Unit conversion to Imperial please

It would be nice to have an option to change the units of measurement in game from Metric to Imperial.
For those of us that were never taught the metric system, saying something has a range of 40 Meters is like saying it has a range of 40 Dingle-bops.
(And before someone suggests it, no, I'm not going to "just" learn the Metric system)
So far all the objections I see are just making the point "I think the dev's should work on my suggestion, not yours, so I'm going to shoot it down".
So does that mean I should shoot down other people's suggestions that dont impact me at all, in order to manipulate development time to my suggestion?
Seems pretty toxic to me.
I agree. Since US documentaries always measure distance in "Football Fields" for some reason:
- Trapper runs at 0.050 Football Fields per second.
- Survivors run at 0.043 FF/s.
I liked the old system. Everyone can relate to running at 115% etc. It doesn't punish people for being American, British or old.
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Uh, I can't tell if you're being serious, or if it's the all too typical sarcastic post.
Apologies if it's the former, but in this case, a measurement conversion of meter to foot would be appropriate:
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I apologise for the rudeness of the commenter above me. But this sort of feature really isn't necessary. Everyone else in the world has had to learn roughly how long a foot is in order to engage with American media, it's really not difficult to do it the other way around. If it helps, a metre is just over three feet - around 3.3 feet, I believe.
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Thank you for saying it nicely, its good to know someone can actually have the patience to deal with people like OP
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I do understand your impatience. I just find that people, especially new people, tend to respond better to kindness in general. And I can understand OP's frustration as well - it's the same frustration I feel when my American friends have no clue what Celsius means so I have to translate every temperature I mention in my head! But that's just a fact of life, we can't expect every person or piece of media we encounter to cater to our personal experience.
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There's the hate and sarcasm I've come to expect posting simple requests on forums.
And yes, I will understand once it's in a unit of measurement I was taught.
I'm not asking them to remove the metric system, just give a option to switch, if it is something the player doesn't understand.
By your logic, all American games should only be made in English with no localization, if you want to play the game, you should just learn English.
I personally think you should make a game as accessible as possible to as many people as possible, with features like local translations, which would include units of measurement.
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Thank you for having a calm and polite discussion, it is rare these days.
As I mentioned to the other poster, games should be made as accessible as possible.
You would not sell a game in Germany without German translations, right? I mean, you could, but it probably wouldn't sell as well.
It's just a suggestion, which is what this sub-forum is for. I'm not making demands, or calling the metric system dumb, the devs can take it or leave it.
The last thing I'll say is that just because you, or most of the world don't need something, doesn't mean everyone doesn't. Most of the world doesn't need a colorblind mode, but for those that do need it, it is very much appreciated.
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Actually back in the days, games were sold in OT (original tone) so you had an english version and not changed one because we like to have the product in the way it was done and not changed, translation mistakes etc.
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But you were given the option to choose which version you wanted to use, so those that were not taught English could still play it, correct?
I just making a suggestion for accessibility, not asking them to take anything away, I don't understand the resistance. If you like metric, use metric.
I mean, a lot of the world speaks English, right? The only language that is spoken more is Chinese, but that is due to their massive population, and mostly limited to China. There are only 371 Million Native English Speakers, yet there are 611 Million non-native speakers, more than any other language. But regardless of that fact, I would never say that all other languages are dumb and everyone should just learn English, since it's the most popular.
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Sure there were german versions available as well.
Actually everybody is being taught english in germany, starting in elementary school.
See it the other way around, we bother to learn your language, we bother to understand your system, you should do the same and we would not have this discussion in the first place.
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It's...in-game units, not real life...they could say '40 boxes' and we'd still understand.
Giving a metric number would make zero sense, since there is no metric version of the game.
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Metric is used by everyone except Americans, the metric system is not only simpler, easier to understand, but is more applicable for everyone else, not to mention the game was developed in Quebec, Canada, the devs know metric because they grew up learning it, metric is already very simple and is very easy to grasp since the conversion rates are consistently by the power of ten. If anything they did try to account for the majority of players since its the rest of the world, not to mention American students also learn metric in school, seriously, if its so hard to grasp just calculate it yourself instead of forcing the devs to make a massive change when they should be focusing on actually improving the game
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I don't agree with the idea that "I had to do X in school, so you should too".
But let me ask, if the developer speaks English, do you believe that there should be no language translation, and if you want to play you need to learn English?
Again, I am not asking for anything to be taken away, only added.
Can you explain your resistance to that?
Let's say that tomorrow they patch the game, and there is an option to change the unit of measure in the settings, how exactly does that affect your game?
Why do you care?
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I don't understand your post. The game is currently in metric, when it says something is 40 Meter's away, that is a real life measurement, not in game units.
A typical person is 5 to 6 feet tall, so when something has a range of 10 feet, I know that is approximately 2 character models in length away from me. When it says it has a range of 10 meters, I have no concept for how far away that is.
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Because it feels like with the little stuff we do get, i think they need to alocate their manpower / ressources elsewhere on more pressing matters. Meanwhile nothing stops you from learning the metric system and that might come in handy, see like if you knew it already the discussion doesn't exist again 😁
I do not like translations, yes they are handy but it is best to learn other languages so you do not require them. Translations do not come without flaws, there can be grave errors in it and some stuff can not be translated as certain expressions do not exist.
