto aim makes me miss quite a lot. Even if it just drained your meter a little for missing, it would be better.