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DCing to let teammate hatch

Topid Member Posts: 4

I'm a newer player, 91 hours of play time.

Question, as this has happened twice to me and I am very confused, Match is down to two survivors, we've got at least three gens done, and I've been downed. I can see the aura of my teammate, he's just standing there. I know the hatch is over by where he is as I've seen it. Killer does not hook me, because good killers never hook the next to last survivor until last survivor is down to keep the hatch out of play (unless the survivors have upped the downed survivor). In this scenario, my being alive his hurting the team so I quit, teammate escapes, and killer gets annoyed.

This seems like good strategy to me, and it seems like the logical response since killers are gaming it to keep the hatch from being relevant without a key, Why is this so bad?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020


    It could be argued that this is exploiting an "error in design" and that it breaks one of the Game Rules as a result.

    It's hard to say if this is true or not, but DCing in-general is something that nobody likes. Unless you're someone that actively DCs against every problem than it's something no one in this community likes or agrees with.

    This is why the DC penalty system will be implemented soon, it's to counter-act this never-ending issue and hopefully deter players from doing it again in-game.

    More on the debate about this being an "abuse to an error in design"

    It's hard to say if this was an exploit in design, since BHVR obviously isn't with the idea of DCing for someone to get the hatch.

    [Allow me to link the Game Rules page for context and quote it as well]:

    Here's the portion from the post that talks about exploits and what counts as abusing bugs and errors in design. This is obviously not a bug, but it's debated to be abusing an error in how the hatch is designed.


    • Advertising exploits
    • Exploit bugs, errors in design, or undocumented features to gain access to what otherwise would not be available or to obtain a competitive advantage
    • In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL

    What's my opinion on this?

    While I don't think this is abusing an error in design, it's something that nobody in this community likes in-general. DCing as a whole is something BHVR and the Community dislike heavily, especially if it has a "motive" like this. To be frank, no one wants to face against a DCer, not the Killer and especially the teammates that have to play a 3v1 with the Killer if someone quits mid-match.

    I can see where you're coming from and how it's boring to get slugged for the 4k, but DCing in-general is something you should avoid soon when the DC Penalty system is fully implemented into the game.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    DCing is not generally considered a valid play since, in order for something to be considered a legitimate tactic, it has to be performed while playing the game, and quitting the game is not playing the game.

    It's also not a good idea for you to do, since DCing is actually a bannable offence if you do it too much, you will derank and you will lose any bloodpoints you earned that game, as well as any items you had.

  • Shmocky
    Shmocky Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2020

    Rank means absolutely nothing as the developers of this game refuse to realize that an MMR System is equally bad or even worse to the current rank system, and rank barely means anything in a means of match-making anyway so rank means absolutely natta.

    Oh, and DC'ing being a bannable offense is false, because back around when the Crotus Penn Asylum exploit in 1.6 was found, the developers also released an official statement saying you have to DC 80% of your rounds...


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yep, meaning you can get banned for it. Which makes it a bannable offence, by definition.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That doesn't mean it's not bannable... they said that as an estimate to how many DCs it would take (at the time) to GET banned by the DCing system.

    DCing is for sure a bannable thing and too much of it can give you a ban. It's unknown how many DCs it's required to be banned now, and honestly, that's for the best so people don't abuse it more than they already are, that's why the DC penalty system will solve this issue for the most part.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    You can get banned if you do this too much...

    And its debatable exploiting an error in design, but that's another topic.

    Post edited by Mandy on