Wich map would you like to get a new look?

If you could choose any map or realm to receive a fresh new look, like they did with Lerys, wich one would it be and why?
I'm not talking about balance in this post, it would be just about the visual aspect about the map. My personal choices would be Mcmillan, Coldwind or Autohaven.
Yeah, i hate playing in the swamp. I think it would make more sense if the map had a green fog like Autohaven
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I mostly just want The Game to get the same visual treatment as Lery’s. It would look so much nicer.
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Haddonfield 🥰
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Changing the lighting and making some places look less bare would do wonders to the map
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At this point, none of them. Both of the map reworks have been heavily unbalanced.
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Wish they changed the houses to look more similar to the movie, the only one that looks good is the Myers house, but the insides look too well-keeped ofr an abandoned house.
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Crotus prenn. That entire realm needs a visual update.
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I think it looks kinda bland, and the building in disturbed ward looks weird.
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The Autohaven maps.
They are literally nothing but a giant field of pallets.
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Hadd-unfun or swamp, for sure. Haddonfield is just boring loops and ducking behind houses every no and again. Swamp is just bleh.
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Coldwind or haddonfield.
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Ormunds. And by update I mean just hit the delete button on it :'D
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I swear for me it has been deleted. I haven't seen Ormand in months. I'm actually... Starting to miss it weirdly enough!
For map updates, Swamp. Place is so bland and meh.
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Lol i played in Ormond twice today.
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I simply despise Autohaven, i just don't know why.
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I hate the map, but I just like it's overall look. Maybe it's just cause I love snow type maps in games. I'd say this is 2nd on my rework choice.
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What would you do to make it different?
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I guess add a little more atmosphere to it. Right now I just looks (to me) like an abandoned house with some ski equipment inside. I feel like the map could have a snow effect, similar to Red Forests rain effect maybe, and have a little more of a Ski resort look than it currently does. Also, more decoration to actually make it look like a resort, than a rock filled yard. I'm not really that creative on the designs. I'd most likely end up making it super easy for killers if I ever changed it haha.
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The Game and Hawkins.
They are very killer-sided.
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Haddonfield. Its sad this is Michael's level, but he's one of the worst killers here...
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Yeah there's nothing interesting about them at all.
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I'd love to see the Coldwind Farm maps updated to a winter theme.
Because the corn won't survive in the winter.
Hi, I'm corn blind.
For real though, pretty much any of the old maps would be a strong contender for me. The OG three realms could probably use a facelift the most. Crotus Prenn has a lot of unique tiles, Haddonfield has a unique look, the swamp and the rest of the maps since have all had more details.
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Not really a new look, but I would personally like that they remove clowns belongings in the father's campell map and make the map more dark and creepier, maybe rework the building since it is by far the most out of place looking building in the game imo and create a different map in one of the other killers realm where he then resides for a while.
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For me visually I'd like the farm maps to get touched up. They are honestly pretty ugly. And look outdated by todays standards. Also Corn Blindness is evil.
The Game to me I'd love to see not only some visual upda0tes, but some design updates. Lots of pallets everywhere, but once those pallets are gone, the survivors have no defense. So it's really not fun for either side.
And Haddonfield. It's actually pretty distinct visually. Though it does look a bit outdated as well. It is an older map. But...I'd love it if it was fixed up a bit. Maybe make the houses a bit more unique looking for example. Those fences are a bit obnoxious as well. So maybe for balance reasons help shorten them, or have less of them.
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Swamps are too greyish and uniform looking. I dont like spawning there as neither side, it feels empty and boring.
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Shelter Woods. Every time I get that map as survivor or killer I'm like thanks I hate it.
There's no woods, there's no shelter. There's just a giant tree in the center and a giant field of nothing everywhere you look.
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The Coldwind Farm maps. They're ugly.
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I like Crotus Prenn, i just wish we had more landmarks because aside from the asylum it's just an open field.
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Did you even read the second sentence?
Anyways, I would like to see what they can do with Haddonfield
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MacMillan Estate
its not only the "Original DbD realm", its also the home of ma boi the Trapper.
i think these could look REALLY cool (and creepy - old mines are usually pretty creepy) with a design overhaul!
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All of them. Games stale now and after seeing what they’re capable of in lery’s, I’d like them all redone.
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Temple of Purgation.
Why is it in red forest again?
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If I’m playing huntress and the map makes me wanna just DC
so about 70% of them
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Autohaven; I really dislike the wall of cars on Gas Haven but I realize that is the point. It's a very uninteresting map. There are massive deadzones on almost every map, usually by a gen. I'd like to see different layouts, and maybe interesting touches to the environment like a burning vehicle, neon lights, hub caps,swinging chains and car parts used as decor. I'm hoping one day devs will vary the look of the generators in all maps.In Autohaven they could look more rusty or like car engines.