I find it baffling that you refuse to learn something which can be handy in life but you do you.
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To be honest, I don't think I'd be able to estimate three feet in game any better than I'd be able to estimate one meter. Regardless of which one is used, as far as judging distances in-game, it may as well be Dingle-bops for me either way.
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Knowing a little how game development works, each instance that a number appears in description text is a variable, so they can adjust it as needed to increase or decrease the values. All you would need is a conversion formula and to replace the word "Meter" with "Feet", this is not significant development time, compared to something like a new character, that requires a character model, texturing, animation, sounds, new mechanics, etc. Also, localization is typically done by another company, for the larger studios, it may take no development time away from the actual game.
I choose not learn Metric because it is not practical to learn in my country, we do not use it.
Let me ask you this, if I was releasing a racing game in Europe, and I only had it in MPH, I should tell everyone asking for a conversion to KPH to just convert it to KPH in their head?
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Are you American? Do you know how tall you are? You can't estimate 3 feet based on your height?
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Did you ever play nascar games?
Have fun discovering the world i guess. Will you go to other countries and be like, hey could you please convert all here so i can understand how big that building is or how far these catacombs stretch. lol
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Nope, I don't play Nascar games, but I'm assuming they are all in MPH? If so, would it have been more enjoyable to you if it was in KPH? And again if so, how can you not see my point of view?
The only other country I've been to is Jamaica, I was there for a week, and units of measurement never came up.
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Nope, I cannot.
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Well, if you don't comprehend units of measure at all, then you shouldn't have any objection to them adding an option.
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Maybe I'm wrong, but its seems like the biggest objection I've seen so far is that it would take away development time from other things.
I don't think that is a valid argument. Shooting down a suggestion that doesn't impact you at all, in order to hypothetically manipulate development time (which you know nothing about) seems pretty toxic.
Should I post on everyone else suggestions, shooting them down, so that development time is shifted to things that I think are important instead?
If you have a valid argument for why they should not add this feature, other than the selfishness of "I want them to work on my important thing instead", I would love to hear it.
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You don't get it do you? It is indifferent to me, i encourage you to learn something else so you take value out of it. Knowledge is strength, being independant (lul to say that to an american) is better than being dependant on somebody.
Ofc the games were in mph, i think i was about 12 when I learned that so when I could do that with 12, i believe you are able to learn metric system too.
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If you are indifferent, then why the objection?
You said it yourself, you dont want them to spend the development time because it is not something *you* need. You are trying to manipulate development time to *your* suggestions.
So if I want this implemented, should I post on all your suggestions, shooting them down, whether they impact me or not, in order to manipulate development time to my suggestion? That seems like pretty toxic behavior to me.
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I think you get more value out of it than them adding it. Simple
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Ok, so you just think I should learn it, but you don't have an objection to them adding it, and concede the point on development time being the issue?
Otherwise, it goes back to my earlier question of: should I try to manipulate development time by shooting down other people's suggestions?
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I don't really see the point of that, but also don't have any reasons to be against it either. I mean, it's a game, as someone else said they could have made the units something else than an actual real unit and no one would bat an eye. There are more urgent things to fix/change in this game, but as far as Quality of Life changes go, I guess if this is something some people think would make their experience of the game better, then sure why not.
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I mean, I'm not used to the metric system, either, but having it say "feet" wouldn't actually help me, because it's not real life or even VR; no matter what measurement system they use, there's no good way to judge distance. You have to try to eyeball it and get used to distance by testing out aura perks, or so I've heard from other people. I cannot for the life of me judge distance in this game, even after over a year of playing. It has nothing to do with the units of measurement.
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The point I've made several times, that nobody has been able to give me an answer to is: how does adding this effect your experience of the game?
I also want to point out that I'm not saying this should be the dev's top priority, I'm sure there are other important quality of life changes that need to be made, but that doesn't mean my suggestion is completely invalid, just because it is not the *most* important.
The only point I've seen made is that it could take away development time from changes that they want to have made, which is selfish.
I've sarcastically asked the question if I should shoot down other posts in an attempt to shift development time to what I think is important, as it's not something I would actually do, even though that is what some people here are doing.
If someone has an objection that doesn't relate to development time, I'm still waiting to hear it.
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My point was that it wouldn't solve the real issue, which is not having a reliable way to judge distance within the game despite so many things being based on distance. If perks like Devour Hope and MYC didn't give visual indicators when you were far enough away from the hook, they'd be hell to use. I love Whispers, but it's still a big problem that I don't know how large the radius is.
No, I don't have a suggestion for a way to fix it. I just know it's a problem I struggle with.
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A visual indication would be great, but far more development time would be needed for that than a simple change to text. That being said, I would be fine for that change, but the way people feel about dev time, people would probably yell even louder at that suggestion.
Personally, I am able to judge distance fairly well in games when given in a unit I understand. If you've ever played a sniper game with bullet drop, it's a skill you really need to develop. But I get it wouldn't help everybody, but do all QOL changes need to effect every player?